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Tank Johnson


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Hard to say what we should do 8 weeks in, but currently I think our DTs are fine. Griffin is a stud when healthy, Golston and Monty both look good, and Saleve'a is solid. Unless we have injury problems (which is certainly possible with this group) we shouldnt need Tank.

It would be nice to have a pass rushing DE though.

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his suspension doesnt start till hes on an active roster i thought.

I'm pretty sure he is just suspended for the first 8 games this year, regardless of whether he is on a roster or not. This isn't a Ricky Williams type of deal where he is voluntarily off a roster.

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NO to criminals.

Just to play devil's advocate, but if we followed this then Sean Taylor wouldn't technically be on the team anymore. I think just because someone has run into trouble with the law doesn't mean that they shouldn't be given a second chance. This is essentially one of the foundations of our legal system.

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If he stays out of trouble altogether in the next 8 weeks, I see no reason not to bring him in. I'm sure there will be quite a number of teams looking at him, especially when come Week 9, there are run defenses that are underperforming and defensive tackles that are getting hurt.

And given Griffin's and Salave'a's injury histories, I'd imagine that one of the two will almost certainly miss time this year. If by mid-season, Montgomery and/or Golston haven't shown the development that the coaching staff had hoped to see, Tank could prove to be a valuable asset. Also, in terms of looking at the future, Big Joe and Cornelius are both on the wrong side of 30 and may not have a lot of time left and I don't think anyone knows if Ryan Boschetti could really provide above-adequate coverage

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I say we bring him for an evaluation to see where he is mentally and physically. If looks in good standing them sign him.

Convert Monty into a DE cause of his high motor and size. Then you would have Tank and Griff with Goldy and S'ale backing them up. (I know I'm dreaming here but hey just a thought)

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Is there an echo from a thousand caverns in here, or has this been a new thread every week for the last three months? :doh:

To answer this AGAIN: Sure .. Joe Gibbs once employed Riggo and Dexter Manley. They were not necessarily round-pegs-in-a-round-hole kind of guys. So sure, it's not out of the realm of possibility. HOWEVER .. the difference between Mr Tank and Riggo and Manley is quite vast:

Riggo and Manley = Gifted Players and smart enough to not be thugs

Tank = Gifted Player and Unable to be anything but a Thug.

I don't think Joe wishes to work with a thug who has had more than his three strikes! I could be wrong, but I just don't see it happening.

Move along people!

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You have one, his name is Andre Carter. 4 sacks and 33 tackles in the last 5 games.

.. and WHY do so many people around here keep forgetting that? Andre was one of FEW bright spots of our miserable defense for the last half of last season! Yes. He was not too good in the first half of 2006, but then, almost ALL of the defense was lousy for ALL of 2006 while Andre started to shine.

.. and NO .. I'm not Andre's agent! :silly:

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