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The 'Skins or Your New Hometown Team?

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I think the situation's a little different with Baltimore. First, the town supported the Colts really well before Irsay stole them away. Most of the die-hard Baltimore fans never really switched allegiances to the Redskins. Those that did switch to the Redskins did so only because of the loss of their hometown team. So I can't begrudge them for getting behind the Ravens as the new hometown team.

Here's another hypothetical question. What if the Redskins moved to LA, then DC got another team 4 years down the road. Would you embrace the new team like Raven's fans did? I couldn't. I have 1 team. I don't even have a 2nd favorite team.

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My kids (One Grown and one almost grown) Never were Redskins fans. I grew up in DC and MD. I can't expect them to like the Skins just because I do, although it would have been nice. The older one is not really a Football fan. He likes the Yankees and that's about it. The younger one likes the Jets, but loves to mock me when the Skins are losing to the Giants. :gaintsuck
You can always do what my old man did to me. "Son, you've got 2 choices. Root for the Skins like me or go outside while the game is on." I bet it's cold in NY in the Fall and Winter. :D
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I grew up as a Skins fan in NC.

Sitting in front of the TV,every Sunday afternoon tuning in to see my Skins and then the Panthers came along and no more Skins games.

This only kindled my hatred for the Panthers.

To this day(even though I have the NFL ticket) I hope that team folds and their stadium is bulldozed under.

How could anyone grow up loyal to the Skins and then just drop them because of some "new kid" on the block is just baffling to me. :2cents:

Funny you mention that. I work with one lady who grew up in New Orleans and liked the Saints. Her husband is originally from Houston (they're in their late 40s) and was an Oiler's fan. When the Panthers came along, they instantly switched. I've heard alot of Panther fans around here say they switched as soon as they got a team.

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I've been in the Charlotte area for 10 years and the Panthers will always seem like a JV team to me. They just have no history and most of the passionate Pro Football fans here root for another team (Skins, Cowboys, etc.) The Panthers fans seem lukewarm and they really are only passionate about College Football (UNC, Clemson, South Carolina). I just have never developed a connection to the Panthers and never will. My Skins will always be number 1 and I'm actually looking forward to the day I can come back home and live in the DC area despite the fact that I would have to pay triple the amount for a house up there compared to North Carolina.

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Here's another hypothetical question. What if the Redskins moved to LA, then DC got another team 4 years down the road. Would you embrace the new team like Raven's fans did? I couldn't. I have 1 team. I don't even have a 2nd favorite team.

What if it is the situation like the Browns? A team is put in with the same name and colors, I would definitely go with the DC team four years down the road. Now, if the Skins moved to LA and had the same name and colors, I would stick with them.

I will always be a Skins fan. My whole family and my wife's whole family are Skins fans. I have even raised my dogs to be Skins fans!

I hope these threads are not put here by Danny in order to gauge our interest if the team moves to LA or Vegas :(

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I moved to Raleigh 20 years ago and will never root for the Panthers and their putrid USFL uniforms. There was never a question. The last decade of not receiving coverage from Fox has pissed me off even more. THANK GOD for the NFL Sunday Ticket.

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I live 90 minutes from St Louis. While I passionately love the baseball Cardinals I cannot stand the Rams. I've been a Cards fan since the mid 70s. Loved the Skins since the late 70s. When the Rams came to the area in 1995 I tried rooting for them(as a second team) but my heart wasn't in it. I was still a Redskins fan and I still have no second team.

The only way I could no longer like the Skins is if they cahnged their name and uniform colors. Eg; If they suddenly became the "Senators" and changed their colors to blue/orange I could no longer root for them

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Redskins fan, easy. My grandfather was a Redskins fan, my dad is a Redskins fan, I'm a Redskins fan, and if my kids want any sort of inheritance, then they'll be Redskins fans. I don't care where we live as long as the Redskins stay in MD/DC/VA.

Same for me...Redskins for LIFE!!!!!!!!

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Born in DC a skins fan,grew up in western NY during the Bills run of 4 ,liked them doing well but always rooted for skins especially the super bowl win. Now I live in NC, I was here befor the Panthers, and I'm still a skins fan. To the post that said Panther fans will never be like what we are, Isay realize that they've only been here for 10 years. Give he fans around here that grow up being Panther fans a chance because the luve of sports down here is very strong. Like U said they'er loyal to teams that have been around awhile NCAA football and NCAA basketball.

skins forever H T T R

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Grew up in the DC area....Redskin fan all my life. Have lived in LA now for over twenty years and the Redskins are just as deep in me as ever. My interest in the Orioles, Senators, Caps, Bullets (Wiz....ugh) is still there but has faded over the years and I've become a pretty strong LA fan (Lakers, Dodgers, Angels).

If LA got an expansion NFL team I'd want to get in at ground level with season tickets....and I would be as loyal as it gets. BUT, it'd be different than with all the other DC teams....I'm certain that I'll be first and foremost a 'Skins fan for life....it's part of who I am.

Today, I still carry season tickets for the Redskins living four thousand miles away....and the ONLY reason I'd ever cancel them is if I got tickets for a local LA football team and lost the fight with my wife to carry them both. I guess I'd have to live with that. But, that wouldn't diminish the spirit or loyalty I have towards the Redskins.


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Yeah I went to charlotte not too long ago and I saw that the fans of Charlotte had forgotten the team from DC and embraced the Panthers. I understand. I did the same to the Orioles. I am not against them per se, but I am definitely for the Nationals, escpecially since Angelos tried to screw us and not give us a baseball team.

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I am a 'skins fan for life, no matter what. I suspect that most people on this boards will say the same.

btw, you forgot to mention Carolina's recent move into 'skins territory. There are still a lot of older 'skins fans down there too.

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I was born in Alexandria and moved to Fla.when I was 11.Though I live south of Tampa I have allways had a very strong dislike for the Bucs.So for 45 years I have been a die hard Redskin fan.I have raised my children to be Skin's fans and now have my first grandson.He is 4 mos.old and has already been introduced to the Skins through Redskin jersies and such.In short,no matter where I live or how many football teams they might have there is only 1 that matters to me.

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:helmet: Born in Alexandria Virginia, and raised in Vienna. Now live in Orlando Fl. See a lot of Skins fans. Have friends who are Jag, Fins, and Yuck fans, they ask me why do you still root for the Skins, since I don't live there any more? I've been told to pick another team, since I live in Floridia. My response is "ONCE A SKIN ALWAYS A SKIN", Even if Orlando some how landed a NFL franchise, I still bleed Burgandy and Gold, Hail!:logo:

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And that's why a ton of Panther fans are a bunch of fair weather, band wagon ******* that root only for the team when they're winning. We mock them openly.

If they put an NFL team on my street, I would still be a Skins fan. HTTR!

Fairweather, it's true. A few years ago, I went to the Tampa Bay/Panthers game only because my dad wanted me to go with him (I usually watch the Skins on Direct TV every week and turn down free tickets). The Panthers were off to a horrible start that year, they were 1-7 after week 9 and in a 6 game loosing streak. They pulled off two wins in a row, to get to 3-7. The entire NFC was horrible that year with the exception of Philly so an 8-8 team was going to make it.

I go to the game and the stadium was half full at best. In the fourth quarter, score tied 14-14, there was almost no time on the clock, looks like we are going to OT. That was the game that Delhomme guided them down the field and threw a game winning TD with like 1-3 seconds left in the game.

Two weeks later, they had won 4 in a row and were sitting at 5-7 and closing in on the final playoff spot. The stadium was full and everyone was all Panthers this and Panthers that, talking ****, etc.

Needless to say they got beat by the Saints in the final game to finish 7-9 and not make the playoffs. The Saints only had the worst rushing D in the NFL and they passed all game. That made me happy :cheers:

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While I don't hold any ill will toward the Panthers (they are almost always a "W" on our schedule) (: more often than not I'd rather watch the Skins lose on TV than go to a Panther game. Never thought of switching.

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Grew up in the DC area....Redskin fan all my life. Have lived in LA now for over twenty years and the Redskins are just as deep in me as ever. My interest in the Orioles, Senators, Caps, Bullets (Wiz....ugh) is still there but has faded over the years and I've become a pretty strong LA fan (Lakers, Dodgers, Angels).

If LA got an expansion NFL team I'd want to get in at ground level with season tickets....and I would be as loyal as it gets. BUT, it'd be different than with all the other DC teams....I'm certain that I'll be first and foremost a 'Skins fan for life....it's part of who I am.

Today, I still carry season tickets for the Redskins living four thousand miles away....and the ONLY reason I'd ever cancel them is if I got tickets for a local LA football team and lost the fight with my wife to carry them both. I guess I'd have to live with that. But, that wouldn't diminish the spirit or loyalty I have towards the Redskins.


What? No. The thread is "The 'Skins or Your New Hometown Team?" You just said that you'd take that team over the Redskins. You can't be a loyal fan to both of them. When they play each other, then what? That's like saying that you're Jewish but believe in Jesus; it's completely contradictory.

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