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Press Release: Statement From Clinton Portis


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10 to 1, CP's 'skit' days are over forever. I just think the team isn't going to want to risk giving him free reign with the cameras any more. Personally, I really could care less about the dogfighting thing (not that I 'don't care', but I feel its law enforcement's job to deal with offenders). I'm just sick of the off-the-field distractions. Maybe it doesn't hurt the team's focus, but I just can't help but think every little thing like this takes us down a notch in preparing for the season.

I can see your point of the team's focus and not wanting something like this get in the way of this team coming together but if it was a different topic and Chris and Clinton are joking and laughing I would feel pretty good about the way this team likes each other and are ready to go to war with each other!! Just a bad interview and that girl should be fired for gettin all us skins fans in a frenzy about M. Vick's damn dogs :D

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Hmmm i don't read an apology in there anywhere. Nor did i expect one. I don't condone dog fighting, i think it's awful...but i wasn't bothered by what CP said. Watch the video, remember the context, look @ Samuels...this wasn't a big deal. Again - what's he been arrested for? charged with? Give the guy a break. He's a football player. Athlete's shouldn't be role models by definition.

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This is like watching a melodrama.

Hell yeah it is. Some of the stupidest **** I have ever read has been said in this thread.

It is a non-story people....stop ****ing and moaning. CP said some ****, probably was told by his agent to clear up what he said, and released this press statement.

I can't believe you idiots are getting so worked up over and getting banned for this. :doh:

I, for one, am sure glad that it wasn't goldfish fighting he was or wasn't condoning.

That would have caused a bloodbath around here.

Or Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs....the board would implode if that was the case!

(Damn....I could eat some bacon right now!)

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Hell yeah it is. Some of the stupidest **** I have ever read has been said in this thread.

It is a non-story people....stop ****ing and moaning. CP said some ****, probably was told by his agent to clear up what he said, and released this press statement.

I can't believe you idiots are getting so worked up over and getting banned for this. :doh:

Or Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs....the board would implode if that was the case!

(Damn....I could eat some bacon right now!)

You and me both :D

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Thats great, except Portis, you DID condone dog fighting.

Just man the **** up and speak the truth, perhaps something like 'sometimes I'm a total dumbass and speak just because I like camera's in my face. I have no idea why I said the stupid ignorant things I said. And I'm sorry to create a distraction when my team sucked so badly last year and needs to focus on not sucking again this year.'

That would've gotten it done for me :)

Wow. Does he have to give you a pedicure while he's at it?

Some people aren't satisfied by anything. He didn't have to say squat, but he did.

He didn't condone dog fighting, he said to leave the man alone. He never, ever uttered the words that you're accusing him of and he never implied it. Misinterpretations are the receiver's fault, not the sender's.

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Wow. Does he have to give you a pedicure while he's at it?

Some people aren't satisfied by anything. He didn't have to say squat, but he did.

He didn't condone dog fighting, he said to leave the man alone. He never, ever uttered the words that you're accusing him of and he never implied it. Misinterpretations are the receiver's fault, not the sender's.

If you actually watch the tape, you'll see that he strongly implies that Vick should be allowed have dog fights at his house because it is private property. He stuck to this position even after being informed that dog fighting is a felony.

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Maybe in the world you live in, words have no power. But when a star running back CONDONES dog fighting on TV, what kind of impression do you think that leaves on little kids who admire him? What kind of impression does that give the nation about our team? How can making light of torturing 70 animals be even remotely funny? Being who he is means he has to be responsbile about what he says. He doesn't get to spout off ignorant BS and get paid MILLIONS. He gets the big bucks in part because he supposed to represent his team and his community with diginity and honor. But instead he is just a jack ass. So no, I don't catch your drift Chief. Nor do I want to.

Look, check this out, i'm going to sleep and have a good rest to prepare for work tomorrow. Now you can lose sleep over CP, Mike Vike, and a couple of pooches. I just cant believe that folks get this live over some complete nonsense. lol

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Look, check this out, i'm going to sleep and have a good rest to prepare for work tomorrow. Now you can lose sleep over CP, Mike Vike, and a couple of pooches. I just can believe that folks get this live over some complete nonsense. lol

Because when it comes right down to it, sporting events are what we should save all of our energy for. caring about things beyond ourselves is just dumb and waste of time. yeah you're right. enjoy sleepy time.

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I don't think I've ever seen CP give an interview where he didn't say something that rubbed me the wrong way. He shouldn't have said what he said, but he did; it's all over now.

CP isn't the one under the gun being investigated, and I really don't think he should be catching all this heat for what he said.

He isn't the first Redskins running back that manages to stick his foot in his mouth when he speaks, and I'm sure he wont be the last.

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Yeah the disrespect of Clinton Portis in this thread is a LOT worse than the little comment he made on TV imo. None of you personally know the guy and have no clue about his IQ/eucational background. He said something stupid out his mouth, yes, but that's just a part of life. Get over it.

...some of you act like HE was the one making the dogs fight.

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This statement is a joke...

This is actually just a statement from Gibbs, Snyder, his agent etc...

Portis is too stupid to think this up on his own.


What's with the "Portis is an idiot" thing? You guys are ridiculous.

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This statement is a joke...

This is actually just a statement from Gibbs, Snyder, his agent etc...

Portis is too stupid to think this up on his own.

I think your statement is a joke as well, too stupid for an adult to have written......

Still amazed everyone getting their panties in a bunch over dog-fighting. Can't tell you the number of times I have fantasized of kicking little chiuhahas like footballs...BOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!! and there she goes in the sky.

Dogs, God's gift to humans......please, spare me the drama. They are just domesticated animals. ANIMALS!!!

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Thats great, except Portis, you DID condone dog fighting.

Just man the **** up and speak the truth, perhaps something like 'sometimes I'm a total dumbass and speak just because I like camera's in my face. I have no idea why I said the stupid ignorant things I said. And I'm sorry to create a distraction when my team sucked so badly last year and needs to focus on not sucking again this year.'

That would've gotten it done for me :)

Why does it bother you so much that he said what he said? Seriously they're his opinions. He was asked a question. It's not like he ran to the cameras and spouted his ass off. You know, two different things.

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I don't think this is a statement from Portis. It comes directly from the Redskins organization to ES staff members; come on.

I mean, does anyone really think that Portis went in, drafted something, then allowed it to be released? It is pretty obvious the higher ups let CP know he ****ed up, told him this had to be done, then did it.

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This is silly...team and relations doing damage control putting a player up to saying something other what he really feels or means. He already voiced his feelings and opinions on the matter. If he really saw the error in it and apologized and meant it that's one thing...but doing a 180 and saying the opposite 48 hours later is crap. He is entitled to his opinion yet...he condoned something that is illegal in all 50 states and is a Felony in 48 of the 50, prior to this.

Changes nothing imo. I still like the guy as a player/athlete, but I think he needs to learn to handle the press a bit better with more decorum and tact. Whether he likes it or not, yes people are individuals but being a member of the Washington Redskins means humbling yourself to something greater than the individual. Representing properly.

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I'm not quite sure what the hell Portis was thinking when he made those statements. Whether or not he believes dog fighting is right, or whether he was just trying to support a fellow celebrity from being publicly crucified is irrelevant. There was absolutely no good that could have come from him saying anything at all. Portis has never been known for his intelligence, just his running, catching, and his somewhat comical Thursday afternoon interview sessions. Nothing that Portis could have said would help Vick in anyway, or change other peoples opinions of him. But now, its changed people’s opinions of Portis. All he did was hurt himself, both as a public role model, and probably financially somewhere down the line. Is any company going to offer an endorsement deal to someone that foolishly ran off at the mouth and showed support for dog fighting? No. Samuels screwed himself too just by laughing at the comments. At least Vick had the sense to denounce the illegal act in an attempt to salvage whatever small amount of his reputation he has left. All Portis has done is damage himself and ruined his credibility across the country. Bottom line is, he never should have opened his mouth about a situation that had nothing to do with him.

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