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Jason Campbell just not getting it done (Mega-merged)


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Does posting all day on this site get in the way of your duties as a professional scout?

Not at all, you made an "all knowing" comment that somehow because you went to one game at the Meadowlands and claimed that our WR's never get open.

I just felt you should know that I have been a season tickets 35 yd line, club level, right on the rail. Before that I was around the 40 yard line, lower level, about 20 rows up at RFK. Birds eye view. I would say my vantage point is just fine. Our WR's do periodically get open, despite our ulta-conservative playcalling. Campbell doesn't seem to be able to read the field quickly and therefore dumps off to the check down guy. He's playing not to make mistakes versus playing to win. Hopefully as he gains confidence he will start making quick reads and quicker releases. So far, his progress has been nil.

I'll give him the rest of the season to show me something. I'd love for him to start playing well, having a competent passing game will be needed down the stretch. Portis is not going to gain 200 yds against some of the better defenses we have coming up in the schedule.

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Sorry guys, I can't get too excited over a win over arguably the worst AFC team. The fact that we once again let a lowly opponent take us into OT is alarming to say the least.

More concerning is the play of Jason Campbell. He has had 1 good game this season. The Jets' D is one of the worst in the league yet his passing numbers were once again mediocre. Another off target long pass and few if any medium pass completions. Those who love Jason can't blame the O line this week. Jason Campbell is a first round pick. Yes it takes time to develop a QB, but it would be nice to see some sort of signs of improvement. To date, we have not. The Jets QB, Clemens, playing for only his 2nd start outplayed Jason. Let's hope Campbell starts earning his money as I'd hate to waste 2-3 years as him as a starter and once again start from scratch.

Anyway, it's great to be 5-3, even if we're an ugly 5-3!

K Clemens is 0-2 as a starter or in relief, so far he isnt better than campbell :2cents:
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Surely Campbell must throw the deep ball in practice, yes? Surely, he would throw at least 20-30 deep balls per week trying to get his timing down. He just cant do it in game. His accuracy is a well known problem.

I'm not sold on him just yet, nor am I ready to throw him under the bus.

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I am willing to give him until the end of the season to show us improvement. If things are not better by the end I would like for them to bring in some young guy to challenge him for the job.

I am not saying he has to be manning or brady caliber at the end of the season, but improved over what he is now will suffice

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Jason needs playmakers at WR. We don't have any this season. Moss doesn't have that second gear and ARE isn't consistent. Sure Jason underthrows and overthrows WRs, but our WRs are able to get their hands on the ball. How does the rule go? If a WR can touch the ball, he should catch it? A playmaker, a legit #1, would make that play. The only time I've seen Campbell wildly off target these past few games was that pass to Moss, and a healthy Moss would have caught that ball. Considering the amount of drops by our WRs, it's no wonder our coaching staff calls fewer passes. I'm pretty sure no one amongst the coaching staff is blaming Campbell for our offensive woes. Fabini/Wade, yes. WR drops, yes. Campbell, no.

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Just for the record, Jason Campbell is not supposed to be good this year. IMO, we are already overachieving (even though we have looked like crap, we have been winning).

I expected a learning year for Jason. Anyone here who is already getting down on Campbell needs to chill out. We don't need to run every qb out of town after 15 games.

I hate to say it, but JC doesn't appear to be the "real deal." I understand getting better mentally as he plays the game, but too many excuses are being made for JC missing open receivers. The great QBs have one physical attribute in common: accuracy. To date, JC hasn't shown it.

Also, for some reason, the receivers can't hold on to the passes that are thrown accurately. It seem his passes are hard to catch which may be an indication of a lack of touch. :2cents:

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Just a small point for those of you angry that Clemens outplayed Jason. The NY fans have been screaming for a change, even booing Pennington during games. Sound familiar?

Almost identical to our team last season. Gibbs finally benched Mark and Jason came in and sparked our offense.

and nah, I'm not trying to defend Jason. I agree that some of his weaknesses are a big concern.

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I was at the game. The fact is that Campbell did not have anyone open most of the time. Cooley is being held back to block and help out the decrepit o-line, and there are very few wide-receiver mismatches out there for Campbell to take advantage of.

Clemens hit a couple of open men on blown coverages. The Redskins D gave him some christmas presents with the kind of wide open receivers he had. I'm shocked at our D.

Campbell managed the game, and played the plays the coaches called. The bomb to Moss in overtime was beautiful - if they had tried it more often, they would hit it more often.

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Surely Campbell must throw the deep ball in practice, yes? Surely, he would throw at least 20-30 deep balls per week trying to get his timing down. He just cant do it in game. His accuracy is a well known problem.

I'm not sold on him just yet, nor am I ready to throw him under the bus.

"His accuracy is a well known problem"? What a load of crap. Campbell's accuracy at the collegiate level is one of the highest of any first round QB drafted in the last five years. His accuracy in the NFL is not far off from what one would expect of others at the same stage in their careers.

Give him time, folks. He's where he should be developmentally, and making good decisions is the most important thing he needs to do right now. He plays conservative (probably coached to play conservative), and that's winning ball games.

Campbell will be our QB for the next decade. I'm not the first to say it, but mark my words this is the truth!

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Campbell to me is playing like Brunnell. Therefore after seeing two quarterbacks play in this Gibbs influenced offense, it's the coaches.

If there has been anything consistent in Joe's return is the teams lack of a potent offense. I blame the coaches more then I do Campbell.

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second game in a row campbell is under 150...third game he has missed an open moss on the deep ball...he's just not accurate on the deep ball as he continues to miss long scoring plays game after game (philly, GB, Jets)... he's hesitant to pull the trigger and i'll attribute that to him being young...but the accuracy is going to be a problem...

he is also terrible at touch passes...

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second game in a row campbell is under 150...third game he has missed an open moss on the deep ball...he's just not accurate on the deep ball as he continues to miss long scoring plays game after game (philly, GB, Jets)... he's hesitant to pull the trigger and i'll attribute that to him being young...but the accuracy is going to be a problem...

he is also terrible at touch passes...

I love how people here act like those couple of missed deep passes are the only ones he has thrown. How about the nice ones to ARE? The one to Moss that bounced right off of his helmet? The one to Cooley that went right through his hands? How about the deep passes to Moss vs Atl and NO last year? Or the very first pass of his NFL career that went through Lloyd's hands?

One reason he is hesitant to pull the trigger is that, as another poster mentioned, they run max protect and only send minimal receivers. Our WRs are struggling to get good separation this year and it is not all their fault; when only a couple of guys are running routes on a passing down the defense is not going to have as hard of a time keeping on them unless it is someone like Randy Moss who you can just chuck it up to and he will go get it (I hope Brady buys him a gift for every one of those plays they have done this year).

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The knock I see IMO on JC's deep throws is he doesn't put enough air under them. He is very good at the medium range passes and the outs. You can't throw a laser 50 yards down the field. Also, he has a tendency to throw to the outside shoulder alot towards the sidelines. If the pass to Moss against the Jets would of been to the middle of the field, he could of ran under it for a TD. I don't want to say he isn't the QB we need, because right now he is the best we have. The jury is still out here until the season ends.

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Just for the record, Jason Campbell is not supposed to be good this year. IMO, we are already overachieving (even though we have looked like crap, we have been winning).

I expected a learning year for Jason. Anyone here who is already getting down on Campbell needs to chill out. We don't need to run every qb out of town after 15 games.

Your absolutely right man. I dont get why some redskin fans expect a young QB to come in and be a automatic star. Jason went without losing his senior year, and to think Campbell doesnt want to see more progress out of this offence is crazy. This is Campbell first year as the starting QB for the Redskins. This is Jason learning season and I say he is doing a VERY good job for his rookie year. I swear it could be much worst with Campbell throwing nothing but interception!! man what a nightmare, im glad im in this reality.

HTTR :logo:

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In other words, Campbell has a LOT of the attributes of a quarterback that can be productive in the NFL, however, after just 14 starts (less than one full season) some fans are ready to dump on him unnecessarily while his coaches seem more interested in not giving up a turnover than in developing a quarterback to get the team to a Super Bowl down the road :mad:

some of the folks here just don't understand how a championship team is built because they are too young to remember the Redskins when they were like the Patriots or Colts, consistent winners whose efforts didn't flag from week to week and whose players didn't come down with hamstring fever so that half the roster is hobbled with these fitness questions.

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I think you get my point. JC was not overly impressive coming in for Brunell last season...if you'll recall we ended up 5-11. My point is he has yet to progress.

Are you SERIOUS? His play and numbers speak grossly otherwise. A rookie who, like Campbell, has more TDs than INTs is a rare thing. And that's exactly what he did in addition to showing a lot of tangible and intangible qualities of a solid QB.


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I think strongly that his mediocre outings have been a function of Gibbs ultra-conservative granma playcalling. This will change once Gibbs move himself into the Front Office (or so I dealy hope). That being said, my point is we've not seen enough yet to make a determination that he not "getting it done." Time and wins heal all wounds. Give the boy time and he will come around.

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