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Did anyone watch Bill Maher's show last night?


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Swarmy? :laugh::laugh:

Anyway, don't watch his show or know much about him, but this video makes me respect him.

Oops, a little typo there. I meant smarmy. :doh:

Anyway, it's not his politics that I dislike, because he is all over the map. He is just a true know-it-all *******. I still watch the show on occasion if he has a good guest on.

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That was great!! I missed it. That was cool seeing people in the audience who didn't love maher. Those in the crowd that were thrown out, are the base support of the Democratic party.
Funny, I'm a libertarian now, but when I was liberal, I never considered conspiracy theorists to be the base of the Dem. Party, any more than I considered racist morons like Tancredo and Ann Coulter the base of the Repubs.

And Maher IS quite smarmy, but can be funny.

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And Maher IS quite smarmy, but can be funny.

Favorite from his standup:

I grew up in a household with a Catholic parent and a Jewish parent. I would go to confession and bring an attorney in with me. "Forgive me father for I have sinned. I believe you've met Mr. Goldstein."

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That was great!! I missed it. That was cool seeing people in the audience who didn't love maher. Those in the crowd that were thrown out, are the base support of the democratic party. I guess even maher will only go so far left before he has to draw the line :)

You should try leaving your house and talking to people different then you. I know you think you can get all the info you need from Rush and O'Reilly but even gawds have their limitations.

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You should try leaving your house and talking to people different then you. I know you think you can get all the info you need from Rush and O'Reilly but even gawds have their limitations.

Yeah, let's pull the old Rush and O'Reilly card. That's never been done before. :rolleyes: :doh:

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You should try leaving your house and talking to people different then you. I know you think you can get all the info you need from Rush and O'Reilly but even gawds have their limitations.

What? No mention of Hannity?

I don't agree with the man , but what he did kicking the 9/11 "truthers" out was a great job. I like this quote from the article :

"It's the only time I defend Bush," he said.

As Maher says in his rant , "Audience comes from the Latin , 'to listen' ". If you don't approve of what he says about 9/11 then go blog about it on a blog or discuss it on Loosechange forums or whatever they have. Even send a representative from their 9/11 was rigged faction to have a debate with him. But don't disrupt his show by screaming things out and being disruptive. It's like that whole Florida Kerry incident , if you're going to be disruptive and yell things to get attention , you deserve to be escorted out / tazered / etc.

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I'm a professional body builder. I swear to god I am. Ask CandaceM23.

Lets go dude. I'm serious. I have a black belt in jujutsu.

I don't know who Candace is, but if that's your picture in the sig, I don't think I'd even break a sweat.

By the way, it's "jujitsu" not "jujutsu". If you're going to be a black belt in something, at least spell it right.

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Try living with one of these "truthers". I tryed having a rational conversation with the kid who made loosechange the other night and could have chocked him and we are on the same team. They are as blind as the people who believe we are in the right for attacking Iraq and Bushco has never lied to us.

My roomate made me listen to a taped conversation from Ed Brown in jail the other night. He was trying to tell me how bad they we're treating him and I am forced to defend the Feds. Very awkward for me.

When he attacked poor old McCain in Conn., I felt so bad for the guy and still give him crap about it.

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I don't know who Candace is, but if that's your picture in the sig, I don't think I'd even break a sweat.

By the way, it's "jujitsu" not "jujutsu". If you're going to be a black belt in something, at least spell it right.

OK. I back down. Sorry for misspelling the word. You win. I bow out.

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That gave me a lot of respect for Maher. I always thought he was funny, and has risked his career saying things that few have the guts to.

Free speech does not mean you can act like five year-olds. There are more appropriate (not to mention more effective) ways to voice your dissent. Protesters that behave this way do nothing more than alienate themselves from the general population. Their actions are counterproductive and will ensure their irrelevancy for years to come.

And just for clarification, these folks that feel that everything is a matter of "red" vs. "blue" live in world of unicorns and pixie dust--they take for gospel the fairy tales that they have been told their entire lives and every time they open their mouths or sit down at their keyboards they are wasting the precious time of every person that has half a brain and tries to use it once in a while. They embarrass themselves. They prove Kent Brockman's declaration that "Democracy just doesn't work."

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Screening the audience

Not allowing public dissent

Utilizing security to remove opposing views

Attempting to shout down the public

Threatening physical harm

Attempting to take the law into his own hands


Amazing how intolerant he can be while not being a republican :silly:

I felt this way too. :) He actually wanted security to get rough with the protester. It's amazing how quickly a man can turn to the darkside.

I have my own suspicions about 9/11, but running around the streets of New York screaming foul isn't going to help anyone. These people need jobs. :silly:

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I felt this way too. :) He actually wanted security to get rough with the protester. It's amazing how quickly a man can turn to the darkside.

I have my own suspicions about 9/11, but running around the streets of New York screaming foul isn't going to help anyone. These people need jobs. :silly:

I don't like thier tactics myself, but if anyone saw that and begins to question it, it's a win for the truthers. Maybe if the 63% of America, who do doubt the official story, started to yell about it, instead of silently doubting, maybe we could get some answers.
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