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Anyone going to see Pirates of the Caribbean tonight?


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I may try and see it tonight, but I hate crowds too. I may just wait 'til Sunday. They definitely chose a most profitable time to release it being a long weekend. I have been looking forward to this one since the last one.

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I was mildly entertained with the first one. The second one sucked worst than spiderman 3. No storyline, meaningless action sequences with no reason, so with a reputation of not being really that good, especially the 2nd one, I have little to no hopes that the 3rd will be worth my time. I will rent it.

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Man, all the hate for the movie. I dunno why people hated the 2nd one, you still gotta remember it's a Disney movie. They pretty much did the same lines/actions as the first movie, so people hated that. I'm sorry, but a family movie like Pirates is never supposed to redefine modern movies as we know them. It's just supposed to be a fun movie to go see and enjoy.

People's expectations rise due to the hype, and I would agree. Matrix, besides all the motives behind it, sucked. It got well scrutinized, and was warranted, it was this groundbreaking movie that went sour and they hype was there. Pirates has the hype, but it is not groundbreaking and definitely more family oriented than The Matrix.

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I never saw the first one but was talked into seeing the 2nd one which was okay I guess and now I'm going to see the 3rd one tonight at midnight due to more peer pressure...

I really need to go back in time and make different friends :doh: .

Does anyone know how long the runtime actually is on this thing?

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The second one was lousy, but I'm still planning to see 3. Maybe Friday or Saturday.

Agreed. 2 sucked wicked hard.

pirates 2 was more of what a story builder for part 3 like LOTR

Dude, never ever ever compare LOTR to Pirates of the Carribean 2 again. That's blasphemy!! ;)

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I saw the first one and HATED it. I'm not going to see it. I do look forward to transformers and GRACIE though. GRACIE looks off the hook it's just so inspiring it makes me want to break down and cry under my covers. Grace has a fighting chance to break through male oppression. YOU GO GRACIE. fight through those barriers of discrimination! you inspire me!

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Did someone on this board write, direct, or invest in Gracie? I haven't been this puzzled since half the board developed mancrushes on Jesse Lumsden. Then again, I do see the parallels between chicks playing soccer and the CFL.

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Did someone on this board write, direct, or invest in Gracie? I haven't been this puzzled since half the board developed mancrushes on Jesse Lumsden. Then again, I do see the parallels between chicks playing soccer and the CFL.


Gracie rules. she inspires a nation to believe. she unifies us and shows us how to overcome the obstacles that life presents for a woman. she makes me want to cry inside and wear lipstick and nailpolish.

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