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Bram Weinstein is an insufferable douchebag.


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Seriously, I don't understand this dude's employed, let alone have his own talk show in between Cowherd and Patrick. He must be related to Snyder or something because he's nearly intolerable to listen to.

Use this thread to bash bramela, or present another idiot that gets undeserved airtime.

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Seriously, I don't understand this dude's employed, let alone have his own talk show in between Cowherd and Patrick. He must be related to Snyder or something because he's nearly intolerable to listen to.

Use this thread to bash bramela, or present another idiot that gets undeserved airtime.

Just don't listen to him then.

I don't understand why radio shack asks for my phone number when i buy batteries but im not gonna go off about it.

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I like Bram, even though he works for Tha Dan at least he speaks his opinion. I can't listen to Cowherd for to long before he bashes the 'Skins, 'Canes, or something else I like, hell I got tired of hearing 3 hours a day of Vick bashing and that's one of my favorite pasttimes. That and hearing about his race and tatoo. Thompson's annoying with his "Joe Fan" take on things and having Bithchell as a sidekick makes the show even more annoying. Doc's got the best take on football but he evn let'sshsi bitterness show to often.

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I'd rather watch linoleum curl than listen to Dan Patrick. I don't understand how he can be so damn boring and still have a radio show.

Even though he gets annoying very easily, atleast Cowherd has a personality.

Bram isn't any superstar, but he isn't horrible either.

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I cannot stand Cowherd!! About a year ago, he said that he just started watching the NFL. Within the last couple of years. Then, he turns around and claims that Monk has no business in the hall! Well, if you did not watch him and know his history, how can you pass judgement? From that moment on, I have hated the guy. Can't stand him!

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I dont like Bram. I feel like im listening to a housewife when i listen to Bram on the radio. Cowherd is OK, just ok. He has his moments where he can make me laugh, but he's a putz and says things he probably doesnt even believe, just for the shock value. I like Dan Patrick.

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Seriously, I don't understand this dude's employed, let alone have his own talk show in between Cowherd and Patrick. He must be related to Snyder or something because he's nearly intolerable to listen to.

Use this thread to bash bramela, or present another idiot that gets undeserved airtime.

You mean "Bram Weinsschhtein" who does sshportsh reporting on the WTEM radio sssshchtation?

I know it's a cheap shot but his speech impediment drives me NUTS. I also hate the way he treats callers.

"Insufferable douchebag," LOL!!! I love it. :)

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Cowturd is a retard. He presents some of the worst thought-out opinions I've ever heard.

If I listen to sports radio, it's usually only Czabe's First Team in the morning and The Drive with "whoever's filling in for Chris Myers today"

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Your thread title nails it...Bram is an annoying POS. He is constantly criticizing the Skins and seems to always look for the turd lining in every silver cloud.

And forget nasally, he has a blatant, horribly distracting lisp that makes Sylvester the cat sound like Patrick Stewart in comparison.

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Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann should both die.

I can't listen to Dan Patrick. He speaks to his radio audience as if they're 6 year olds. He also makes himself the center of every story.

Today he was talking about OJ.

How he stood up to OJ.

How he told OJ he thought he was guilty.

How he allowed his crew not to shake OJ's hand after the interview.

How He fealt he had to shake his hand because he had invited him to the

What a big stud HE was because HE stood up to OJ... he must have patted himself on the back 16 times.

Give me John Riggins any day of the week...


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