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Drunk at Games?


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I see a lot of people always talking about beer, and liquor at games, and from my expierence against the Eagles, there were a lot of fans drunk, well, **** faced, and I was wondering what the whole reason was behind this. Does it make the game any better or what? I mean, what's the point?

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I see a lot of people always talking about beer, and liquor at games, and from my expierence against the Eagles, there were a lot of fans drunk, well, **** faced, and I was wondering what the whole reason was behind this. Does it make the game any better or what? I mean, what's the point?

Quite simply.....beer is fun, it gives you an excuse to be an idiot.

You'll understand when you're 21 ;)

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I see a lot of people always talking about beer, and liquor at games, and from my expierence against the Eagles, there were a lot of fans drunk, well, **** faced, and I was wondering what the whole reason was behind this. Does it make the game any better or what? I mean, what's the point?

It makes everything better. :chug:

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it's the atmosphere. the majority of us work long hours throughout the week and sunday at FEDEX is our chance to let loose, be crazy, and get a lot of built up energy/adrenaline/stress out of our system. Me personally, i love going to Skins games because of the football, but also for the memories. I'll never forget the first time i took my girlfriend to a game, and drinking is a part of it. The majority of the drinking is done in the parking lot before the game. A pro football game is just a huge party. You go to a party at house and you drink and have fun, blah blah blah....same idea...bigger scale

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it's the atmosphere. the majority of us work long hours throughout the week and sunday at FEDEX is our chance to let loose, be crazy, and get a lot of built up energy/adrenaline/stress out of our system. Me personally, i love going to Skins games because of the football, but also for the memories. I'll never forget the first time i took my girlfriend to a game, and drinking is a part of it. The majority of the drinking is done in the parking lot before the game. A pro football game is just a huge party. You go to a party at house and you drink and have fun, blah blah blah....same idea...bigger scale

:cheers: :laugh:

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i realized the day after the VT and Georgia Tech game last year that i really didn't remember a thing from the game at all... and i hated that. I think before the game i ended up chugging a bottle of aristocrat vodka (why i did that... with ****ty vodka... i dont know haha).

I decided that a nice buzz would be more than enough, cause it DOES help once the game starts, getting pumped and excited, and staying that way. I've been to games sober, and i've been to games buzzed, and i've been to games drunk, and the sober game was boring (granted it was against Kent State. Who??) and the drunk game i don't remember at all, so 4 or 5 shots gets me buzzed and into it and ready to act crazy and rep my Hokies.

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It's also fun to drink at 8:30am on a Sunday morning :D

Earliest i've started drinking is 10 am. Actually scratch that, last year for the cowboys game at fedex, my best friend and i started at around 8 am in the car on the way to the metro. :cheers:

What a game that was, too!

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i realized the day after the VT and Georgia Tech game last year that i really didn't remember a thing from the game at all... and i hated that. I think before the game i ended up chugging a bottle of aristocrat vodka (why i did that... with ****ty vodka... i dont know haha).

I decided that a nice buzz would be more than enough, cause it DOES help once the game starts, getting pumped and excited, and staying that way. I've been to games sober, and i've been to games buzzed, and i've been to games drunk, and the sober game was boring (granted it was against Kent State. Who??) and the drunk game i don't remember at all, so 4 or 5 shots gets me buzzed and into it and ready to act crazy and rep my Hokies.

Hokies. :doh:

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I see a lot of people always talking about beer, and liquor at games, and from my expierence against the Eagles, there were a lot of fans drunk, well, **** faced, what? I mean, what's the point?

exactly. while having a few in moderation in a social setting such as the tailgate can be a good thing, getting so hammered you can't remember the game, what good is that. the trouble is that many people can go on sunday and party hard, then leave it for the next time, while others get caught up in it. been there done that, it's not pretty and it's a hard thing undo. slam away if you feel the need, I've heard it all before :silly:

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worst thread ever....please move this over to the Stadium where it belongs.....we have enough crappy threads over here

this should sum everything up for you

Many people do not realize they have a drinking problem which is dangerous to their health. Unfortunately, people often drink as a way to:

Get a break from their daily routine.

De-stress from school or work.

Reward themselves.

Feel less inhibited in social situations.

Fit in with others that are drinking.

Express feelings that are difficult to express when they are sober.

Suppress painful feelings such as shame, anger, sadness or loneliness.

Below are descriptions of how some people may use or abuse alcohol.

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Drinks slowly (no fast gulping).

Knows when to stop drinking (does not drink to get drunk).

Eats before or while drinking.

Never drives after drinking.

Respects non-drinkers.

Knows and obeys laws related to drinking.

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Drinks to get drunk.

Tries to solve problems by drinking.

Experiences changes in personality; may become loud, angry or violent, OR silent, remote or reclusive.

Drinks when he or she should not - before driving, going to class or work.

Causes others problems -- harms himself or herself, family, friends or strangers.

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An ALCOHOLIC typically:

Spends a lot of time thinking about drinking and planning where and when to get the next drink.

Keeps bottles hidden for quick pick-me-ups.

Starts drinking without conscious planning and loses awareness of the amount consumed.

Denies drinking.

Drinks alone.

Needs to drink before facing a stressful situation.

May have "blackouts" -- cannot remember what he or she did while drinking, although he or she may have appeared normal to people at the time.

Goes from having hangovers to more dangerous withdrawal symptoms, such as delirium tremens ("DTs"), which can be fatal.

Has or causes major problems -- with police, an employer, family or friends.

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move the "problem drinking" symptoms in with the "alcoholic symptoms" and that's accurate. Problem drinkers' issues are usually thru association. If the individual leaves the group the problem goes away. example people that party a lot in college then leave it behind like it never happened.

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I prefer a "feel no pain" kind of buzz, and not being completely slammed. To be completely **** faced will pretty much ruin your day. My crew starts drinking upon arrival, but you have to keep it in check. 5 hours of binge drinking will ruin the game experience for you, if you don't pace yourself.

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I mean, other than vacation or honeymoon, when else is it OK to drink at 8:30am other than a football game?

Monday, because it's Monday.

Tuesday, because it's still a long way from the weekend.

Wednesday, because it's hump day.

Thursday, to get an early start on the weekend.

Friday, because it's Friday, WOOHOO.

Saturday, because it was another ****ty week.

And for Sundays not during football season, because tomorrow is Monday.

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