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The 'Skins or Your New Hometown Team?

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Well, here's the deal from my perspective-

I grew up in San Diego, watching Don Coryell and Co. light it up - and rooted for them.

In 86, I was introduced to the Redskins, and switched to rooting for them, although I still have a soft spot for SD (which I call my second team) e.g. if they played the Skins in a normal game or the super bowl, I would root for the Skins.

When I moved to KC, and then finally to Oregon, I have been presented the opportunity to switch -- but quite frankly (and in obvious reference to an old cigarette commercial) I would rather fight than switch. I have no interest in any other team (other than the negative one for Dallas :cool: ). I cannot imagine rooting for any new or other team in the future.

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im a redskins fan for life. im in love with everything the team is about. ill tell you what would be harder for me than a new team coming to my state (which has already happened... the lame-***** carolina kittens which made me sick even at the young age of 8)... that would be the redskins changing their mascot or moving to another town. it wont ever happen but hypothetically if it did i cant ever visualize myself pulling for the team in another town or with different colors ya know? its all about the people and traditions. and changing the mascot or moving the team messes all that up. a new team coming into my town? that doesnt mess up the traditions and it only weeds out some unloyal fans who dont even really care about football.

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A) Richmond will never get a team. We're having trouble hanging onto the Braves, a AAA baseball team. Why? Because the stadium is falling apart and no one will pony up the money to build a new one.

B) I pretty much started cheering for the Redskins because they were the closest team to me, and even if I moved away I would still cheer for the Redskins. IT's like taking a piece of your "hometown" with you. I think football is regional...

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Here's another hypothetical question. What if the Redskins moved to LA, then DC got another team 4 years down the road. Would you embrace the new team like Raven's fans did? I couldn't. I have 1 team. I don't even have a 2nd favorite team.

It depends on how they left. If Snyder screws us big time like Irsay did to Baltimore, it wouldn't be a problem abandoning that franchise and rooting for the new Washington franchise.

Are there any Colt fans still in Baltimore? I wonder how many Baltimore Colt fans remained Indianapolis Colt fans.

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The Colts got out of dodge in 1984 when i was 8 (really wasn't following football, outside of what my dad watched). As i got a little older and understood the concept of the sport the Skins won the superbowl in 1987, with the first black QB to win it all. Ever since that experience i've been a fan. When the Ravens came in 1995, i did like them (and honestly i still do), but never and i mean NEVER will I forsake my favorite team of 20 years for even my home town team. Given the fact that D.C. is only a hop-skip-and a jump from B-more, actually the Skins are my real home town team. The best analogy are DC Orioles fans (Pre-Nationals or B-More Wizards fans). Unfortunately, I've notice that alot of the B-more natives who claimed the Skins during the Pre-Raven era (specifically during the glory days) have changed alliances and actually want to rival the Skins. The funny thing about that is, i've noticed that most times the so-called rivalry is one sided, given that most DC fans really aren't at odds with the Ravens as a team, the fans may be a different story. But Ravens fans (i think do to jealousy) hate the Redskins, though they are in a totally different conference. But, i think in the mist of everything there are a very high percentage of Redskins fans in the area, and because of the history and tradition, I don't see us being extinct anytime soon.

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Are there any Colt fans still in Baltimore? I wonder how many Baltimore Colt fans remained Indianapolis Colt fans.

Or how many Cleveland fans stayed with the old Browns/Ravens?

The Colts and the Browns provide an interesting contrast that gets to the heart of the question, What makes your team your team?

With the Colts, the name, the colors, and the uniforms left Baltimore for Indy. A few years later, a new team came to town - new name, new colors, new uniform.

The Browns left Cleveland for Baltimore - but the name, the colors, and the uniforms stayed behind. A few years later, a new team comes to town with the old name, old colors, old uniform.

What do we as fans root for? What constitutes the Team? The city in front of their name? The name itself? The colors/uniforms? The players?

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The Colts got out of dodge in 1984 when i was 8 (really wasn't following football, outside of what my dad watched). As i got a little older and understood the concept of the sport the Skins won the superbowl in 1987, with the first black QB to win it all. Ever since that experience i've been a fan. When the Ravens came in 1995, i did like them (and honestly i still do), but never and i mean NEVER will I forsake my favorite team of 20 years for even my home town team. Given the fact that D.C. is only a hop-skip-and a jump from B-more, actually the Skins are my real home town team. The best analogy are DC Orioles fans (Pre-Nationals or B-More Wizards fans). Unfortunately, I've notice that alot of the B-more natives who claimed the Skins during the Pre-Raven era (specifically during the glory days) have changed alliances and actually want to rival the Skins. The funny thing about that is, i've noticed that most times the so-called rivalry is one sided, given that most DC fans really aren't at odds with the Ravens as a team, the fans may be a different story. But Ravens fans (i think do to jealousy) hate the Redskins, though they are in a totally different conference. But, i think in the mist of everything there are a very high percentage of Redskins fans in the area, and because of the history and tradition, I don't see us being extinct anytime soon.

Interesting perspective. Do you have a sense there many others like you in Baltimore, those who came of age in Baltimore when the town had no football, grew to be Redskins fans, then stuck with them even when the Ravens came in? My sense is that almost all switched allegiances to the Ravens. Props to you for sticking with the Skins.

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Interesting perspective. Do you have a sense there many others like you in Baltimore, those who came of age in Baltimore when the town had no football, grew to be Redskins fans, then stuck with them even when the Ravens came in? My sense is that almost all switched allegiances to the Ravens. Props to you for sticking with the Skins.

I know there are still alot of fans here in B-more i usually see a Jersey, Cap, T-shirt on the regular, but this area is prodominantly Ravens territory, which i understand. The thing i don't understand though, is that this city was part of Redskins land between '84-'93 but now when people hear that you are Skins fan they offer their condolences. Just a little hypocritical to me, and actually quite irritating. Thats why it kills me when they loose so much, I have to hear about it constantly. :(

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I've been in the Charlotte area for 10 years and the Panthers will always seem like a JV team to me. They just have no history and most of the passionate Pro Football fans here root for another team (Skins, Cowboys, etc.) The Panthers fans seem lukewarm and they really are only passionate about College Football (UNC, Clemson, South Carolina). I just have never developed a connection to the Panthers and never will. My Skins will always be number 1 and I'm actually looking forward to the day I can come back home and live in the DC area despite the fact that I would have to pay triple the amount for a house up there compared to North Carolina.
totally agree...my best friend is like that. we are diehard clemson fans cuz we both graduated from there. but when it comes to NFL, he was a falcons fan til the panthers showed up. then switched to the panthers only cuz they were in the carolinas. i dont even think he watched a game at all last season. its just more for convenience "hey we have an nfl team, so ill cheer for them."
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I have settled (for now) in Atlanta, and on occasion I see people wearing Redskins apparel, usually older gentlemen. The ‘Skins used to be the favored team in this area until NFL franchises started to appear in more southern locales (the Falcons first season was 1966).

I too now live in the metro Atlanta area, but was born and raised in the metro DC area so have been a life long Skins fan. I will always be a Skins fan regardless of where I live.

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a new team coming into my town? that doesnt mess up the traditions and it only weeds out some unloyal fans who dont even really care about football.

That's a good point. I'm glad these ass-clowns aren't Skins fans anymore.

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Defintely just get the dish and stay a Redskins fan!:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :logo:

Although I would hope I moved to an AFC team city so I could atl east support the community, unless they were playing the Skins of course.:D :logo:

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Born & raised in Alexandria, but have lived away from the area since the late 70's. Am now and always will be a Skins fan. I started rooting for them in the 50's and 60's, before we had anything like a winning team (coaches like Mike Nixon and Bill McPeak and Joe Kuharic). So there's no way now that I'm in New England that you could EVER get me to root for the friggin' Giants--and the same holds for the Jets, the Bills and the Pats.

When the Senators left for Minnesota, I rooted for the expansion Senators. When they left for Texas, I rooted for nobody (well, I did root against the Yankees). Now I root for the Nats. But the Skins are #1 and always will be.

I will "take" the Skins with me wherever I go. Thankfully we now have the dish and can see the games on the day they are played. I used to have my Dad tape them and send them to me--every week.

So, with all of this, I take a dim view of anyone who moves and roots for another team. If you give up on the Skins and the passion that goes with it, you lose something special from your life.


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