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White House: Bin Laden wanted Iraq as a new base


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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Tuesday declassified intelligence showing in 2005 Osama bin Laden planned to use Iraq as a base from which to launch attacks in the United States, according to White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe.

Johndroe said the intelligence was declassified so the president could discuss the previously secret material on Wednesday during a commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut.

The speech will be aimed at defending a key part of the president's war strategy -- the contention that the United States cannot withdraw from Iraq because al Qaeda would fill the vacuum in the Middle East.

"This shows why we believe al Qaeda wants to use Iraq as a safe haven," said Johndroe. He added the president will talk about al Qaeda's "strong interest in using Iraq as a safe haven to plot and plan attacks on the United States and other countries."

The decision also coincides with an ongoing push by the Democratic majority in Congress to force an end to U.S. involvement in Iraq.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Tuesday declassified intelligence showing in 2005 Osama bin Laden planned to use Iraq as a base from which to launch attacks in the United States, according to White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe.

Johndroe said the intelligence was declassified so the president could discuss the previously secret material on Wednesday during a commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut.

The speech will be aimed at defending a key part of the president's war strategy -- the contention that the United States cannot withdraw from Iraq because al Qaeda would fill the vacuum in the Middle East.

"This shows why we believe al Qaeda wants to use Iraq as a safe haven," said Johndroe. He added the president will talk about al Qaeda's "strong interest in using Iraq as a safe haven to plot and plan attacks on the United States and other countries."

The decision also coincides with an ongoing push by the Democratic majority in Congress to force an end to U.S. involvement in Iraq.

Wow this came from the White House? Well that proves it then, Bin Laden was in cahoots with Sadaam. It's a slam dunk.

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Evidentally Al Qaeda's #3 Abu Faraj al-Libbi (roughly translates to "doo-doo face" from Farsi) was the one who spilled the beans after capture in Pakistan. But isn't this a little like saying blitzpackage wants to use any attractive 21-30 year old female as a new "base of operations"? Just seems a little obvious Bin Laden and his jerk-off friends would want it.

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Well of course Al Qaeda wanted to set up in Iraq in 2005 after we had defeated Saddam and the outlying areas were under the control of different radical Islamic factions. A terrorist organization would be stupid not to look towards Iraq at that time.

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Bush can't think we the American people who were fooled, lied, misled, into this mess will fall for another one can he? does he think all of us are as stupid as he is?. 2005 HMMM the war was raging, Saddam was toppled, the Iraqi army was completely dismantled by us, Iraq was in a state of anarchy. So Binladen (the man who King W was going to get dead or alive) decides hey the foolish Americans have destabilized this country, gotten rid of an arab leader who was our enemy, they have done us a great kindness, it is an opportunity for us gain a foothold out of these Allah for saken mountains, Well DUHHHHHHHHHH . Just another photo op, sound bite, propaganda ploy, released by this incompetent administration to bolster passage of the spending bill. Thank Allah we have honor and integrity back in the White House

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Bush can't think we the American people who were fooled, lied, misled, into this mess will fall for another one can he? does he think all of us are as stupid as he is?. 2005 HMMM the war was raging, Saddam was toppled, the Iraqi army was completely dismantled by us, Iraq was in a state of anarchy. So Binladen (the man who King W was going to get dead or alive) decides hey the foolish Americans have destabilized this country, gotten rid of an arab leader who was our enemy, they have done us a great kindness, it is an opportunity for us gain a foothold out of these Allah for saken mountains, Well DUHHHHHHHHHH . Just another photo op, sound bite, propaganda ploy, released by this incompetent administration to bolster passage of the spending bill. Thank Allah we have honor and integrity back in the White House
He can and will. Why wouldn't he? It hasn't stopped working yet.
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Shocking! The same people calling the leak in the paper of TS information a good thing now call a piece of declassified information a lie....
I don't think anybody said it was a good thing and general consencus seems to be of course he wanted it. To bad we beat him to it. Now we would be screwed if we left. Bin Ladim wants it and he can't have it. Maybe we should give it to him, we can always just take it back.
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Shocking! The same people calling the leak in the paper of TS information a good thing now call a piece of declassified information a lie....

I don't think its a lie, Bin Laden probably does want to move into Iraq, but the only reason that he wanted to move in there in 2005 is because of the chaos that we created after Bush sold the world on the lie that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were already in Iraq.

So, Bush has gotten exactly what he was looking for, the only problem is that he created it.

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I don't think its a lie, Bin Laden probably does want to move into Iraq, but the only reason that he wanted to move in there in 2005 is because of the chaos that we created after Bush sold the world on the lie that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were already in Iraq.

So, Bush has gotten exactly what he was looking for, the only problem is that he created it.

10 post in and only one person see it. 2005 was after the invasion of Iraq, therefore Bush created it. Yes, it wouldnt suprise me if Bin Laden wanted Iraq beore the invasion, but we handed it to him on a sliver platter. Yeesh only if republicans followed Reagans foreign policy, we wouldnt be in this mess (I think everyone should read his letters). The only canadate in the republican field that is following his foreign policy is Ron Paul.


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Who said it was a lie?
Wow this came from the White House? Well that proves it then, Bin Laden was in cahoots with Sadaam. It's a slam dunk.
I'm sorry, but I no longer trust anything out of the White House. Especially when it has to do with "Intelligence"
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I concur.

Bush can't think we the American people who were fooled, lied, misled, into this mess will fall for another one can he? does he think all of us are as stupid as he is?. 2005 HMMM the war was raging, Saddam was toppled, the Iraqi army was completely dismantled by us, Iraq was in a state of anarchy. So Binladen (the man who King W was going to get dead or alive) decides hey the foolish Americans have destabilized this country, gotten rid of an arab leader who was our enemy, they have done us a great kindness, it is an opportunity for us gain a foothold out of these Allah for saken mountains, Well DUHHHHHHHHHH . Just another photo op, sound bite, propaganda ploy, released by this incompetent administration to bolster passage of the spending bill. Thank Allah we have honor and integrity back in the White House
It truly is amazing the attitude and arrogance toward the American people and the Congress of the USA by this chief executive whose actions make it look like he wants to be dictator.
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Anyone can go online and do a google search and find numerous Al Qaeda documents stating explicitly that Iraq/Mesopatamia is the focal point of the war against the United States and the West.

That it is the fundamental objective of Al Qaeda. And once victory has been achieved "between the Tigris and Euphrates" stage two of Zawahiri's strategy will begin.

The only people who don't realize this basic fact are libtards, Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, and their defeatist acolytes..

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None of those said it was a lie. They said that it didn't justify anything the White House was trying to prove. Bin Laden having his eye on a civil war ridden Iraq in 2005 doesn't surprise anyone, nor does it justify what we stupidly did in invading Iraq in 2002.

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None of those said it was a lie. They said that it didn't justify anything the White House was trying to prove. Bin Laden having his eye on a civil war ridden Iraq in 2005 doesn't surprise anyone, nor does it justify what we stupidly did in invading Iraq in 2002.
Wow this came from the White House? Well that proves it then, Bin Laden was in cahoots with Sadaam. It's a slam dunk.
I'm sorry, but I no longer trust anything out of the White House. Especially when it has to do with "Intelligence"
Bush can't think we the American people who were fooled, lied, misled, into this mess will fall for another one can he? does he think all of us are as stupid as he is?. 2005 HMMM the war was raging, Saddam was toppled, the Iraqi army was completely dismantled by us, Iraq was in a state of anarchy. So Binladen (the man who King W was going to get dead or alive) decides hey the foolish Americans have destabilized this country, gotten rid of an arab leader who was our enemy, they have done us a great kindness, it is an opportunity for us gain a foothold out of these Allah for saken mountains, Well DUHHHHHHHHHH . Just another photo op, sound bite, propaganda ploy, released by this incompetent administration to bolster passage of the spending bill. Thank Allah we have honor and integrity back in the White House
Come on, they didn't come out and say they lied. They just said they don't trust them and that it is propoganda. Kinda like not having sexual relations with that woman. Depends on your definition of the truth.
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Come on, they didn't come out and say they lied. They just said they don't trust them and that it is propoganda. Kinda like not having sexual relations with that woman. Depends on your definition of the truth.

Read the last quote, by Chiefskin. It explicitly explains what I mean.

This stunning new info is empty propaganda because it doesn't prove anything. It is not empty propaganda because it is a straight up lie.

No refer back to your original post in this thread. Can you see why this distinction makes a difference now?

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Anyone can go online and do a google search and find numerous Al Qaeda documents stating explicitly that Iraq/Mesopatamia is the focal point of the war against the United States and the West.

That it is the fundamental objective of Al Qaeda. And once victory has been achieved "between the Tigris and Euphrates" stage two of Zawahiri's strategy will begin.

The only people who don't realize this basic fact are libtards, Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, and their defeatist acolytes..

Cheney, is that you? :doh:

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None of those said it was a lie. They said that it didn't justify anything the White House was trying to prove. Bin Laden having his eye on a civil war ridden Iraq in 2005 doesn't surprise anyone, nor does it justify what we stupidly did in invading Iraq in 2002.

No lies about classified leaks, we just find it amusing how King W releases things that have propaganda value and expects us, the people to ohhh and ahhh over it. There was no alqaeda in Iraq before the war, Saddam viewed them as a threat to his regime. In addition, the 911 comission found no links between Saddam and alqaeda but, Prince Dick insisted on lying to us in the lead up to and after the war started, the old fart still lies about it. Bin laden played the game smart he watched and waited while we cleaned out the Saddam regime then sent his thugs in to crreate chaos and mayhem.

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