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Brandon Lloyd "we haven't lost a match all night"


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in Halo 3.


ans of the popular video game "Halo" know that when they crowd themselves into a tiny room to play, the heat level is bound to rise. Temperatures could be soaring around the country next Tuesday when the latest version of "Halo" hits the stores, if a fiery preview round with professional football players was any indication.

"We haven't lost a match all night," boasted Washington Redskins receiver Brandon Lloyd, whose team members -- fellow Redskins Nehemiah Broughton, Ryan Boshcetti and Mike Sellers -- were helping him eliminate the competition on Xbox Live on Tuesday at Lloyd's house.

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wow maybe lloyd should be workin on his football skills not his halo skills. His team consists of two parctice squad guys and sellers whose job is to tuck'n'truck. Brandon needs to be working harder

You cant train for football 24/7. Guys also need to eat, drink, sleep, and occasionally have fun. That said, some production on the football field would be nice....but geez the guy can have fun from time to time

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Dude, he doesnt even get to play, let him have some fun. Hes bonding with his teamates, and relaxing. If youve seen pics, you know hes been busting his hump in the weight room, and certainly hes been practicing. So I wouldnt worry about him having fun with his TEAMATES playing Halo.

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