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Policeman peper sprays 15 year old on curfew violation....


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:rotflmao: Des, what planet are you from? He asked her REPEATEDLY to put her hands behind her back, and she bit him.

Yes she did. She is a fifteen year old girl and she clearly was hysterical and wasn't listening. Maybe if yelling the same things at her over and over wasn't working, you might try something else.

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I really don't see much to praise when an officer slams the girls face on the hood, and then rabbit punches her followed by two sprays of pepper spray in her face. She was a 15-year old girl out after curfew - you treat the incident with appropriate force. The sitaution definitely could have been resolved in some other manner.

It probably would have been better to have driven her home and explained to both her and her parents that she needs to be home before curfew.

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This policeman is the weakest most incompetent lawman I've ever seen. Unable to overpower a 15 year old girl who appears to weigh about 90 lbs. The officer looks to have about 150 lbs on her...

This policeman should be thrown off the force on those ground alone. Deciding to peper spay this child is also a troubling decision.

because of his general incompetence he puches this minor in the face, slamms her several times on the hood of his auto, and eventually peper sprays her. It's a sad sad reflection on his department...


There was ab-so-lute-ly NOTHING wrong with what he did there. Maintained his professionalism and stayed calm the entire time. He gave clear, concise, lawful orders which she REPEATEDLY failed to obey. And I couldn't see the actual bite take place (which you conveniently left out of your misleading thread title) but if she did bite him in the matter described; she's a very fortunate young lady.

I always get a kick out of people who have never done the job jumping all over law enforcement for their actions. Sometimes it's justified, and when it is, I'll say so. But you're COMPLETELY off base here and you know it.

Also, if you look at her eyes, they appear blank, glassy and bloodshot. Now the redness may be from crying, but still it gives me the impression that she may have been on some type of drug.

Additionally, having been in similar situations, I can tell you that even the most wiry person can be deceptively strong in a desperate circumstance. Add to that the possible influence of illicit drugs, and you've got a dangerous situation.

Finally, it is not difficult for a person with a significant weight disadvantage to fight being handcuffed. Clutching your clenched fists to your chest, arms tight to your body, requires the person trying to cuff you to exert FAR more force to move your arms than it does for you to keep them in place.

I'm sure you can find a video on Break or YouTube of actual police brutality and incompetence. You probably wouldn't even have to look very hard. I can tell you for certain though, this is not it.

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A cursory Google search yields.....

NEW ORLEANS -- A 15-year-old boy is facing one count of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted first-degree murder in connection with a shooting in late August.

A 15-year-old boy has been arrested today on suspicion of murdering Rhys Jones.

Bibb County Assistant District Attorney Tim Evans says that a 15 year old boy has been arrested and charged in death of his mother.

But it's a 15 yr old GIRL!

15-year-old girl arrested for involvement in double murder

Police charged a 15-year-old District girl with murder while armed yesterday in the slaying of another teenager early Sunday.

Oh, but those are just anomalies.............right?

The fact is that the incidence of sociopathic behavior among adolescents in this country is rising sharply, and we live in an age when such things are actually encouraged. Deny all you want the effect that some music or video games or general behavior portrayed in the media has, there is a large fraction of today's youth that are slipping towards feral. Just repeating "15 years old" as a mantra is meaningless. There is no way for any police officiers anywhere to know what is going to happen when they confront someone, no matter what their age. My feelings are that this one tried valiantly to control the girl without causing her undue harm.

If I really wanted to make some blanket condemnation of police it might be the way that they so often fail to police themselves. The tendency to coverup for their buddies allows less than professional members to remain in a position they are not suited for, and worse, feeds into public perception of the police being untrustworthy. If more of them would make the effort to clean up their own ranks diligently and refuse to accept another officer besmirching their reputations by acting in unacceptable fashion they might see some trust begin to show in the eyes of the public and receive more help, in essence corralling the criminals away from the general populace rather than seeing everyone not in uniform as a potential danger. They are not supposed to be an occupying army, they do not have the numbers, equipment or training to be one and they shouldn't be!

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1. She was resisting arrest

2. She assaulted a police officer

The punch was probably a reaction, I could I would punch if someone bit me.

The pepper spray was a little harsh, but she was still resisting arrest even after that.

IMO, if you are resisting arrest and assault a police officer, they can pretty much do whatever they want, short of seriously injuring or killing you, to get you to cooperate.

It's her own fault.

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Now I know I've stated the proper case when you all need to inject murder cases into a thread about curfew. :bow:

The only person I saw getting "pwn3d" was a 15 year old girl who was out too late and didn't show proper respect (maybe, the tape conveniently doesn't show any interaction before she was apprehended) for a 200+ pound man with a LOT of weapons and too short a fuse to merit a badge on his chest. They have GOT to find a way to make it harder to become a cop. Any Tom, Dick or Harry with an attitude and a right hook could have done that to this poor misguided girl. An officer of the law could have handled this situation like a true man. He's a punk/coward/bully who managed to say the "right things," keep a straight face and affect a calm voice while kicking the crap out of a helpless, panicked, teenage GIRL.

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It amazes me how a number of people can see the same video and still come to entirely antipodal conclusions.

I was taken into custody at age 15, and I'm pretty sure that if the cop had tried to "talk me into" going with him, he'd have been in for a very, very long night:

Cop: "Kid, come with me."

Me: "No"

Cop: "Please?"

Me: "No"

Cop: "Pretty please?"

Me: "Uhh, let me think about it..."

Cop: "With sugar on top?"

Me: "Ummm, no."


I doubt that this kid will have so much as a bruise to show for this scuffle, and suspect that few people could have gotten her into the squad car without doing even more damage.

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...while kicking the crap out of a helpless, panicked, teenage GIRL.

You guys are un-****ing believeable.

JMS is saying he "nearly ripped her arm off," and "nearly ripped her shoulder out of the socket." Now you let fly with "kicking the crap out of (her)."

Lets get the po-po man, right? Honesty and true observation be damned to hell.

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If the cop was as bad a communicator as "The Chief" is in the previous post then maybe the right hook was the only way. Now if he had tried something along the lines of:

"*girl's name* listen for a second, just calm down. The fact that I saw you out here means that I have no choice but arresting you. Now the thing is this, if you come willingly I'll let your mom know that you were no trouble at all and well behaved. If you resist however I'm going to have to take you down to the station and have charges brought against you. I don't want to do that, I want to help you come out of this as well we you can"

Kids aren't very bright but they do understand the concept of acting in their own interests.

...or if you're too damn stupid to out smart a CHILD when you're holding all the cards, you can be an ******* and punch a little girl in the face.

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If the cop was as bad a communicator as "The Chief" is in the previous post then maybe the right hook was the only way. Now if he had tried something along the lines of:

"*girl's name* listen for a second, just calm down. The fact that I saw you out here means that I have no choice but arresting you. Now the thing is this, if you come willingly I'll let your mom know that you were no trouble at all and well behaved. If you resist however I'm going to have to take you down to the station and have charges brought against you. I don't want to do that, I want to help you come out of this as well we you can"

Kids aren't very bright but they do understand the concept of acting in their own interests.

...or if you're too damn stupid to out smart a CHILD when you're holding all the cards, you can be an ******* and punch a little girl in the face.

Exactly. THAT's what's "un-****ing believable." I don't care whether or not this cop was within his "rights," I'm talking about competency. It wasn't even about having "no choice" but to arrest. It's about helping a young girl comprehend the danger she could have been in and escorting her to a safe place. It didn't even have to be her home. If she didn't want to go home, he could have driven her to a friends, thereby "serving and protecting" instead of "enforcing and dominating." Why do you think teenagers are afraid of police, gentlemen? DUH? He's a LOSER. He's not good at his job, mentally and obviously physically. He's a stormtrooper.

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And this is why when certain people cry foul I don't listen.)

"First they came for the Jews

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left

to speak out for me."

Pastor Martin Niemöller


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Lynch him! Lynch him! Lynch him!

(Let's forget he did nothing you said. I swear. And this is why when certain people cry foul I don't listen.)

No need for lynching but I'm sure as hell not going to praise him. Some people think cops are special because they are cops... they aren't. Get the hell over the "all agents of the government with guns are deserving of praise and never to be questioned" mind set. It's the dumbest idea a person in a democracy can ever accept.

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No need for lynching but I'm sure as hell not going to praise him. Some people think cops are special because they are cops... they aren't. Get the hell over the "all agents of the government with guns are deserving of praise and never to be questioned" mind set. It's the dumbest idea a person in a democracy can ever accept.

Get the hell over the, "Because I hate cops, I'll support people who make up **** that CLEARLY was not on the tape" mind set, Des. I'll criticize a law enforcement officer when I believe it's warranted. In this case, it simply is not.

Who's right? The people that just hate the po-po and lie about what they saw, or someone who hasn't mischaracterized any of it. Simple choice, IMO.

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"First they came for the Jews

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left

to speak out for me."

Pastor Martin Niemöller


OK, now you're just stirring ****. :laugh: And I'm sooooo not going there.:cheers:

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There was ab-so-lute-ly NOTHING wrong with what he did there. Maintained his professionalism and stayed calm the entire time. He gave clear, concise, lawful orders which she REPEATEDLY failed to obey. And I couldn't see the actual bite take place (which you conveniently left out of your misleading thread title) but if she did bite him in the matter described; she's a very fortunate young lady.

I always get a kick out of people who have never done the job jumping all over law enforcement for their actions. Sometimes it's justified, and when it is, I'll say so. But you're COMPLETELY off base here and you know it.

Also, if you look at her eyes, they appear blank, glassy and bloodshot. Now the redness may be from crying, but still it gives me the impression that she may have been on some type of drug.

Additionally, having been in similar situations, I can tell you that even the most wiry person can be deceptively strong in a desperate circumstance. Add to that the possible influence of illicit drugs, and you've got a dangerous situation.

Finally, it is not difficult for a person with a significant weight disadvantage to fight being handcuffed. Clutching your clenched fists to your chest, arms tight to your body, requires the person trying to cuff you to exert FAR more force to move your arms than it does for you to keep them in place.

I'm sure you can find a video on Break or YouTube of actual police brutality and incompetence. You probably wouldn't even have to look very hard. I can tell you for certain though, this is not it.

so youve moved up to number 3 on my friends list now...:laugh:

how many times do you ask that girl to do what you say? i know when a cop tells me what to do and i say no, they force you to. you are going in them cuffs one way or the other.

she was resisting arrest and then assaulted him when she bit him. his punch to her face was a natural reaction to being bit. i once poked my friend in his eye when he was drunk and biting me. its nothing you think of, just a reaction to an action.

and pepper spraying her...did you see how fast she cooperated after that? boy her hands were behind her back and in those cuffs pretty fast. seems to me that he might have waited TOO long to do that to begin with. i would have had her against the car, told her maybe 5 times, then POW.

ive been maced in the military and by friends with pepper spray who set it off in a room i was in. it is NOT fun and you will do whatever you have to do get away from the situation. including putting your hands behind your back FINALLY!!

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Get the hell over the, "Because I hate cops, I'll support people who make up **** that CLEARLY was not on the tape" mind set, Des. I'll criticize a law enforcement officer when I believe it's warranted. In this case, it simply is not.

Who's right? The people that just hate the po-po and lie about what they saw, or someone who hasn't mischaracterized any of it. Simple choice, IMO.

I don't hate cops, in fact I've said it a billion times the issues isn't people it's the training and system. I think cops should go back to serve and protect and move as far away from the prison guard mentality as possible. This is a matter of public policy not hating individual cops.

This cop acted within his training and shouldn't be jailed or anything of the sort. Sadly his training is designed to protect him at the expense of others (which I disagree with) and end the situation quickly regardless of the context. I think this way of doing things sucks and makes cops negative figures to ever have to deal with.

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I don't hate cops, in fact I've said it a billion times the issues isn't people it's the training and system. I think cops should go back to serve and protect and move as far away from the prison guard mentality as possible. This is a matter of public policy not hating individual cops.

This cop acted within his training and shouldn't be jailed or anything of the sort. Sadly his training is designed to protect him at the expense of others (which I disagree with) and end the situation quickly regardless of the context. I think this way of doing things sucks and makes cops negative figures to ever have to deal with.

you sound like martin luther king. and while i agree that it would be nice if there was no violence in the world and everybody could solve everything peacefully that is just not how our society works. that girl was resisting and then turned into fighting him when she bit him. if anything he should be rewarded for his patience and then for not stomping her out right there on his hood.

being bit sucks, and trying to be nice to someone who is just being a jerk sucks even worse. i know, i have been both and i have had both happen to me.

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If the cop was as bad a communicator as "The Chief" is in the previous post then maybe the right hook was the only way. Now if he had tried something along the lines of:

"*girl's name* listen for a second, just calm down. The fact that I saw you out here means that I have no choice but arresting you. Now the thing is this, if you come willingly I'll let your mom know that you were no trouble at all and well behaved. If you resist however I'm going to have to take you down to the station and have charges brought against you. I don't want to do that, I want to help you come out of this as well we you can"

Kids aren't very bright but they do understand the concept of acting in their own interests.

...or if you're too damn stupid to out smart a CHILD when you're holding all the cards, you can be an ******* and punch a little girl in the face.

Like many other posters in this thread, you are assuming a whole lot of what didn't happen prior to the video. And under the assumption that all kids, especially teenagers, always respond to positive reinforcement and verbal reasoning.

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