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Anyone going to see Pirates of the Caribbean tonight?


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Hooray for working at a movie theater and seeing it before all of you guys! :D


Honestly, It's really not all that good. It feels even longer than it is, the plot is pretty lacking, it rehashes all the same witticisms from the first two, and all in all is very predictable. The action scenes are pretty good, but can drag on at times (remember that stupid "fighting in a giant wheel for 20 minutes" scene in Pirates 2? Yeah.)


There's stuff after the credits, so if you care enough to stay through them there's your heads up. Please, for the love of all that is holy....TAKE OUT YOUR OWN FREAKING TRASH FROM THE THEATER. Tonight's going to be bad enough with all the Pirates fanbois without people destroying the theaters, too.

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pirates 2 was more of what a story builder for part 3 like LOTR

wrong and horrible comparison. If you have read the books, you wouldn't say something like that. If you haven't, then I can cut some slack.

Will there be a Gracie 2 and 3?

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I'd love to - but I HATE overcrowded theaters, especially for something that is almost a kid's movie. I'll wait a week or so and go to a early evening show.

Almost a kids movie? I don't see how you could call Pirates a kids movie.

I just got back from it, and I thought it was extremely good. The special effects are out of this world, and Keith Richards makes one awesome pirate. Definitely worth the dollar. One of the best movies I've seen.

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Wow, didn't know I would open a can of worms here. If you don't like the Pirates movies, why did you even bother to open the thread?

Everyone's a friggin movie critic.

The movies entertaining, and while I have a bad ass home theater, there's nothing quite like seeing a movie like this on the big screen for me.

Lastly, this is a kids movie, and the big kid in me loves these. I also enjoyed the hell out of the Sinbad movies Disney did back when I was a kid.

If your looking for a some kind of a plot, go see something else.


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Wow, didn't know I would open a can of worms here. If you don't like the Pirates movies, why did you even bother to open the thread?

Everyone's a friggin movie critic.

The movies entertaining, and while I have a bad ass home theater, there's nothing quite like seeing a movie like this on the big screen for me.

Lastly, this is a kids movie, and the big kid in me loves these. I also enjoyed the hell out of the Sinbad movies Disney did back when I was a kid.

If your looking for a some kind of a plot, go see something else.


this is my sentiment exactly. It is a kids/family movie by far. Sure it has some adult jokes in there, but those were to keep older people entertained as well. This movie is not going to break the grounds in any movie category, it's just meant to be taken lightly, dumb, and enjoyed.

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Saw it last night at 8pm.

It was entertaining I thought it was better than the second one. The action sequences where awesome. I thought it got a little campy near the end but it is a Disney movie.

If you liked the first two go see the third one. The ending ship sequence won't be done justice on a home tv.

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I don't know if I would take my daughter or anybody under 12 to see part 3 with all the hangings and dead bodies and stuff.

Yeah there was a good amount of violence(mainly sword violence, but it is a pirate movie). I didn't think it was too bad, it did have a lot of action and for anyone that is worried about the 2hr and 45 minute run time it really didn't feel dragged out at all to me. There are maybe 1 or 2 "slow" parts in the movie, they really did a good job of keeping everything moving.

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this is my sentiment exactly. It is a kids/family movie by far. Sure it has some adult jokes in there, but those were to keep older people entertained as well. This movie is not going to break the grounds in any movie category, it's just meant to be taken lightly, dumb, and


To me, "The Curse Of The Black Pearl" was a family movie, but "At World's End" doesn't come off as a family movie at all in my opinion.

The opening scene is hundreds of people being hanged including a young boy. And to add to it, there are so many plot twists, and betrayals that it can even be hard for an adult to understand. There is much more death and violence in this movie, with some well known characters having grusome deaths, and intense fighting scenes, it's done more than enough to keep older audiences entertained.

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I liked the third one more than the second. They did have some parts that were "over the top" and some corny parts too, but overall it was a good movie. All the characters paths kept intertwining, the battle scenes looked awesome in the theatre, and there were some good laughs as well. Also, there were some pretty tight deaths in the movie as well.

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