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Karl Rove to quit at end of August


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Karl Rove to quit at end of August

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  • Story Highlights
  • Top White House political adviser to resign at the end of August, CNN confirms.
  • Rove will quit on August 31 and return to Texas
  • Powerful White House insider tells Wall Street Journal he "thinks it's time"
  • Rove first floated idea to leave a leave Bush administration a year ago

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Karl Rove, U.S. President George W. Bush's senior political adviser, will voluntarily step down from his White House post at the end of the month, senior administration officials said Monday.

Rove, who has held a top position in the White House since Bush took office in January 2001, is to stand down on August 31.

"I just think it's time," Rove told the Wall Street Journal. "There's always something that can keep you here, and as much as I'd like to be here, I've got to do this for the sake of my family."

He told the newspaper that he would leave Washington to return to Texas and that he had first suggested the idea of leaving a year ago.

However a series of problems for the Bush administration, starting when the Democrats took control of Congress and then as immigration and the Iraq war topped the agenda, made Rove stay on.

But the hand of one of President Bush's most trusted advisors was forced when White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten announced that any senior staff that were working past Labor Day (September 3) would be expected to stay on until the end of Bush's term in January 2007.

A Bush loyalist to the end Rove, who instrumental in all aspects of the executive conservative agenda, told the WSJ that he expected the president's approval ratings to rise and that conditions in Iraq would improve due to the work of the U.S. military.

Rove also fired a parting shot at the Democrats, adding that he thought Hillary Clinton - a "tough, tenacious, fatally flawed candidate" - would win the 2008 presidential nomination.

Loved by conservatives but a hate figure for many Democrats, Rove said he expected his rival party to be divided over the wireless wiretapping issue while the Republicans should come out top in economic issues closer to the 2008 poll.

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I think this signals that Rove believes that the Republicans will do very poorly in 08. He wants to step out and get his payoffs and lobbying monies now while he can. If there were to be a D President and D Congress, no lobbying firm would be interested in giving him the type of payoff he wants and was probably promised.

Who would have thought that Gonzales would outlast Rove?

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As a speaker on tour maybe, but as a lobbiest... not so much. When the Repubs took the House, Senate, and the Presidency many formerly powerful lobbiests found themselves with no clients and no interests. Could you imagine being a CEO of a company and hiring Karl Rove to lobby for you with Nancy Pelosi or Hillary? Quite a few people have left this administration and been hired immediately by big pharma, for example, for salaries starting in the high 7 figures. He can still get that now if he wants, but if he envisions a Dem sweep in 08, all of that easy money would be lost.

There will be love for him in Republican circles, but he's a little late to be added to a Repub team, plus he has too much of the Bush stink on him and even the Republican Presidential candidates want to be seen as a change from Bush. So, he's out as Kingmaker too in this cycle. On the other hand, I do see him being very popular on tv as a political analyst and provocateur if he wants that.

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Has he ever been a lobbyist?

You can disagree with his methods and politics ,but even the opposition can recognize his abilities. ;)

So impressive was Mr. Rove that Dick Morris once said about the race between President Bush and Sen. Kerry that it was like watching a checkers player (Sen. Kerry) play against a chess grand master (Rove). Coming from someone who worked with Bill Clinton, that’s indeed high praise. :laugh:


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Onto the topic, Rove reasons for leaving sound like he has other plans. On the today show, I heard this morning that Rove wanted to leave so he could spend more time with his wife and his college-aged son. Who here believes that Rove is leaving to pal around with his son at frat parties or that his true intention is to spend a lot of time with a son who's in college?

There's something else on his radar screen or something he fears is about to be revealed that he doesn't want to be associated with or even scarier... something in the works that is so dreadful even he can't stand behind it.

Or he's been offered the pot at the end of his rainbow and he's decided to take it now.

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There's something else on his radar screen or something he fears is about to be revealed that he doesn't want to be associated with or even scarier... something in the works that is so dreadful even he can't stand behind it.

Or the dude has spent the last 14 years with GW Bush and its time to hang it up.

By the time September hits and after the report from Iraq, Bush's term is essentially over and we are looking at who will be the next President. Not much of a role for Karl Rove at that point

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Yeah, no ****!

Good ole Jesus & Mohammed

You are aren't thinking back far enough. This whole thing started back with Abraham, and a domestic squabble between two of his wives, Sarah, and Hagar over his two sons Isaac and Ishmael. This whole thing makes the Hatfields and McCoys look like an episdoe of The Family Fued.

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He might "officially" be leaving. But then again, he was handling United States biz on his GOP email account and blackberry.

He'll still be very involved I think. They just want him off the radar alittle. Or maybe they saw the surge report and its not going to be great even after creative editing. So, this could focus the Dems on going after Citizen Rove instead of talking about the report.

Who knows?

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Maybe Lucifer is afraid he may soon fall to #4 on the Prince of Darkness scale.

Or, he wants to represent Catholic priests in their bid to change the age of consent laws.

Or, he's needed to personally oversee the construction of the new International Mind Manipulation Spy Machine.

Or, maybe his work is done for now. He'll spend the next month in the spotlight, then disappear for a short time, and then popup a few months before the next election as advisor to the next president.

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