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The 'Skins or Your New Hometown Team?

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A recent thread about Redskins fans out of ‘Skins territory got me to thinking. I grew up in Richmond, Virginia--decidedly Redskins territory. I’ve been a ‘Skins fan since right around 1982 and have never cheered for another team. I have settled (for now) in Atlanta, and on occasion I see people wearing Redskins apparel, usually older gentlemen. The ‘Skins used to be the favored team in this area until NFL franchises started to appear in more southern locales (the Falcons first season was 1966). So, I wondered, “If my hometown of Richmond ever got an NFL franchise, who would I cheer for: the ‘Skins or the Richmond team?”

I think, being as loyal to and proud of my home city as I am, I would have to become a follower of the Richmond (maybe “Rebels”?) team. I realize how hypothetical this question is, as Richmond, for various reasons, will never have an NFL franchise (mainly, it’s too small). But, it has happened to other cities. Like I previously mentioned, Atlantans had to make a decision between the Falcons and the Redskins. Residents of New Orleans probably had a similar quandry with the Cowboys and the Saints. More recently, Baltimore got a team again, and the citizens of that city had to choose between the ‘Skins and the Ravens.

So, what would you do? If you’re a ‘Skins fan and your hometown (or home region) is not D.C. and your hometown (or region) was awarded an NFL team, which team would you choose to root for?

Also, if you are one of those who has been involved in such a situation, what did you do? Based on what did you make your decision?

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I think you NEVER abandon the team you grew up with, EVER. I lived in Vienna, Va. as a kid and my father got me into the Skins back in the early 70's. I've never considered rooting for another team even though I haven't lived near DC since the 70's. You never root for another team imo...

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Charlotte (and North Carolina in general) is the best example. This was absolutely Redskins country before the Panthers came along in '95. This was an easy time for fans to give up on the Skins and the Panthers had some immediate success. Even in the Raleigh-area, this is now Panthers country.

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I was born in Silver Spring and my family moved to Columbus, OH when I was 2. I can still remember being just a young pup and my dad was always cheering on the 'Skins, so I was brain washed. Now, 25 years later, I'm still a die hard skins fan, and will always be...even though I have no memories of actually residing near DC. I currently live in Missouri and are surrounded by Chiefs and Rams fan. HAIL!

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Charlotte (and North Carolina in general) is the best example. This was absolutely Redskins country before the Panthers came along in '95. This was an easy time for fans to give up on the Skins and the Panthers had some immediate success. Even in the Raleigh-area, this is now Panthers country.
And that's why a ton of Panther fans are a bunch of fair weather, band wagon ******* that root only for the team when they're winning. We mock them openly.

If they put an NFL team on my street, I would still be a Skins fan. HTTR!

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it just all depends on how much you care. No one can blame you for liking some other team instead of hte home team cause the Redskins were your original home team.

It's the case with the Orioles/Nats. Lots of paople didn't care about the Orioles, so the jumped to the Nats.

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Let me ask this question. Say you grew up a skins fan then you move to new city that has a Pro football team. Then you have a child. Do you raise him a little skins fan even though you live somewhere else, or raise him a fan of the local team where he can go to games and hear about them more and watch them and all that crap. You can say just let them decide for themselves, but you know kids, they will like who daddy likes.

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Charlotte (and North Carolina in general) is the best example. This was absolutely Redskins country before the Panthers came along in '95. This was an easy time for fans to give up on the Skins and the Panthers had some immediate success. Even in the Raleigh-area, this is now Panthers country.

I grew up as a Skins fan in NC.

Sitting in front of the TV,every Sunday afternoon tuning in to see my Skins and then the Panthers came along and no more Skins games.

This only kindled my hatred for the Panthers.

To this day(even though I have the NFL ticket) I hope that team folds and their stadium is bulldozed under.

How could anyone grow up loyal to the Skins and then just drop them because of some "new kid" on the block is just baffling to me. :2cents:

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Redskins fan, easy. My grandfather was a Redskins fan, my dad is a Redskins fan, I'm a Redskins fan, and if my kids want any sort of inheritance, then they'll be Redskins fans. I don't care where we live as long as the Redskins stay in MD/DC/VA.

I guess its not as bad not with the football packages and all that you can see the games. But there is something to be said for a kid to be able to go to the autograph sessions and hear them on the radio and talk with their friends about the team they like.

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Well I moves from Virginia when I was 4 years old and I am still a skins fan.

I was actually asked a good question the other day that goes along with this. "What if the skins moved from D.C. would you still be a fan?"

I answered of course I would, but I think it would take some of the mystic away.

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I'm not gonna bang on anyone for jumping from an out-of-town team you rooted for just because it was the closest (I grew up in Montgomery County an O's fan, but I have fully embraced the Nats since their arrival). However, moving elsewhere is completely different. I don't care where I live, unless something unthinkable happens that I won't even mention, I'll die a 'skins fan and any kids I have will be raised 'skins fans.

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I grew up as a Skins fan in NC.

Sitting in front of the TV,every Sunday afternoon tuning in to see my Skins and then the Panthers came along and no more Skins games.

This only kindled my hatred for the Panthers.

To this day(even though I have the NFL ticket) I hope that team folds and their stadium is bulldozed under.

How could anyone grow up loyal to the Skins and then just drop them because of some "new kid" on the block is just baffling to me. :2cents:

New found respect and admiration for DieselPwr44. :notworthy
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I grew up as a Skins fan in NC.

Sitting in front of the TV,every Sunday afternoon tuning in to see my Skins and then the Panthers came along and no more Skins games.

This only kindled my hatred for the Panthers.

To this day(even though I have the NFL ticket) I hope that team folds and their stadium is bulldozed under.

How could anyone grow up loyal to the Skins and then just drop them because of some "new kid" on the block is just baffling to me. :2cents:

Couldn't agree more. It's the same reasoning that makes me hate the Ravens. They moved to Baltimore during a bad time for the Skins and all of the sudden people switched teams. I just don't understand how someone does that if they consider themself a real fan. In my hierarchy of sports fandom, locality ranks lower than history.

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Let me ask this question. Say you grew up a skins fan then you move to new city that has a Pro football team. Then you have a child. Do you raise him a little skins fan even though you live somewhere else, or raise him a fan of the local team where he can go to games and hear about them more and watch them and all that crap. You can say just let them decide for themselves, but you know kids, they will like who daddy likes.

My kids (One Grown and one almost grown) Never were Redskins fans. I grew up in DC and MD. I can't expect them to like the Skins just because I do, although it would have been nice. The older one is not really a Football fan. He likes the Yankees and that's about it. The younger one likes the Jets, but loves to mock me when the Skins are losing to the Giants. He doesn't care about the Giants other than those times. We are going to see the Skins at Jets 11/4. I in B&G and he in Green. I got him a cheap Santana Jets jersey after the trade. I think I Paid $16.00 from the Jets Store.


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Couldn't agree more. It's the same reasoning that makes me hate the Ravens. They moved to Baltimore during a bad time for the Skins and all of the sudden people switched teams. I just don't understand how someone does that if they consider themself a real fan. In my hierarchy of sports fandom, locality ranks lower than history.

I think the situation's a little different with Baltimore. First, the town supported the Colts really well before Irsay stole them away. Most of the die-hard Baltimore fans never really switched allegiances to the Redskins. Those that did switch to the Redskins did so only because of the loss of their hometown team. So I can't begrudge them for getting behind the Ravens as the new hometown team.

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You can remain a Redskin fan and still support another franchise, especially if it is in your hometown (unless they are put in our division. For instance I lived for some time in San Diego. While I never bought a Chargers jersey and never barracked for them, I supported them and took a degree of interest. However, I was still as die hard about the Redskins.

As long as you stand by your team and make sure they are the primary team in your life, it is acceptable to root for the morale of your city (which is the equivalent of barracking for the closer team).

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I think the situation's a little different with Baltimore. First, the town supported the Colts really well before Irsay stole them away. Most of the die-hard Baltimore fans never really switched allegiances to the Redskins. Those that did switch to the Redskins did so only because of the loss of their hometown team. So I can't begrudge them for getting behind the Ravens as the new hometown team.

You can begrudge ravens fans when they could care less about their new team, until 2000!! It made me sick that Baltimore turned it's back on the skins. We were the only quality sports entertainment that city had for almost 20 years. The ravens come to town and no one cares, then they make it (fumble and luck their way) to a super bowl and now everyone is purple and black.

For those fans who stuck with Baltimore, especially those who supported the CFL team (I went to a bunch of Stallions games at Memorial Stadium), I do not begrudge them for loving the ravens. But those who never even went to the stadium before 2000 and are now running around in their purple camouflaged pants, they will be the first jumping overboard when Ray Lewis calls it quits. I can't stand them!

I guess that would be my point in the "home team" debate, show some backbone. Don't switch teams once they get hot, switch because they are your "home team". Atleast that's a reason.

For me, it's B&G forever. I have too much history with this team and too much, emotionally, invested. I think that's a good reason too...

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I think the situation's a little different with Baltimore. First, the town supported the Colts really well before Irsay stole them away. Most of the die-hard Baltimore fans never really switched allegiances to the Redskins. Those that did switch to the Redskins did so only because of the loss of their hometown team. So I can't begrudge them for getting behind the Ravens as the new hometown team.

Baltimore didn't support the Colts well the last few years there. They sold out maybe one game a year and then averaged less than a good baseball crowd. The Browns on the other hand did a very good job of supporting their team and the fans got the shaft when the mayor agreed to sweetheart deals for the Indians and Cavs but stiffed the Browns.

The only time a Redskin game has ever been blacked out was when we played in Baltimore.

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I grew up in the DC area, followed the Redskins since the late 70's and have made every effort to see every game since. I have moved to Florida where I watched the games at Damons every Sunday (most were Bucs fans), then I moved to Tacoma, Wa

and got Directv and the NFL ticket and have not missed a game since, I am now in Yorktown, Va and love the fact I am home in "Redskin" territory once again.

It wouldn't matter where I was, what team my "home city" brought in, I am and always will be a Redskin Fan.

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We moved to NC a few years back. We still have our Skins season tickets and miss only 1 or at the most 2 games a year. We decided to try and root for the Panthers as our 2nd team, because we will always be Redskins fan. But, the Panthers are the most boring team in the history of the NFL so now we just hate them. Plus, Jake Delhomme & John Fox are so overrated, it's not even funny.

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i was born in silver spring, then lived near college park til i was 13. redskins fan for all of it. then i moved to florida and went through the dark years of liking a couple other teams (dont like to remember those times)...but its redskins all the way. but dont find to many others around here other than my parents, being in the dead center between the panthers and the falcons. but i gotta stand with the 'skins, no matter what.

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it just all depends on how much you care. No one can blame you for liking some other team instead of hte home team cause the Redskins were your original home team.

It's the case with the Orioles/Nats. Lots of paople didn't care about the Orioles, so the jumped to the Nats.

I grew up with the Orioles as the Sens were around when I was too young. I root for the Nats, but when they play the O's, I root for the O's. Too much time invested to switch. It's a good deal they play in separate leagues though.

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