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Just a reminder to non cowboys fans


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You have to start somewhere right? I think they're both in great situations. Yeah, an inept team with a winning record and that advanced to the playoffs despite a late season collapse. I know we lost in the playoffs yet again but we're far from an inept team.

9-7 and backed in. You're lucky the nfc was so soft last year. I mean even the 8-8 Giants got in. You proved you didn't belong in the playoffs by losing right away.


All this experience which led to returning a 5-11 team, a HOF coach with a losing record since his return, a very green QB and a swiss cheese defense who led the league in fewest sacks and set a league record for lack of turnovers.

It's been said by Collins that Saunders' system will take a year to learn and the defense was decimated by injuries and sub par personnel last year. You know personnel situation has been rectified, no need to list them. The only thing you can hope for is that we have a bunch of injuries again. Otherwise we'll be back to form. That's where all that experience from our coaching staff comes in. I aint worried at all about either side of the ball.

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Have you read some of your own threads? I've seen better dribble printed on the back of toilet paper.

umm most people use toilet paper to wipe their ass with, it's called personal hygiene (look it up)

not to use as stationary

take it with you to the outhouse for a change, your friends will thank you

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Oh I have to disagree. I can look at my avatar and think its You-know-who's high school prom picture.:laugh: :laugh:


Lord Voldemort ??? :whoknows:

I can understand you being proud of your new avatar

the best picture your wife/sister/cousin/grandma ever took :D

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Speaking of Parcells in NE

he went 5-11, 10-6, 5-11, 11-5 and a Super Bowl appearance

sounds like Gibbs II run :)


BTW you do realize that it was 5 years between Parcell's leaving and his clone Belicheck taking them back to the SB? and he went 5-11 his first year as well.

I love when J_J inserts his entire foot inside his mouth like that... :laugh:

Ever hear of Pete Carrol? :laugh: he lead them to get progressively worse each year he coached, sort of the Wade Phillips of the Nineties

What does Pete's daughter look like, though? :cool:

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1937 NFL Championship

1942 NFL Championship

1983 Super Bowl Championship

1988 Super Bowl Championship

1992 Super Bowl Championship

Next time, do at least this >.< much research before you talk out of your ass again.

you know J_J has "dealing with reality" issues :nono:

Using facts against him, just makes his head hurt

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1937 NFL Championship

1942 NFL Championship

1983 Super Bowl Championship

1988 Super Bowl Championship

1992 Super Bowl Championship

Next time, do at least this >.< much research before you talk out of your ass again.

JJ, sit the next couple plays out cause you got owned pretty bad.

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Another December down the F'n tubes man! Somebodies gotta be accountable. HC's and QB's are judged by their records and postseason results. It's a tough business.
Of course not and I'm not falling for your jedi mind tricks.
Well Lone Starr, you did state HC's and QB's must be held accountable. By all appearances you are only holding one of the two accountable. The other has been placed on a pedestal by you, other Cowboy posters, Dallas and the national media. Where did the "it's a tough business" go?

May the swartz be with you!

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Had you been old enough bubba, you would have said something like this.........."Who's this Tom Landry character the Cowboys have hired? He's gonna suck"..............

You probably said........."Jimmy Johnson is a college coach, his game won't translate to the NFL".................

So now you want me to worry about Wade??



This is the best, in his mind Wade=Johnson=Landry, when in fact, Landry>Johnson,

and Johnson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wade.

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Had you been old enough bubba, you would have said something like this.........."Who's this Tom Landry character the Cowboys have hired? He's gonna suck"..............

You probably said........."Jimmy Johnson is a college coach, his game won't translate to the NFL".................

So now you want me to worry about Wade??

If one thing is as certain as death and taxes, its the Cowboys will keep winning and winning and winning. Just like the Energizer bunny.

Every franchise should BOW AT THE FEET OF THE GREATNESS OF THE BOYS.............


I had to post it again, he really said this.

Wow what a homer.

:laugh: :doh: :laugh: :doh: :laugh: :doh: :laugh: :doh: :laugh:


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So was this his worst group of players EVER or was he a great coach that was burnt out and past his prime? Depends on who you ask.


Sounds like you were talking to TO, ---sorry could not help myself.

But really THA, many of your points make some sense regarding the rivalry. When this year is done though, I believe your thoughts on Parcells maybe clarified. I think he is still a fine tactician, but not a people guy. Can Wade take the same players and get them to perform better than Parcells, doubtful given his recent history. But honestly stranger things have happened so I understand you holding out hope being your a fan. I hold out the same hope obviously for Gibbs.

Now I must tell you, I feel much better with the Redskins coaches than I would with what the Cowboys have right now. The question marks abound for the Cowboys while the Skins are returning the same staff for the thrid year essentially. Saunders in his second, Garrett in his first at the OC alone could determine the different outcomes for both teams this season.

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We all know why we STUNK last year, we are also not blind enough to see what we did in just the 2nd yr back for Gibbs as well.

Yes, I really do. So do most people. Stay tuned.

So you tell me, are we the team that went 5-11 last year or are we the team that went 10-6 the 2nd yr back for Gibbs?

He's done more losing than winning. You make the call.

Either way we have accomplished more in Gibbs 3yrs back than Dallas has done in 10yrs w/ multiple coaches and even a HOF coach as well

Quite honestly, winning a wild card game and losing in the second round would sting as well. If we can win at all, it would definitely make up for the last 10 years.

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see THA this is why you wear the shame of the dancing clown

I wear the Clown because the powers that be here have become overzealous to call me out and I speak my mind. I'm a fair and honest poster here who defends my team and has fun. I don't think I'm that bad of guy.

you can never accept that it's ever the Pokes or their fans fault

Are results are our results. I can't run and hide from anything. I just hope that we improve just like any other fan. What exactly is the fault of the fans? I don't get it.

the hatred comes from the fact Poke fans come here to squat, and take over with their false bravado, every off season, practicing the ritual of the Poke Fan Mantra, and like their team... point fingers at others to take the blame for all their flaws

Bubba skins fans do the same thing you're accusing us of. Sure this is your board but the two fan bases are going to hate each other regardless. That's why it's a bitter rivalry. I was just kidding with J-Rock because he has a sense of humor. Hint Hint.. :(

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1937 NFL Championship

1942 NFL Championship

1983 Super Bowl Championship

1988 Super Bowl Championship

1992 Super Bowl Championship

Next time, do at least this >.< much research before you talk out of your ass again.

I don't count squat before the SB era. Super Bowls TK SUPER BOWLS!

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This is a bit off topic, but I noticed JJ's location and have come to an interesting conclusion. He claims to be from God's Country (actually Texas). We know that only steers and queers come from Texas. So is JJ promoting the belief that Jesus was homosexual? I say yes. As well, he is also promoting the worship of cows in his religion which is more in line with hinduism than christianity. I must say JJ, you are either a terrible christian, or you're completely lost. In an ironic twist it has been discovered that both are true.

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If the Cowboys weren't successful (over all AND vs. my Redskins) I'd have no reason to hate them.

If the Redskins weren't successful (in both regards again) there'd be no reason for you guys to be posting threads like this on our website. :)

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Ah, so when you guys talk about the accomplishments in a franchise's history, you don't actually look at each franchise's entire history....just the period that fits your agenda. Gotcha.

Standard cowboys fan logic. There was no NFL before they came into the league in 1960. It's a total cop-out and they know it, but it fits their agenda so they use it.

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I don't count squat before the SB era. Super Bowls TK SUPER BOWLS!

The only reason why you don't count squat before the SB era is because it ruins your argument.

All Pokes fans are the same. They will rub ANY win, at nauseum, the Pokes have over the Skins in your face, but when the Skins DOMINATE the series for two years they revert back to, "Get to 14 out of 16 and talk to me!" Are you serious? The Pokes haven't had a winning record against the Skins in 2 years! Pokes fans love to decided themselves when to "count" championships, but god forbid their beloved Pokes get dominated for two years and their trash talk reverts back to the past.

You can throw all of these wins, SB Chamionships, etc. at us, but how is all of this history going to help Wade Philipps become a better choke? How is all of this history going to help Tony Romo sits to pee hold on to the ball? The simple fact is, past wins mean nothing under a new HC and OC and Tony Romo sits to pee will always choke.

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