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Drunk at Games?


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I'm acually glad someone brought this subject up, since I have had alot of bad experiences at games.

Just my opinion of course, but I think they shouldn't allow any alcohol to be sold at all. I know that would never happen, so plan B would be only allowed 2 beers the whole game.

My reasoning is this. The game is supposed to be a place to enjoy your Favorite NFL team and support them. What purpose does the liquor serve other than to intoxicate?? I'm all for enjoying a few beers while watching the game, but getting drunk isn't right? Again my opinion.

I don't think I have been to one single game where I haven't had a problem with a drunk fan. Arizona, Seattle, Houston, San Fran, Anaheim, Los Angeles.

Everywhere I have gone to see the SKins there are fans who are drunk yelling so loud I can't hear anything but them. Threatening people. Constantly getting up every 10 min. to get 2 more beers and spilling them on my family.

Wanting to talk to me non stop during the game. Being rude, obnoxious and ruining my game time experience, all becuase they wanted to get drunk and miss the game.

In Arizona once, I had a drunk fan, get angry that we beat them and pick up my 4 month pregnant wife in a bear hug after the game all becuase they had to get drunk.

I'm all for having fun, but in my opinion, I don't think getting wasted at a game and being an A**hole is right. I don't drink so my opinions come from that and that my family is there and shouldn't have to experience that.

Have a hotdog and a couple of beers, cool, I'm ok with that, but to have 12 glasses and get drunk at a game should be banned. If you want to drink before the game and after, fine, but during, I don't believe so.

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