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Bill and Hillary Clinton are across the street...(now with voyueristic pics)


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...from my parents house.

Its pretty damn wild. Apparantley Hillary is having a fundraiser and Terry Mcaulliffe (parents neighbor) is hosting it. Its pretty crazy, there are like 500 cars in our small little neighborhood. I'm peeking out the window and I see so many secret service cars and there is a rich white guy getting out a Bently Azure or something really expensive. My mom and dad are going but I'm not because I hate politicians. My dad doled out a grand for the cause but mostly because he idolizes Bill and wants a picture with him.

But yes, is there any away for me to profit from this :evil: ?





They also raped our lawn and the round-about :mad:


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I'm sorry you and your family have to go through that pain. Take solace that it will be over soon.

Thanks for the support :(

I can't even leave the house... the whole street is blocked :mad:

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Yell out that your bedridden 14 year old sister wants to meet him in her room...

Then have Chris Hansen waiting in the room...


Go over and challenge her to an arm wrestling match. You need the practice.




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Make a sign that says "Parking $10" and direct people onto your parents' lawn.

...or if you want to make a lot of money, make the sign "Valet Parking" and drive off with a few cars. :silly:

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-Pull a cousin Eddie and go out there in your bathrobe and slippers smoking a cig and drinking a bud light. Walk around your front yard scratching your ass and belching loudly.

-run up to cars as they're trying to park and start cleaning their windshields. Then hold out hand for 'tip'.

-Fire up leaf blower and put it on the corner of your lot with the throttle wide open. Go back inside.

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-run up to cars as they're trying to park and start cleaning their windshields. Then hold out hand for 'tip'.

Classic... Actually, put up a sign that says "free parking w/ purchase of car wash" just start washing cars on your property, then charge people $100 as they try to leave...

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