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hit my thigh, need adive


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I was playing soccer, and running full speed, I cutback, and the defenders knee caught me right in the thigh. Needless to say, theres no bruise or discoloration, but it hurts like an absolute :censored:. I was worried, because it hurt so much, and I drive manual, and I barely made it home. I've iced it, but it still hurts. It feels like the muscle is really really tight in my leg, which would make me think it's a tissue injury, so a bruise is likely, yet theres no discoloration. Any suggestions? my friend said it might be a bone bruise, but i dunno.

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Sounds like a deep tissue bruise or charley horse. I bet you start to see discoloration in a day or two. I've had success treating with alternating sessions of ice and wet heat (20 minutes on/20 minutes off) along with light stretching. It's going to be sore for a while.

I could of guessed you were playing soccer...the part about needing a dive was a dead give-away. ;)

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I would stick to ice for a 24 hrs ,then alternate as he said.

After 24 hrs work it out w/o excessive straining.

Motrin or muscle relaxers will probably help.

Massaging the area will stimulate healing/recovery,finding a beautiful woman to massage it is my recommendation. :cool:

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Does it hurt just at the point of contact? I've heard of guys actually having their hip broken or dislocated with that kind of hit. If you have pain other than at the point of contact, or have any tingling, numbness anywhere, I'd get it x-rayed, otherwise, its probably just tissue trauma.

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my girlfriend is a former athletic trainer. she has seen her fair share of injuries. she said it sounds like it could be a bone bruise. she also said for the first few days use the rice technique (rest, ice, compression only if there is swelling, and elevation). depending on how deep the bruise is you wont see anything for as much as a week. she said to keep an eye on it. if it starts to swell or your condition worsens, go to a doctor.

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No heat..... heat brings blood to the area. No massage. Massage brings blood to the area.... and since the area is injured... it's likely to get congested. No stretching.... the muscle has spasmed as a a protective guard.

RICE. Active ROM movements - pain-free - in the joints above (hip) and below (knee) to maintain mobility in those joints. Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris) crosses both those joints...

After a couple of days... you can get a massage of your lower back and other leg... which are going to be over-worked because of compensation.

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Pain control is probaly what you seek. Depending on when you injured it would give better insight. RICE is not always an across the board treatment solution. It works for a spectrum of related soft tissue injuries. However, like most people advised, it sounds like a musculature to possibly bone injury.

Ice is good for swelling immediately following a soft tissue injury- yours probably isnt swelling much at this point. Compression also is a plan when there is a disruption in the integrity of a tissue (i.e sprain/tear/break), your injury doesn't sound like that (although subsequent activities may require a wrap b/c the mm will be in a healing state). These measures can't necessarily hurt, but possibly not warranted.

You want to make sure a bone injury has not occured. Right now if advil doesn't relieve most of the pain and you really can't support any pressure on it, than possibly a trip to the doc is warranted. Sounds like rest and advils. Once any swelling is gone and the muscles have relaxed (no pain when sitting), take some nice hot soaks and gently massage and stretch.

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