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Let's have a better season at Extremeskins, as well.


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I know we are all jacked about the possibilities of the new season as we are each new year, and we should be, otherwise why would we all care so much about this team?

What I would like to see the season as well as a better team on the field, is a better support team here at Extremeskins.

It was a terrible season last year, and I think maybe we were all shocked by the terrible way the season unfolded after all the hype with free agency.

What was really depressing was the way most of us trash talked this team we care about so much. Even some of the most conservative Extremeskins here, who have many thousand posts lost it.

I don't know what was more depressing, watching the Redskins game, or coming to the message board after the game to read all the posts that were just unbearable to read sometimes.

I would like to see more support for this team here at Extremeskins this season, even during the rough patches, and there will be rough patches, as much as we hate them. I think we are in for a great season this year, but if we happen to have a couple of bad games during the season, let's not forget who we are, and why we are the best fans in the NFL. Let's keep the faith, and realize it's a sixteen game season, and as you saw last season, 8-8 can get you into the show.

Here's to a great season!!:cheers:

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I don't know what was more depressing, watching the Redskins game, or coming to the message board after the game to read all the posts that were just unbearable to read sometimes.

I don't think we can count the amount of posts that said "I'm done". Let's be honest folks, you're never "done".

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I agree,

but you know ES is a better place when the team wins.......just is.

Problem is that many came into 2006 (myself included) with very high expectations after the 11-7 2005 season (and a decent run in the playoffs).

To go from 11-7 to 5-11 was heartbreaking to many. And to see the way this team play was frustrating and infuriating (in particular the Falcons and Titans games).

Hopefully the civility can be better, but its action/reaction.

Somebody vents by the poor play somebody comments to the vent, people take sides (the old "homer" vs. "realist" battle) and the pile on begins.

Gotta think the expectations are alot less this year (although we can remain positive :logo: ) and there will be less meltdowns.

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We need an Extremeskins GM or there will be no improvement.

But seriously, if we win some damn football games this place will become a regular lovefest. If not, then the people should vocalize their frustration. This is Redskins country... the most loyal, dedicated fans in the nation in any sport. They deserve better.

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I would question the sanity of anyone who would praise the performance of last year.

It's a new year now, and we know things in today's NFL can change rather quickly. Let's just be a bit more conservative with our expectations.

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I know we are all jacked about the possibilities of the new season as we are each new year, and we should be, otherwise why would we all care so much about this team?

What I would like to see the season as well as a better team on the field, is a better support team here at Extremeskins.

It was a terrible season last year, and I think maybe we were all shocked by the terrible way the season unfolded after all the hype with free agency.

What was really depressing was the way most of us trash talked this team we care about so much. Even some of the most conservative Extremeskins here, who have many thousand posts lost it.

I don't know what was more depressing, watching the Redskins game, or coming to the message board after the game to read all the posts that were just unbearable to read sometimes.

I would like to see more support for this team here at Extremeskins this season, even during the rough patches, and there will be rough patches, as much as we hate them. I think we are in for a great season this year, but if we happen to have a couple of bad games during the season, let's not forget who we are, and why we are the best fans in the NFL. Let's keep the faith, and realize it's a sixteen game season, and as you saw last season, 8-8 can get you into the show.

Here's to a great season!!:cheers:

I'm not questioning anyone's loyalty to the Redskins here. It's just that sometimes people get frustrated with the direction of the team. Some of us, especially the older crowd, question whether things would have been different under the old regime of Bethard, Gibbs and JKC. With Cerrato, Gibbs and Snyder we're left to wonder if this is the best combination that will lead us to greater glory. I think we're dealt this hand and we need to make the best of it.

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That's great to hear. I don't think anyone here should be trashing the Redskins. That's what the rest of the NFC East is for!:cheers:

I dont agree with trashing the team either but its inevitable when games are lost, people are going to get pissed and naturally venting on the internets will occur. I will be happy if there is no "Bench Campbell" threads the second he makes a few mistakes, which he will.

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Complaining when we lose game after game is justifiable to a degree, but it is the ****ing and moaning after we win a game that peeves me the most, particularly by those who are never pleased and always find something to whine about

The only game I was pissed about after we won was the texans game. Cause even though brunell set the record, he didn't deserve it after a performance like that. Furthermoe it solidified his place as starter for 6 more dreadful weeks, excluding the following week. All of the pro-brunell crowd wouldn't shut up abou it.

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Good post bbuzz1962.

It's a fine line that most of us try to walk here. You want to be positive about your team you love but also being willing criticize when the team/players/fo/whatever is doing something you're not happy about.

The problem comes when the 'Blind Homers' run into the 'Blind Haters' and they use nothing but absolute statements and call for people to be cut/fired/killed because of one or two things.

Maybe if we all try to stay more to the middle and understand both sides we'll all get along a little better and things won't get so hostile here.

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as long as brunell doesnt get near the field i'm all for it.

And you are the problem the OP is talking about.

Look, we all have our own way of "cheering" on the Redskins. For me, I can't stand it when we lose and sometimes I vent on this site. But, I NEVER root against any Redskins players. I might present reasons why I think someone else should start, but while the other player is starting, I'm pulling for him 100 percent and would never hope for an injury or poor play resulting in a loss.

I knew this site had deteriorated into just another site last year when the Redskins beat Houston and Brunell set the record for consecutive completions. The idiots on this board did nothing but bash Brunell. We won the freaking game! But to some, all they could do is continue to dump on Brunell. Even if you don't like a Redskins player - which is a foreign concept to me - you should at least give him props when he proves you wrong and helps the team to a win.

Whether it's Brunell, Campbell, Portis, Betts, or anyone else: For winning, they deserve our praise. For losing, they deserve our criticism - but they are still Redskins and deserve our allegiance regardless.

Have opinions, that's fine. But this is a Redskins board and as such I would think we would actually cheer for those in the Redskins uniforms.

The biggest problem I have is those of you who pretend to be Redskins fans when you are really fans of certain players. Redskins fans wouldn't openly hope a Redskins player would fail or worse, get hurt. But many of you expressed those exact desires last year regarding Brunell. To me, you are the ones diminishing the once valued intellectual playground this used to be.



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Great sentiment, bbuzz. Cheers to you for putting this out. However, Redskins fans are very (ahem) "extreme."

After a win, we're all positive that the Super Bowl is a foregone conclusion.

After a loss, the sky is falling and everyone's head must be lopped off and displayed at Fed Ex.

These things won't change. Ever.

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Great sentiment, bbuzz. Cheers to you for putting this out. However, Redskins fans are very (ahem) "extreme."

After a win, we're all positive that the Super Bowl is a foregone conclusion.

After a loss, the sky is falling and everyone's head must be lopped off and displayed at Fed Ex.

These things won't change. Ever.

:applause: True, so true. Thanks for the reality check.

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Asking people not to rant and vent after a bad loss is like asking passionate fans not to be passionate. If a thread goes downhill and the haters all are hating and youre tired of reading it, stop reading.

Sorry to be critical here but you never HAVE to read every thread, or indeed every post in each thread. It just wont happen. Some people feel the need to have their say and vent it out on others to make them feel better, thats their thing; as fans of this sport I would never ask another fan not to say something critical about our team because its their right (see freedom of speech) to say what they like. As long as the criticism is constructive its fine but we cant muzzle the people who say things we dont like reading generally, within reason.

The beauty of this board and the thing that keeps it alive and running is the fact that people can come here and say "Player A was bs today, did you see his footwork/dropped passes/pulling technique etc and someone else will go yeah I saw that what the hell was he doing".

Then people like me who come along and dont get to see the games and dont know so much about the sport learn more and get to hear a proper, honest report on the games. None of these "hilight reels" of film that show just the good bits.

Honest critical (sometimes harsh) points of view are what make this site so good. Sure I love a bit of unabashed homerism after a win, its part of being a fan but asking people to tone it down when the team is doing badly is just not the way to go in my opinion. It separates the fans from the homers and I like to hear both sides of the argument.


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Gotta think the expectations are alot less this year (although we can remain positive :logo: ) and there will be less meltdowns.

Heh Heh Sadly enough for me my expectations are super bowl every year. If Campbell can just manage the game and keep mistakes down, while we stay as injury free as possible there really is no reason why this team cannot make the playoffs and win a few games. Like i said though this is my line of thought every year and I've only been right once as of late. I've never stated i was done with this team, im in for life.

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It's hard to support an organization that not only fails, but also makes blatantly faulty decisions. Trading a 3rd round pick for Duckett was stupid, playing Holdman over McIntosh was stupid, and keeping Brunell in at QB over Campbell was just laughable. These decisions weren't just bad in hindsight, they were bad at the time they were made. I can root for a losing organization when I know they are making the right decisions - or at least not blatantly making the wrong ones. But I can't support an inept infrastructure no matter how much I may like the players. I'm giving the skins organization as a whole a blank slate on the season given the string of good decisions they made this offseason, but if I start seeing more stupidity from the top, it's going to be hard.

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someone will invariably ***** and moan, and if the team is performing poorly, it's justified. but im willing to bet that the skins can go 16-0, win the Superbowl, and someone will find something to complain about.

If the Skins go 16-0 and win the SB, it should be a bannable offense to complain about them on the boards from the moment the trophy gets handed (down) to the Danny up until draft day :D

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