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NFL Network Radio reports 'Skins will be interested in Tank Johnson.

DTN Redskin

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Well, as turns out Cal, they ended up letting him go for merely driving 40 in a 25. I'm not trying to down play why he was stopped in the first place, but I am sure that many of us have been quilty of doing the same. (Those who are throwing all these stones.)

I was under the impression that the Bears let Tank go because of the latest incident involving the speeding. I didn't read anything about "assault" or "resisting arrest."

And as for what was supposedly said by Tank at the scene, isn't that just hear say? None of us truly knows what was going on at that scene for him to say that or if he even said it at all? Should all police officers testimonies be taken as the word of God?

Again, it would seem as though you are including Tanks prior bungles along with his most recent incident with the law. I have handguns that are registered in my home town of Jersey and have gone to the range, gone over to a buddies house over in Philly afterwards to either watch a game or just buss it up. Sure it's illegal and I would probably get in trouble if I were to have been pulled over, but my point is that there was no malicious intent.

So, I'm not sure why anyone would want to condem Tanks behavior in that regard as anything but a mistake in paperwork or just poor judgement.

Chicago jumped the gun, that's the bottomline.

BTW, was Tank even issued a speeding citation?

To quote myself from the other thread that you spewed the same assinine crap:

[To give context: some idiot tried to play the race card]

"Some of you guys must be TUI or TWI.

He is under probation. He drove after drinking. You don't get pulled over because you're driving perfectly. Oh wait, he was speeding. That's probably what he was pulled over for. I don't know about you, but it's pretty hard for me to tell the skin color of someone when they're either driving by while you're stopped (speed trap) or behind someone, and I've got 15/20 vision. There goes your race card.

Then, after he was pulled over for speeding, he either had alcohol on his breath or was acting drunk. I mean, he was only EIGHT ONE-THOUSANDTHS away from the limit; it's not like he was perfectly sober.

Oh, and the idiot is on probation for illegal possession of six firearms while this all went down. When you're a normal citizen, you don't drink or drive. When you're on probation, then, unless you're an absolute idiot/Tank Johnson, you DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Bend over, take the race card, and insert it.

He's a criminal, he's an idiot, and he shouldn't be on a team for a long time. If you were caught with firearms or drinking and driving, then would your boss fire you for embarrassing the company? I'm guessing so."

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sounds like speculation but I don't think it would be wise for any team to take him right now. Let's see if he stays in shape and where he's at after his 8-game suspension. I feel that he may be able to change his off-the-field persona with the right organization. The Redskins being one of them. :2cents:

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Just a quick run-down:

Tank was arrested and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor weapons charge in 2005 (the one Bang mentioned, I believe)

Tank then had a two-month stay in jail for violating the terms of his probation...I believe this was the assault and resisting arrest, along with his comment to the police officer of "You ain't the only one with a Glock. If it wasn't for your gun and your badge, I'd kick your ass." And the whole thing started because a police officer wanted to ticket his limo.

Next, Tank's house was raided and six unregistered firearms were discovered...in violation of the earlier gun charge. But you have to ask youself exactly what was going on to deserve a SWAT team clearing out part of his street and raiding Tank's home. Perhaps it was the ex-con bodyguard/friend Tank had living with him, his girlfriend, and his child who brought the police to Tank's attention....and perhaps brought the illegal firearms, automatic weapons and 550 rounds of ammo in the house. Or maybe all of this was nothing more than a huge overreaction to Tank once again forgetting to fill out the right paperwork. Yeah.

Two days after that raid, that same bodyguard/friend was shot and killed while he and Johnson were in a Chicago nightclub.

And to further make you scratch your head bout this guy's character and mental stability, this from his family:

"Tank Johnson exaggerated and fabricated stories about his childhood in Gary and his father, Terry Johnson Sr., according to his aunt and other family members. Chris Johnson, Tank's aunt, was infuriated by a line in a Post-Tribune column Tuesday that said Terry had been ''in and out of prison.''

''You can't fabricate things, and you can't go around making up accusations and building up stories based on your family,'' said Chris Johnson, who lives in Gary. Said Terry Johnson Sr.: ''I've never been in prison.''

A profile of Tank Johnson in the Sun-Times on Aug. 10, 2004, said Terry Johnson Sr. had spent time in prison in Texas when Tank was young. It also quoted Tank extensively about his parents' drug use. His mother's name is Natalie Mobley. The Chicago Tribune also said Terry Johnson Sr. had spent time in prison in a December 2006 story.

Tank said a difficult childhood caused issues for him as he grew up.

''The '80s craze was all drugs,'' he told the Sun-Times. ''Both my parents were on it. It was chaotic. Looking back on it, I was oblivious. When my mom would leave, a couple days later my aunt would pick me up. I would go stay with an aunt for a while. It's just stuff like that. It might be interesting to you, but it's my life.''

Chris Johnson said the drug allegations are ''serious accusations. They aren't true. My brother has never been a drug addict. We need to clear my brother and my parents' name.''

''I don't know how the stories got out about me,'' Terry said. ''He was such a young kid when we divorced. I think what happened was when he got to Chicago, he was forced to guess or speculate about what happened to him when he was asked by reporters. In fairness to his mother and me, he probably never should've said anything about us.''

Tank Johnson also has told a story about how someone doused him with gasoline and attempted to set him on fire when he lived in Gary. Chris Johnson said she had ''no idea'' if that is true.

She said the family ''loves Tank unconditionally, but we don't understand the fabrications and lies. Nobody knows why he does it.''

Full article:



The speeding and driving while barely registering under the legal intoxication limit were nothing more than the cherry on top of the **** sundae Tank's been creating over the last 3 years. It's why the Bears said "**** this" and cut him.

But yeah, no warning signs here, no sir. Nothing but a ridiculous overreaction to a simple speeding ticket and a "mistake in paperwork". Gotcha.

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To quote myself from the other thread that you spewed the same assinine crap:

[To give context: some idiot tried to play the race card]

YOU are the idiot that brought up the race card. YOU are the one who brought the KKK and Hitler into the conversation. YOU need to read the forum rules.

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YOU are the idiot that brought up the race card. YOU are the one who brought the KKK and Hitler into the conversation. YOU need to read the forum rules.


Read the original post, but since that was already a problem for your brilliant mind, I'll quote it:

Tank Johnson is no choirboy but the Bears released him for essentially a DWB(Driving While Black) in Phoenix. Should we take a chance on this guy to solidify our dline? Granted he's not great but he would bolster our rotation. I say yes only if we can get him for value and with certain behavioral stipulations.

See it this time, buddy?

Oh, and can you find me my KKK or Hitler reference?

Thanks for playing.


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The speeding and driving while barely registering under the legal intoxication limit were nothing more than the cherry on top of the **** sundae Tank's been creating over the last 3 years. It's why the Bears said "**** this" and cut him.

But yeah, no warning signs here, no sir. Nothing but a ridiculous overreaction to a simple speeding ticket and a "mistake in paperwork". Gotcha.

Yup. And his attitude and work ethic were seriously questionable BEFORE he even got to the league and started f'n up. No way Gibbs goes near this dude. The people who are suggesting we do are just fooling themselves.

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You don't think Dexter was worth it? He produced for us.

To be honest...I'm really not sure...yes when he was on his game he was among the best...however you never knew when the next situation with him would come up and it's like playing Russian Roulette....so I just don't think we should take the chance.

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I don't think he is a thug and I actually do think he might be trying to turn things around.

The Bears didn't care what the charge was, only that he got arrested again. It doesn't matter if no charges were filed, the perception is still there, still exists in many of the minds of the people that read this board, from what I can tell from reading all these posts. The Bears are more concerned about how the team looks at this point and chose to sever ties with Johnson before they even knew that he wasn't drunk (because the tox report wasn't in yet). Right wrong or indifferent that is their right as the team.

Tank wasn't drunk and he was under the legal limit. Barely. Had he been couple of tenths higher he would have been booked for a DUI.

Regardless if he was 'tanked' or not, he was speeding and he had been drinking. It was an exercise in poor judgement to say the least, if not the brightest move of his night.

All that aside, if we were to sign, how much would he cost? Given that he can't even play until week 9, what would he be worth and would it be worth it to sign him?

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To quote myself from the other thread that you spewed the same assinine crap:

[To give context: some idiot tried to play the race card]

"Some of you guys must be TUI or TWI.

He is under probation. He drove after drinking. You don't get pulled over because you're driving perfectly. Oh wait, he was speeding. That's probably what he was pulled over for. I don't know about you, but it's pretty hard for me to tell the skin color of someone when they're either driving by while you're stopped (speed trap) or behind someone, and I've got 15/20 vision. There goes your race card.

Then, after he was pulled over for speeding, he either had alcohol on his breath or was acting drunk. I mean, he was only EIGHT ONE-THOUSANDTHS away from the limit; it's not like he was perfectly sober.

Oh, and the idiot is on probation for illegal possession of six firearms while this all went down. When you're a normal citizen, you don't drink or drive. When you're on probation, then, unless you're an absolute idiot/Tank Johnson, you DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Bend over, take the race card, and insert it.

He's a criminal, he's an idiot, and he shouldn't be on a team for a long time. If you were caught with firearms or drinking and driving, then would your boss fire you for embarrassing the company? I'm guessing so."

First of all, my quote was in response to another quote that came from a grown up member here that was able to convey his thoughts without having to try and come off like tough Tony.

Your quote is "assinine," because once again you are jumping into a conversation between men acting like a little boy by donning every situation/person that isn't written into the "NewCliches Book Of Scruples" with a name.

Once again you have successfully brought up the race card in a conversation where it has not been mentioned. Outstanding. :applause: You definitely have a hang up about race son. So please, you insert the race card wherever it feels best. Because you my friend, are the only one that's holding it and using it.

BTW, I don't think that anyone here is denying the fact that Tank has done some idiotic things. But I guess that you would have to say that Tank is just an idiot, right? That's just what you do.

Anyway, my point is that you have said some pretty idiotic things here and you might be the biggest idiot in the history of man for all I know. But, if I met you at a Redskins game and before we sat down and really talked for me to get to know you, I would first buy you a beer and give you the benefit of the doubt. :cheers:

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First of all, my quote was in response to another quote that came from a grown up member here that was able to convey his thoughts without having to try and come off like tough Tony.

Your quote is "assinine," because once again you are jumping into a conversation between men acting like a little boy by donning every situation/person that isn't written into the "NewCliches Book Of Scruples" with a name.

Once again you have successfully brought up the race card in a conversation where it has not been mentioned. Outstanding. :applause: You definitely have a hang up about race son. So please, you insert the race card wherever it feels best. Because you my friend, are the only one that's holding it and using it.

BTW, I don't think that anyone here is denying the fact that Tank has done some idiotic things. But I guess that you would have to say that Tank is just an idiot, right? That's just what you do.

Anyway, my point is that you have said some pretty idiotic things here and you might be the biggest idiot in the history of man for all I know. But, if I met you at a Redskins game and before we sat down and really talked for me to get to know you, I would first buy you a beer and give you the benefit of the doubt. :cheers:

Sorry, but no. You didn't bother to read the original post in that thread, and I'm sorry for that. I quoted in right below, highlighted it, and enlarged the font. I didn't bring up race. In fact, I explicitly said that race was irrelevant. Re-read it if you missed that.

You have a point that good people can do bad things, I will give you that. However, Tank, in terms of playing for us right now, has done too much to warrant a contract. If he straightens out, and I really hope that he does, then I'd welcome him. Until then, with his record and his present situation, he is not welcome. You can't negate his reputation before entering the league, his length legal history, and his current lack of any indication that he learned from his mistakes.

Our team has class; Tank Johnson does not. The latter should conform to the former, not the other way around.

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Oh, and can you find me my KKK or Hitler reference?

Thanks for playing.


"Yes, and the police planted all six of his guns, right? The police made him drink, right? Yep, and right after they go to their KKK and Neo-Nazi meetings, right? I mean, that's what they do."

post #190 from this thread


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"Yes, and the police planted all six of his guns, right? The police made him drink, right? Yep, and right after they go to their KKK and Neo-Nazi meetings, right? I mean, that's what they do."

post #190 from this thread


Thanks for putting it in context for me. I was saying that to illustrate the point that not all cops are just out there to "catch" minorities doing crimes because they're racist.

Look, I used some poor language because I was a little off that day.

My point, to clear it up, is that race was NOT a factor in Johnson's arrest. Sorry that I wasn't clear. :cheers:

That, however, does NOT invalidate everything else in the post. He's got work ethic problems. He's on probation for owning six guns. While on that probation, he was pulled over for speeding. While he was speeding, he was drinking. At that point, he's an instant idiot for not taking everything else that he's done into consideration.

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We need to sign Tank, the man has talent. Yes the man has issues with the law, but there are other players, past players for the Skins who scoffed at the law. I, being a native of Vienna, Virginia, I remember numerous times, B.Kilmer and S.Jurgenson being pulled over for drunk driving after leaving the Vienna Inn, and finding out about the incident on the WMAL radio station the next day, and this was before a Redskins game.

No one made a big deal of the situation. So all of you fans who want to crucify every player for their transgressions, and demand a bunch of choir boys for a football team I hope you will be satisfied with the product. "Loosen up Sandy baby''. :logo: :2cents:

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We need to sign Tank, the man has talent. Yes the man has issues with the law, but there are other players, past players for the Skins who scoffed at the law. I, being a native of Vienna, Virginia, I remember numerous times, B.Kilmer and S.Jurgenson being pulled over for drunk driving after leaving the Vienna Inn, and finding out about the incident on the WMAL radio station the next day, and this was before a Redskins game.

No one made a big deal of the situation. So all of you fans who want to crucify every player for their transgressions, and demand a bunch of choir boys for a football team I hope you will be satisfied with the product. "Loosen up Sandy baby''. :logo: :2cents:

The guy is already suspended for the first 8 NFL games that he becomes eligible for. He may even face further punishment/suspension from the NFL for drinking alcohol and driving (not drunk) if he's already in the league's substance abuse program. Yeah we _need_ to piss away a roster spot and cap dollars on Tank.

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Since when is speeding a such a bad offense? Want to hold any of our players accoutable for it?

Go to the counties of Loudoun and Fairfax, Plug in names off the roster.

Portis, Betts, Moss, and many others have been convicted of multiple non moving and moving violations over the years. I bet speeding isnt a big deal now.

Daryl Gardner did well for us under similar circumstances I do believe

Do you think that's the only thing he's been charged with? He was in jail this spring for a while. I don't think he was in there for speeding.

Trouble finds this guy. Just say no.....to Tank Johnson.

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our dline situation is pretty grimm right now. we have daniels who needs upgrade right now. hes 34 and wont be playing much longer. we have no depth at all at DE and hopefully we find some in the draft, or somehow some rookie undrafted guy steps up in a role. we have golston and mont who at this moment are complete question marks at DT. if they both end up being great, ill be thrilled, but we cant bank on unproven guys lighting it up. other than them, we have griff and sal who are both old and injury prone, they wont be here much longer, i dread to even know what kinda cap hit both of them make next year.

tank johnson is a 25 year old proven stud who needs a change of surrounding. we need to sign this guy asap. there isnt a single downside to signing him at all. worst case scenario, he gets in trouble again, we get rid of him, no big deal. and the stuff he got in trouble for was stupid. this isnt pacman jones.

wasnt sean taylor the one shooting at people who took his ATVs? last time i checked nobody called for his head.

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The guy is already suspended for the first 8 NFL games that he becomes eligible for. He may even face further punishment/suspension from the NFL for drinking alcohol and driving (not drunk) if he's already in the league's substance abuse program. Yeah we _need_ to piss away a roster spot and cap dollars on Tank.

Is Tank under the leagues substance abuse program? You don't seem to sure your self. Yeah just what we need to do field another ''piss" poor defense again this year.

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While I do not directly compare the two individuals, if Joe could employ Dexter Manley, he COULD work with Johnson. Whether or not he SHOULD is the next question. If anyone can help Tank, it would more than likely be Joe Gibbs.

that is an excellent point. coach gibbs seems to be one of those coaches that wants these guys to progress as players, but also as men too.

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