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Anyone watch the Bill Mahr show on HBO? I usually watch it just to basically annoy my roommate because of how left sided everything is on there. Aside from that though I was wondering if anyone caught the last episode and witnessed someone actually comparing Master P to Alexander Hamilton saying Hamilton was the equivalent to a modern day "gangsta". It was very amusing to hear but at the same time it was very scary to actually know that the person making the comment was a professor at Georgetown University. Anyone else care to chime in who saw it?

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I don't know why you say he leans left (sarcasm). Just look at what he said Friday. What a jackass.

"[T]he main reason we hate Ahmadinejad is because of what he said about Israel. At least that’s what sticks in my craw. And I think most people – certainly the New York papers – because he said “Israel should be wiped off the map” – some people say it’s a mistranslation. Whatever. Horrible thing to say. And he denies the Holocaust. But, those are things he says to get elected. Okay? There are Jews in the Iranian Parliament. He can’t be that anti-Semitic. I think those are the equivalent of when the Republicans in this country say, “Gay marriage will lead to death."

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Mahr is kinda of funny at times...but the dude is sick. He's a scumbag.

I agree when he does his new rule stuff and when he just straight up goes through current news making fun of that stuff it is pretty darn good but other than that I purely watch it to drive my company up the walls which also provide me with much entertainment :)

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His first couple of albums were fire. "Ice Cream Man" and "Ghetto D." No joke. They are CLASSICS.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway. Back to Mahr.


Sorry, the fact that you just referred to Master P and his albums as classics just made me laugh. They're right up there with Sgt. Peppers and Led Zeppelins IV.

Mahr is a left leaning scumbag, but his show is a good one. It brings up good points, his guests are always good and it makes you think.

Dudes gonna run out of stuff to say when Bush is no longer president, though.

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you can see the actual see the show here... i dont think its as bad as the transcript make it out to be when you actually see how the discussion developed.

For the Hamilton thing. You know there is saying some stuff in extreme and a fun way when he said that. I mean the man was freestyling off stop of his head while making this arguement. Pretty impressive.


About Ahmadinejad


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you can see the actual see the show here... i dont think its as bad as the transcript make it out to be when you actually see how the discussion developed.

For the Hamilton thing. You know there is saying some stuff in extreme and a fun way when he said that. I mean the man was freestyling off stop of his head while making this arguement. Pretty impressive.


About Ahmadinejad


Haha I'm guessing you are a leftist, no offense meant but you are serious in thinking it was impressive? It was mainly talking over other people and not really presenting anything other than a very lame comparison of two totally different people and how they've contributed to society. Anyone can talk louder than the other person and cut them off without actually saying anything logical ....see Bill O'Reilly or any cross talk show on CNN.

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Haha I'm guessing you are a leftist, no offense meant but you are serious in thinking it was impressive? It was mainly talking over other people and not really presenting anything other than a very lame comparison of two totally different people and how they've contributed to society. Anyone can talk louder than the other person and cut them off without actually saying anything logical ....see Bill O'Reilly or any cross talk show on CNN.

maybe you misunderstood me.. but hey if you didnt like his rapping style then its your problem. the fact that i thought it was pretty impressive that he had some style when he freestyle during the arguement does not make me a leftist. I dont think I said I agreed with what was being said... I just stated that I think people who were talking there weren't just stating stuff as written in stone facts... its just a freaking talk show on HBO.

Plus I hate this attitude of if you don't see it my way then you must be X or Y crap. The fact that I do not find this appalling like you does not automatically make me a leftist. Its like the line of thinking of if you don't agree with the War on Iraq, then suddenly you are unamerican, doesn't support the troops, and you are giving in to the terrorists.

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I saw the program. The guy was dead on about Hamilton and only about Hamilton. Beyond that, he was wrong (IMO) about everything else he said and he was a grandstanding wanna-be rapper who couldn't shut his mouth.

Also- the politician who sat to his right (our left as tv viewers) was just as idiotic in the other direction. A snobby, self-important blowhard with no knowledge whatsoever of anything outside of his blue-blooded social class.

I suppose the aim of Mahr's show is to have different POVs from very different types of people. I just think this episode was LLLLLLAME.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway. Back to Mahr.


Sorry, the fact that you just referred to Master P and his albums as classics just made me laugh. They're right up there with Sgt. Peppers and Led Zeppelins IV.

Mahr is a left leaning scumbag, but his show is a good one. It brings up good points, his guests are always good and it makes you think.

Dudes gonna run out of stuff to say when Bush is no longer president, though.

Different genre and I'm sure you've ever listened to them. Thanks for the amazing insight though!

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway. Back to Mahr.


Sorry, the fact that you just referred to Master P and his albums as classics just made me laugh. They're right up there with Sgt. Peppers and Led Zeppelins IV.

Mahr is a left leaning scumbag, but his show is a good one. It brings up good points, his guests are always good and it makes you think.

Dudes gonna run out of stuff to say when Bush is no longer president, though.

He wasn't always left leaning, he voted for Bob Dole in 96, Bush pushed him into the left wing area.

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I used to love Politically Incorrect but now all he does is bash Bush for 60 minutes and even if you dont like Bush, it gets really old.

And its either 3 against 1 or sometimes they cant even get a republican to show up b/c Maher can be such a condescending prick.

I guess its the 60 minute equivalent of the Fox NEws channel for lefties.

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Maher used to be really funny... I really liked his show back when it was on Comedy Central... then ABC.

Problem with Maher nowadays is that he's just bitter. He packs his show with an equally bitter audience, and then they invite some conservative stooge in and they bully him for an hour. :rolleyes:

Maybe if they put a democrat in office Maher will decide to go back to being funny. B/c I miss that guy.

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I watch that show faithfully, and Bill Maher talks down on democrats and liberals also, not just republicans and conservatives. Bill keeps it real on that show, we need more people to have the balls to say what he says. That episode with Mos Def and Cornell West was CLASSIC. Bill needs to win an award for that show, great tv.

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That episode with Mos Def and Cornell West was CLASSIC. Bill needs to win an award for that show, great tv.

You could film Cornell West just talking for an hour and it would be fascinating television. He's really smart... lol

As for Maher, he's not changed that much, the circumstances have. If he's more pissed off than he was 7 years ago, that would pretty much put him with the vast majority of informed americans. :2cents:

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That comment by that Georgetown professor shows that blacks and whites are not really as different as some would like to believe. It is all a matter of perspective.

Hamilton was a gangsta in his time because most would associate that behavior with gangstas today. If I'm not mistaken Hamilton was in multiple duels. The professor is saying that the only thing that separates Hamilton from a gangstas today is our flawed perceptions. Yes hamilton did some important things but his behavior is gangsta.

The same people that snub their nose at gang violence rush home to watch the sapranos. So Italian gangstas who are very much alive and committing crimes daily are entertaining but black or hispanic gangs (without TV shows) are a menace to society.

Perspective is something isn't it?

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I watch that show faithfully, and Bill Maher talks down on democrats and liberals also, not just republicans and conservatives. Bill keeps it real on that show, we need more people to have the balls to say what he says. That episode with Mos Def and Cornell West was CLASSIC. Bill needs to win an award for that show, great tv.


Maher destroys democrats on his show. I am a democrat and just for sake of balance I would love to see Ann Coulter get a show.

Boy that would make for some interesting TV

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