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Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Best Reviewed Sci-Fi Films


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Here is the link: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/features/special/2007/scifi/?r=9&mid=1020005

And here is the top 10:

10. Aliens (Adjusted score - 86.2, Tomatometer - 100%)

9. Star Wars IV: A New Hope (Adjusted score - 86.4, Tomatometer - 95%)

8. The Host(Adjusted score - 88.0, Tomatometer - 92%)

7. Children of Men (Adjusted score - 88.2, Tomatometer - 91%)

6. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (Adjusted score - 88.4, Tomatometer - 97%)

5. Minority Report (Adjusted score - 88.6, Tomatometer - 91%)

4. Alien (Adjusted score - 89.3, Tomatometer - 97%)

3. Metropolis (Adjusted score - 90.9, Tomatometer - 99%)

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Adjusted score - 91.2, Tomatometer - 94%)

1. E.T. (Adjusted score - 91.3, Tomatometer - 98%)


What are your top 10 sci-fi movies?

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Guest sith lord

Star Wars should be number one. I swear, I never even heard of some of those movies rated higher.

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Star Wars has to be #1. Whether or not you like Lucas or the prequals or the toys or the C3PO breakfast cereal. Star Wars, the original, has to be #1. SciFi today wouldn't be SciFi without that movie.

Of course, these are the best reviewed movies, so that just goes to show how off critics can be.

8. The Host(Adjusted score - 88.0, Tomatometer - 92%)

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Adjusted score - 91.2, Tomatometer - 94%)

Pardon my French, but give me a GD break.

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Where is Blade Runner? 12 Monkeys? Eternal Sunshine shouldn't be there. It fits loosely but it's just not the right type of movie.

This is why I don't like Rotten Tomatoes. They base everything off critics. I say the real critics are the people. That's why I use IMDB.

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Here is IMDB's top ten as voted by the people! Grindhouse might be a little inflated right now due to the fact that it just came out. But I didn't see it so I will reserve my judgment.

Rank Rating Title Votes

1. 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 165,832

2. 8.8 Star Wars (1977) 204,102

3. 8.5 The Matrix (1999) 223,070

4. 8.4 Metropolis (1927) 21,142

5. 8.4 Alien (1979) 100,630

6. 8.3 Aliens (1986) 98,591

7. 8.3 Grindhouse (2007) 33,404

8. 8.3 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 96,842

9. 8.3 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 124,162

10. 8.2 Blade Runner (1982)

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10. Aliens (Adjusted score - 86.2, Tomatometer - 100%)

9. Star Wars IV: A New Hope (Adjusted score - 86.4, Tomatometer - 95%)

8. The Host(Adjusted score - 88.0, Tomatometer - 92%)

7. Children of Men (Adjusted score - 88.2, Tomatometer - 91%)

6. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (Adjusted score - 88.4, Tomatometer - 97%)

5. Minority Report (Adjusted score - 88.6, Tomatometer - 91%)

This is a goof

4. Alien (Adjusted score - 89.3, Tomatometer - 97%)

3. Metropolis (Adjusted score - 90.9, Tomatometer - 99%)

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Adjusted score - 91.2, Tomatometer - 94%)

1. E.T. (Adjusted score - 91.3, Tomatometer - 98%)

Minority Report and the Host are the ones that I have the biggest problems with. Especially, Minority Report. I also have some qualms with the Alien movies having two representatives... even though I think they were both very good (esp since Alien was horror and not SF)

I also would put Planet of the Apes in the top 10 and 2001. I'm not concerned with order so much, but those two were pretty important and good.

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I'd take the Matrix trilogy over any of those but I know that a lot of people hated 2 and 3. Aliens and Empire Strikes back are the only movies on their top 10 list I would put on mine.

E.T. was way too childish to put on that list. It was a good movie when I saw it when I was a kid but I think I'd have a tough time sitting through the whole thing now.

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Star Wars has to be #1. Whether or not you like Lucas or the prequals or the toys or the C3PO breakfast cereal. Star Wars, the original, has to be #1. SciFi today wouldn't be SciFi without that movie.

Of course, these are the best reviewed movies, so that just goes to show how off critics can be.

Pardon my French, but give me a GD break.

Eternal Sunshine was a great movie, but I don't know if I would call if Sci-Fi ... it was a romantic drama with a plot that revolved around a bit of technology - it definitely doesn't fit on that list though.

Now The Host is a foreign film, so maybe it doesn't really fit on the list either it's also really recent - not even out on DVD yet ... I'll probably check it out though after seeing them on this list.

It always kind of bugs me to see Metropolis on all these lists ... I mean it was really ahead of its time for 1927, but was it really that great of a movie? It's is really really dated if you see it now.

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Metropolis was based on one of the first true science-fiction novels (same name) written, by Fritz Lang. It is a pre-30's classic much in the vien of Citizen Kane in terms of influence, vision, stylized impact, etc. It may indeed belong.

But the other protests here are right on--which is wierd because Rotten Tomatoes tends to be a fairly reliable review site for overall ratings (not going by readers votes but by their "pro system"). And this list has all the flaws being pointed out. Not in absolute order of preference, here's a quick top 10 of mine, I know I'd change it later :laugh: .

1. Star Wars (the original--**** these numbers)

2. 2001

3. Blade Runner

4. Alien

5. THX 1138

6. CE3K

7. T2

8. 12 Monkeys

9. Planet of the Apes (original)

10. Jurassic Park I

Honorable mention: The Fly (Jeff Goldblum version--my "reach" pick :D )

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Eternal Sunshine was a great movie, but I don't know if I would call if Sci-Fi ... it was a romantic drama with a plot that revolved around a bit of technology - it definitely doesn't fit on that list though.

Well, the main plot device is a machine that can delete people's memories, so there was definitely SF in there.

Really, you can classify most of these movies as other things. At its heart, Star Wars is an action/adventure movie with Sci-Fi trappings.

Now The Host is a foreign film, so maybe it doesn't really fit on the list either it's also really recent - not even out on DVD yet ... I'll probably check it out though after seeing them on this list.

Well, it isn't because it is a foreign film that I don't think it should be on the list. What is the Sci-Fi concept here? Maybe the creation of the monster, but that's kinda a stretch.

It always kind of bugs me to see Metropolis on all these lists ... I mean it was really ahead of its time for 1927, but was it really that great of a movie? It's is really really dated if you see it now.

While it is dated, I still think it is a great movie.


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Without even bothering to read this or click on the link, I'm going to assume they are talking about some qualitative analysis of reviews, not actually ranking which films are the best. CLEARLY ET is NOT the best sci-fi film ever made.

That POS Sunshine movie doesn't even belong in this category.

Sci-Fi gots to have robots or aliens, or it ain't sci-fi!

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Me too, the original and the Kurt Russell version (awesome special effets when it came out). But I bet that went into "horror".

They would probably do that while "Young Frankenstein" makes it's way onto the Sci-Fi list...does anybody actually believe that Young Frankenstein, as brilliant of a movie as it is, qualifies as a sci-fi movie instead of a comedy???

Whats next? Will Blazing Saddles make the best western movie list???

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Blade Runner

Star Trek I (V-Ger is one hell of a cool concept.)


The Thing (It is from another world after all.)

The Empire Strikes back

The Matrix (I don't know about you, but I thought it was a killer flick and really cool idea)


The Day the Earth Stood Still (It's good, AND my grandfather is a visible extra in it. So I am obligated to pick it.)

Star Wars


Children of Men

No particular order, except Blade Runner is my favorite sci-fi movie of all.


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