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NFL Network Radio reports 'Skins will be interested in Tank Johnson.

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Outraged? You're funny to me because you just dont get it and never will.
Don't know where you are trying to go with the "outraged" comment, because it just doesn't really apply anywhere. What are you talking about? :whoknows:

And just because our opinions are not the same, doesn't mean that I don't get it. Your opinon is equally as funny to me.

The guy didn't just get caught out late drinking. The guy got caught and got caught and got caught. Someone is dead along the way.
So because Tank "got caught out late drinking," over and over again, that led to someone's death? And that makes sense to you? :doh:

Did the shooting start because Tank was there? You appear to be all knowing, so could you please explain that one to me.

Finally he claims to be cleaning up his act and goes out clubbing to celebrate. He has no self control, i.e. its easy to see him out of shape with a nice hiatus heading his way.
Yeah, because you know him so well and you know what he is going to do with his time off. All of those reports of him coming back out of shape from the offseasons every year are alarming. :rolleyes: :jerk:

Could you do me a favor and let me know who is going to win in the fifth, tomorrow at Dover Downes? :doh:

If you still dont get it dont bother responding to my posts, or better yet, put me on ignore.
Check this out, I will continue to respond to whoever I want to in here (ridiculous and all.) Before you stumbled on up in here with your ridiculous little side comments, there was some pretty interesting point of views being shared in here.

Bottomline, I will never, ever need the use of an ignore button in here. You obviously think way too highly of yourself. And you really shouldn't.

As for tiresome points, the whole, "he was just out clubbing no big deal" line is equally as tiresome to those of us who get it. The guy got plenty of chances to straighten himself out and didn't but you see talent so therefore he should get yet another chance. That is the most "nannyish" thing possible. You want to coddle him because he's "cute". Cut him loose and let him figure it out for himself. He had a chance to make millions and retire at 35 and all he had to do was lay low for a few months and he blew it. Pathetic.
If you can go back and find anywhere in my quotes where I used "he was just out clubbing no big deal" as a point, I will personally buy you a nice, realistic type blow up doll. Apparently it will have to be male, given the fact that you seem to find Tank "cute."
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and the last para is where we part company. Let the professionals, not Googlers, decide what the real risks are.

. . . wow.

So the press reports that he's had a history of firearms violations, assaulted a cop, and has had blatant disregard for the law, but since I found that on Google, it doesn't matter?

Just give up, you're wrong.

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Yes, that's just how it happened. You really like know your like history real good, you know what I'm sayin'?

In a free society like America, the status quo is perfectly fine if it does not break laws. You should google the "US Constitution" and "Bill of Rights".

You should Google "US Legislation" or "US Supreme Court Decisions" because laws change. Again, the status quo is hardly ever ideal.

Say it with me, sweetheart:

Just. Because. Everyone. Does. It. Does. Not. Make. It. Right.

If you can in any way disagree with that, then you're living in a delusional world. If you can in any way disagree with that, then why vote? Why have an opinion at all? I mean, according to you, the status quo is ALWAYS perfect, right?

One of two things is terrible with you:

1) Your logic

2) Your ethics

You pick which one.

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The fact was he wasn't being responsible. He was friggin lucky his blood alcohol was "only" 0.072. Do you realize how many drinks a 320lb man has to consume to get his blood alcohol that high? About 8 and possibly more depending on how much time had gone by when they took his blood.

First off, if it takes 24 drinks or 1 drink to get your blood alcohol level 0.072, the point is, legally, he wasn't drunk. Furthermore, he would be just as intoxicated as the person that took 1 or 2 drinks to get to that same level. Therfore, trying to claim the number of drinks he had to what an average person would have is ridiculous because as an extremely large individual, he can hold a lot more before he reaches the limit.

It's a pretty easy concept to grasp. :2cents:

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Don't know where you are trying to go with the "outraged" comment, because it just doesn't really apply anywhere. What are you talking about? :whoknows:

And just because our opinions are not the same, doesn't mean that I don't get it. Your opinon is equally as funny to me.

So because Tank "got caught out late drinking," over and over again, that led to someone's death? And that makes sense to you? :doh:

Did the shooting start because Tank was there? You appear to be all knowing, so could you please explain that one to me.

Yeah, because you know him so well and you know what he is going to do with his time off. All of those reports of him coming back out of shape from the offseasons every year are alarming. :rolleyes: :jerk:

Could you do me a favor and let me know who is going to win in the fifth, tomorrow at Dover Downes? :doh:

Check this out, I will continue to respond to whoever I want to in here (ridiculous and all.) Before you stumbled on up in here with your ridiculous little side comments, there was some pretty interesting point of views being shared in here.

Bottomline, I will never, ever need the use of an ignore button in here. You obviously think way too highly of yourself. And you really shouldn't.

If you can go back and find anywhere in my quotes where I used "he was just out clubbing no big deal" as a point, I will personally buy you a nice, realistic type blow up doll. Apparently it will have to be male, given the fact that you seem to find Tank "cute."

Questioning someone's sexual orientation, how mature.:rolleyes: Usually goes hand in hand with correcting someone's grammar and personal insults and is generally reserved for the 20 something crowd. How old are you? 41? :doh:

If TW's lack of self control isn't a red flag for you then nothing is. He can't control himself. He ordered hundreds of dollars of junk food while in prison. Conbime that with his penchant for going out drinking and yeah, I'm sure he wont come in a few pounds heavy, he'll be a well oiled machine after 2-3 months off. :doh:

You don't get my analogy. Sigh. I guess I have to spell it out for you. You see, you want to coddle Tank because you think he's cute. If you replace coddle with sign to a contract and cute with because he's got talent, you get what's called an analogy. Understand?

You think everyone deserves a 10th and 11th chance, and you're naive enough not to understand where TW's been and where he's going.

So answer a question. We bring in Tank. Who goes? Someone has to be cut, most likey a DT. Who are you cutting? And if Tank does screw up, which his own history shows is very likely, what then? Think you'll find anyone of any use to replace him?

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This argument is fine and dandy, but I just don't understand the downside of signing him to a incentive laden deal with little up front money. He comes in out of shape in training camp, cut him. No one of value has to be cut for him to be in training camp. If the coaches sit down with him and talk and they think he is OK then they will sign him despite the fan bases desires.

Personally I would welcome him and give him a chance. People need to get off their high horses, sounds like some of you would lock him up for life for doing what all of us have done at some point. By that I mean have you guys ever had a beer with dinner and drove home, ever go to a club have a beer and decide to leave and drive home. I have and if it makes me a **** then so be it. Never mind that I haven't had a drink in 3 years. I speed every day because I drive an interstate to work, no way am I going 65 when everyone else is driving 75 or 80 that is more dangerous.

So lock me up and throw away the key, I am a menace to society. I should never be able to work again.

just plain dumb.

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This argument is fine and dandy, but I just don't understand the downside of signing him to a incentive laden deal with little up front money. He comes in out of shape in training camp, cut him. No one of value has to be cut for him to be in training camp. If the coaches sit down with him and talk and they think he is OK then they will sign him despite the fan bases desires.

Personally I would welcome him and give him a chance. People need to get off their high horses, sounds like some of you would lock him up for life for doing what all of us have done at some point. By that I mean have you guys ever had a beer with dinner and drove home, ever go to a club have a beer and decide to leave and drive home. I have and if it makes me a **** then so be it. Never mind that I haven't had a drink in 3 years. I speed every day because I drive an interstate to work, no way am I going 65 when everyone else is driving 75 or 80 that is more dangerous.

So lock me up and throw away the key, I am a menace to society. I should never be able to work again.

just plain dumb.

Not really the point, but it's that same point others are trying to make. If that was all he had done fine, no big deal as far as I'm concerned. The problem is you're taking his last infraction out of context. He has a previous history that has already cost him a lot, but he continues to think, "as long as I dont get caught, it's okay". This after saying he wants to be "man of the year". He'll tell you whatever you want to hear but he doesn't back it up with his actions.

Great, so assuming the best case scenario he comes into training camp healthy and in shape, he then has to go away until the middle of the season. In the meantime we have to hold a roster spot for him so you're going to have to remove someone and have an empty space until he returns. Who would that be? It's a 53 man roster and playing with a man down is a handicap. Considering how we played last year I dont think it's one we can afford.

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Not really the point, but it's that same point others are trying to make. If that was all he had done fine, no big deal as far as I'm concerned. The problem is you're taking his last infraction out of context. He has a previous history that has already cost him a lot, but he continues to think, "as long as I dont get caught, it's okay". This after saying he wants to be "man of the year". He'll tell you whatever you want to hear but he doesn't back it up with his actions.

Problem with your logic is you have no idea what this person is thinking. He may have seen the light when was cut from the bears. Fact is he messed up and he is paying the price for it and he will for years to come. You can't look at someone and judge what he did what 6 months ago and say that he hasn't changed. I would hate to be a excon and interview for a job with you people.

Great, so assuming the best case scenario he comes into training camp healthy and in shape, he then has to go away until the middle of the season. In the meantime we have to hold a roster spot for him so you're going to have to remove someone and have an empty space until he returns. Who would that be? It's a 53 man roster and playing with a man down is a handicap. Considering how we played last year I dont think it's one we can afford.

Yeah like Joe Salavea has done anything for the skins the past year, I would let him go in favor of Tank. So we stash a few rookies on the practice squad just in case. Risk to reward factor has to be considered.

Responses underlined.

Unlike a lot of people I am not one that is afraid of rookies having to provide depth. It is a concept most of you will have to come to grips with. If you ever want the skins to have more then 1 day one pick then we will have rookies providing depth. I am just as comfortable with going 6 -8 games without Tank as I am with going into the year with 3 DT's and Wynn and Daniels at DE (who can both play DT if need be).

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Questioning someone's sexual orientation, how mature.:rolleyes: Usually goes hand in hand with correcting someone's grammar and personal insults and is generally reserved for the 20 something crowd. How old are you? 41? :doh:

If TW's lack of self control isn't a red flag for you then nothing is. He can't control himself. He ordered hundreds of dollars of junk food while in prison. Conbime that with his penchant for going out drinking and yeah, I'm sure he wont come in a few pounds heavy, he'll be a well oiled machine after 2-3 months off. :doh:

You don't get my analogy. Sigh. I guess I have to spell it out for you. You see, you want to coddle Tank because you think he's cute. If you replace coddle with sign to a contract and cute with because he's got talent, you get what's called an analogy. Understand?

You think everyone deserves a 10th and 11th chance, and you're naive enough not to understand where TW's been and where he's going.

So answer a question. We bring in Tank. Who goes? Someone has to be cut, most likey a DT. Who are you cutting? And if Tank does screw up, which his own history shows is very likely, what then? Think you'll find anyone of any use to replace him?

This thread really needs to be closed now. I really believe that it has gone as far as it's going to go.

Birdslive, if you truly are wanting to know and discuss different points of views on the topic of Tank, well, there are over 300 quotes here for you to read up on. I bumped it after Chicago released Tank to see what members here thought about us maybe talking to him, to get to know him a little better and possibly sign him.

But your first response to my quote was obnoxious and IMO someones attempt at trying to butch up.

As for Tank, there has been no further news on the subject and it seems to be a dead issue.

So, until there is anymore news...have fun. :ciao:

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You should Google "US Legislation" or "US Supreme Court Decisions" because laws change. Again, the status quo is hardly ever ideal.

Obviously, you have no idea what status quo means. You should know the meaning of words before you try to use them. Ideal in whose eyes? Yours? You are a joke. Legal and ideal are two different things, Bozo.

Say it with me, sweetheart:

Just. Because. Everyone. Does. It. Does. Not. Make. It. Right.

I'm not your sweetheart. That must be some other guy. Who are you to say what's right and wrong? Maybe you lord over your sweetheart, but I think he probably pitches. Catcher. Find a "baseball" board, and don't try to tell me what's right or wrong. I have a Constitution and Bill of Rights to do that. If you try to stand between me and my American rights, you better be packing more than that bucket of Vaseline.

If you can in any way disagree with that, then you're living in a delusional world. If you can in any way disagree with that, then why vote? Why have an opinion at all? I mean, according to you, the status quo is ALWAYS perfect, right?.

I vote to keep little gay Hitler types out of office.

One of two things is terrible with you:

1) Your logic

2) Your ethics

You pick which one.

Pick the dingleberries out of your mustache, jergoff.

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A tough and contentious thread here! I'll weigh in with my essay, but first I'd like to establish two findings gleaned from earlier postings

1. The Redskins D-line would probably benefit in performance by having someone of Tank's physical talent at DT.

2. Tank comes with major baggage and a 6-8 game suspension. Moreover, he'd be hanging by thread when he came back.

Now, much of this thread's 'back-and-forth' dwelled on people expressing their opinions on events around Tank and guessing what would happen next. Frankly, I'm going to forego discussions on the merits of BACs, drinking, gun-laws, etc. and narrow the focus of my essay to just a few questions:

Q1. Does Tank's previous history deem he shouldn't be playing in the NFL? The NFL Comissioner ruled on this. Tank pleaded guilty to probation violations and served his time. He'll soon start serving his NFL suspension. If Tank observes the terms of his suspension --then he'd be eligible to come back and play for an NFL team. Since Tank hasn't appealedany of the former convictions or rulings-- the legal merits of this issue are now moot. After serving his suspension, Tank has as much right to play as any other NFL players who've been suspended and served their time.

Q2. Should Tank be allowed to play for the Redskins? Now, this is trickier. From a talent standpoint we could use him. However, I'm not sure what impact Tankl's presence in a locker-room would have on team chemistry, and how the newer players conduct themselves. I suspect the Redskins would take a media hit for signing him. (But, frankly, hasn't the media has already tagged us for Taylor's antics, and for Portis/Samuels on the dog issue?)

I would point out that Gibbs teams have relied on having players with team-spirit and 'character' on their roster. From what I've read, I'm not sure that the pre-Super Bowl version of Tank had that kind of team-spirit and character. However, in 2007, it seems like Tank is trying to turn it around -- serving time seems to have made an impact. The history is bad, but in spite of the speeding arrest -- Tank seems to try to cooperate and is saying all the right things.

Q3. Could Tank turn it around and be a decent player for the Redskins? It's possible, but a long-shot. Tank would have dramactically change his behavior and take great pains to keep out of any kind of trouble. While a change of venue would help -- I think the police everywhere are skeptical of Tank's rehabilitation; if he's in the wrong place at the wrong time -- he's going to get the full scrutiny of the police. And they tend to find things that are 'wrong.'

The pre Super-Bowl Tank did not impress me with his common sense or ability for moderation, mature behavior or restraint. Since serving his time, Tank's attitude may have made some progress, but Tank's latest brush with the law indicates he still didn't appreciate how much scrutiny he's now drawn. Tankl would have to maintain 'saint-like' behavior from now on. He's got no lee-way left.

MY TAKE: It's a cop-out but really I'd have to defer to Gibbs & Co. They are the only ones close enough to the situation to be qualifed to accurately assess and analyze the pros and cons of having Tank on the Redskins. From my Cheap Seats' view - I'd have to say the "upside" of signing Tank Johnson is probably outweighed by the "downside." While, I've been urging the need for upgrading our D-Line, I reluctantly think we should pass on Tank.

The upside :) -- It would be great if Tank could rehabilitate his career as a Redskin. (Frankly, I think Tank is ready and willing to try to rehabilitate, but the odds tend to show he'll be tripped somehow after making an NFL roster.) If Tank could stay on the straight and narrow, we'd have a great player and a great character story too. Also I think he'd be an economical signing for the first year.

The downside :mad: -- If he gets in trouble again (a definite possibility) then the Redskins would be losing a spot on their 2007 roster. We'd also have to figure out what to do personnel-wise while Tank serves out his current suspension. Which DT would we cut to keep Tank on the rolls? Also, I suspect Redskins franchise could be classified as the Bengals of the NFC-East, especially if Tank slips up and gets in trouble again. Lastly, we can conjecture on his character (my sense is Tank has changed for the better)-- only players and coaches closely working with Tank can gauge his icomplete mpact on team chemistry. Any slip-up by Tank would embroil the team in controversy, and that's never good for a team trying to make the playoffs.

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This thread really needs to be closed now. I really believe that it has gone as far as it's going to go.

Birdslive, if you truly are wanting to know and discuss different points of views on the topic of Tank, well, there are over 300 quotes here for you to read up on. I bumped it after Chicago released Tank to see what members here thought about us maybe talking to him, to get to know him a little better and possibly sign him.

But your first response to my quote was obnoxious and IMO someones attempt at trying to butch up.

As for Tank, there has been no further news on the subject and it seems to be a dead issue.

So, until there is anymore news...have fun. :ciao:

Seriously, you need to look in a mirror.

Basically you feel you can call people out, criticize their posts, make obnoxious commentary on what they think, but when someone offers up the same criticism towards you you feel the need to make derogatory comments about them and insult them. You are the epitome of can dish it out but can't take it. Grow up.

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Nice post but one point here.

He'll soon start serving his NFL suspension. If Tank observes the terms of his suspension --then he'd be eligible to come back and play for an NFL team.

Tank won't start serving his suspension until someone signs him. Therefore, say that everyone passes on him until Booger McFarland goes down in Week 4. They sign Tank, but he's not eligible to play until Week 12.

My guess is that someone signs him for peanuts sometime in August. And it most likely will be a contender with strong locker room leadership (i.e. the Colts, Steelers, etc.) A dark horse would be the Bills. They have a big need at DT and their Dcoordinator is a former Lovie Smith assistant.

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Nice post but one point here.

Tank won't start serving his suspension until someone signs him. Therefore, say that everyone passes on him until Booger McFarland goes down in Week 4. They sign Tank, but he's not eligible to play until Week 12.

My guess is that someone signs him for peanuts sometime in August. And it most likely will be a contender with strong locker room leadership (i.e. the Colts, Steelers, etc.) A dark horse would be the Bills. They have a big need at DT and their Dcoordinator is a former Lovie Smith assistant.

See, that's the thing EVERYONE is missing. They think that after 6 games (when it's actually 8) that they can sign him and he'll play right away. It doesn't work that way. People are going to have to address a need right away and get him signed now. Would you sign him at this juncture? He's probably not in shape, his upside is questionable at best and his future is dark and cloudy. When I talk about risk this is the risk I talk about. The Redskins shouldn't take this risk.

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Nice post but one point here.

Tank won't start serving his suspension until someone signs him.

That is a good point. I hadn't considered that, as Goodell has not commented on Tank since his latest troubles. So, he will be signed for camp, or likely not signed at all. Him feeling that urgency will make him even cheaper. Peanuts is probably right.

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Obviously, you have no idea what status quo means. You should know the meaning of words before you try to use them. Ideal in whose eyes? Yours? You are a joke. Legal and ideal are two different things, Bozo.

I'm not your sweetheart. That must be some other guy. Who are you to say what's right and wrong? Maybe you lord over your sweetheart, but I think he probably pitches. Catcher. Find a "baseball" board, and don't try to tell me what's right or wrong. I have a Constitution and Bill of Rights to do that. If you try to stand between me and my American rights, you better be packing more than that bucket of Vaseline.

I vote to keep little gay Hitler types out of office.

Pick the dingleberries out of your mustache, jergoff.

I'm not going to sink to your homophobic, stereotypical, and downright anti-American viewpoints.

I feel bad for you and anyone that has to interact with you. I, however, will not be one of those people. This is about Tank Johnson, and when your argument fell apart, you had nothing left but to make personal attacks. I'm sorry.

Anyway, this topic is dead. Whoever mentioned that there's been 364 or something posts about a guy who hasn't even come here is right. I'll wait for further news before commenting on the subject.

In closing, I hope that Tank redeems himself, but until then, he is not welcome on my team.

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Seriously, you need to look in a mirror.

Basically you feel you can call people out, criticize their posts, make obnoxious commentary on what they think, but when someone offers up the same criticism towards you you feel the need to make derogatory comments about them and insult them. You are the epitome of can dish it out but can't take it. Grow up.

First of all, bubba, I just want to let you know that your quote was read and understood. I'm just confused about something and would like for it to be cleared up if possible.

Birdlives, beneath this quote is my original response to one of your quotes (the bottom quote). Please explain to me how what I said was in any, shape way or form, calling out someone. If you can successfully explain that and even one person here views this as me calling someone out, then I will gladly type an apology.

What I am trying to say my friend is, this is a message board and I just don't get down like that. Some people might get off on coming in here, beating there chest and calling people out, but that's just not my thing. I bumped this thread about a week ago to discuss Tank being released by Chicago and it's been the #1 topic here ever since. And before you came in here talking about some "outraged," "put me on ignore," I've had some pretty damn good debates about Tank, some a little heated, some not. But at no point and time did anyone accuse me of calling anyone out.

Now, if you think that me calling a line that has been used over and over again on this thread subject "nannyish," "obnoxious commentary on what you think," well, your skin is going to have to get a lot thicker than that if you are going to continue to take general comments like that personal.

P.S. Now don't forget to read your quote at the very bottom, then tell me truthfully :rolleyes: who was being obnoxious. BTW, take notice as to where bubba's quote came in. ;)

Man, after all of this, like someone else said, I hope Tank at least drives by DC. Yes, sober and without a Tech 9. :D

This topic has officially gone south. :(

What is this, friggin Days Of Our Lives? Is someone here Tank's girlfriend that he cheated on and he needs him/her to "forgive" him? Why does anyone here or anywhere else need to forgive Tank for anything?

Man, this is football and I want a fatbody next to my star DT. It's that simple.

This whole "he hasn't learned his lesson" thing is getting so incredibly tired and quite nannyish.

So, based on your investagative findings of Tanks crimminal background, you think that Tank will show up after his suspension, out of shape? OMG in heaven, I'm done. :doh:

Outraged? You're funny to me because you just dont get it and never will. The guy didn't just get caught out late drinking. The guy got caught and got caught and got caught. Someone is dead along the way. Finally he claims to be cleaning up his act and goes out clubbing to celebrate. He has no self control, i.e. its easy to see him out of shape with a nice hiatus heading his way. If you still dont get it dont bother responding to my posts, or better yet, put me on ignore. As for tiresome points, the whole, "he was just out clubbing no big deal" line is equally as tiresome to those of us who get it. The guy got plenty of chances to straighten himself out and didn't but you see talent so therefore he should get yet another chance. That is the most "nannyish" thing possible. You want to coddle him because he's "cute". Cut him loose and let him figure it out for himself. He had a chance to make millions and retire at 35 and all he had to do was lay low for a few months and he blew it. Pathetic.

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P.S. Now don't forget to read your quote at the very bottom, then tell me truthfully :rolleyes: who was being obnoxious. BTW, take notice as to where bubba's quote came in. ;)

Man, after all of this, like someone else said, I hope Tank at least drives by DC. Yes, sober and without a Tech 9. :D

This topic has officially gone south. :(

You're kidding right?

:laugh: :laugh:

I made a general comment not directed at you at all to which you responded by cussing at me (as far as you can on this board at least), making a snide comment on my post (i.e. nannyish) and throwing in a :doh: to boot, but I'm the one who is obnoxious?

Then, when I respond in kind I'm the one who is rude. Unbelievable how you hold others to a higher standard than yourself.

And please, next time, tell the whole story.

1. I made a comment (not directly to you),

2. you responded obnoxiously(directly to me)

3. I reciprocated (directly to you).

End of story.

Oh, wait, that isn't the end.

When I responded to you in the same fashion that YOU initiated, you proceed to make derogatory comments about me. Nice.

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