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Anyone going to see Pirates of the Caribbean tonight?


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To me, "The Curse Of The Black Pearl" was a family movie, but "At World's End" doesn't come off as a family movie at all in my opinion.

The opening scene is hundreds of people being hanged including a young boy. And to add to it, there are so many plot twists, and betrayals that it can even be hard for an adult to understand. There is much more death and violence in this movie, with some well known characters having grusome deaths, and intense fighting scenes, it's done more than enough to keep older audiences entertained.

perfect analysis. I would give t a 9.5/10.

Only b/c it got a bit boring at parts.

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I think it was a good movie, but it was the wrong movie. The first Pirates was a throwback, a great yarn that was a COMEDY/adventure movie. It was fun and clever and moved. Somewhere, they forgot about the comedy and started taking themselves too seriously. This latest one was an adventure movie with a few jokes. Geoffery Rush is a wonderful old-timey Pirate, but while 3 was certainly better than 2 and I enjoyed it, it lacked the pizazz, the fun, and the wit of the first movie.

It was cool seeing an Erol Flynn style movie made in the 00's. Combining wit, humor, adventure, and morality. This one got serious and stayed serious. Especially, with the way they decided to end it. Comedies don't end that way. There were a couple of good bits, but they were used mostly as comic relief and just reminded me of the movie this could have been.

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Overall impressions:

The first one was a comedy. #2 was intrigue. #3 was so deep in intrigue I had trouble following it.

OTOH, I enjoyed a lot of the movie so much that I'm thinking about seeing it again this weekend, just so I can maybe pick up the twists I missed.

Question for the folks who have/will see it:

In the "parley" scene (two sides meet on a tiny island to discuss terms for the upcoming Major Battle), I thought the camera angles, and the music were both really reminiscent of the final face-off from Once Upon a Time in the West. Anybody else have that impression (or even know what I'm talking about)?

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I saw it. My hopes werent up so high, so I wont say I was dissapointed... but eh. Nothing special. Cool special effects, a few good lines, but the story was so convoluted that it became ridiculous. And the ending was far from satisfying, IMO. It was like they created this huge entangled plot, and then at the end were like, "eh screw it" and it all kinda didnt matter. In the end, I dont regret seeing it, but its far from a masterful trilogy after a promising first movie.

Pirates 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pirates 3 >>> Pirates 2

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i just went and i liked it.. it was good but did anyone stay after teh credit and see what happened?
Yeah it was like a little minute long scene 10 years in the future about Will coming back, you don't miss out on anything by not seeing it.

I enjoyed it- I really liked the 2nd one, and really liked this one as well. Some people are trying to make these movies into more than they are meant to be, but I thought this one especially was a lot of fun. Plot wise it certainly moves a lot faster than the previous two, but it was still entertaining. And although it was a long movie, it didn't feel like it at all, I was amazed at how late it was when I got out of the theater since it really flew by for me.

Like I told my parents- if you liked 2, and I dunno why anyone wouldn't if they liked 1, then this is certainly worth seeing in theaters. :2cents:

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i heard that the curse of whatherface is broken at the end because will eveutally finds a lover and thus relieved of his captain duties
Uhh...not quite- he already has a lover; Elizabeth. Basically (and if anyone's actually reading this thread without seeing the movie yet, just skip over this since there's spoilers):

You see Elizabeth walking over to a young boy on some cliffs overlooking the ocean, with the caption "10 Years Later" on the bottom of the screen. Elizabeth and the boy watch the sun set on the horizon, and a green flash comes over the screen. You then see Will coming back on the Flying Dutchman for his 10 year visit, so it's safe to assume the kid is Will and Elizabeth's son, probably from their last evening together before Will left at the end before the credits. And that's pretty much the whole scene.

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I thought it was a girl.
The kid had a really short hair cut and I'm almost 99% sure was wearing pants, and the Wikipedia entry says it's their son, sooo...

PS- no offense Larry I just always wanted to use the underlining thing, I use italics all the time on another board and couldn't pass this chance up.

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