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Have we speculated what place on the team does Lamar Marshall fit in yet?????

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Have we speculated what place on the team does Lamar Marshall fit in yet?????I did a search for him and I havent seen any threads started mentioning it. I dont believe any reports have been made from the team b/c its so early and it also would be demoralizing to release so openly but what is the deal b/c I am still disgruntled and very much confused.

If he had built on the 05 season last season I would surely be wearing an authentic jersey of his and able to rock it with my head up high. It is sad to see him drop off and the reasons are very much arguable with no certainty why I believe.

My ideas often are shut down by possible more knowledgable fans or ignorant ones who fear radical and insightful questioning.

That said I will pitch a few preliminary ideas or scenarios.

1.Back up Fletcher

2.Hopefully GW will introduce a 3-4 on a few occasions randomly on selected downs and he will share the MLB b/c of our aggressive nature and mix of blitzes from any angle and we always hear how difficult it is to read the D for offenses.

3. It may be said he wasnt comfortable to be the team leader at the MLB spot so he could compete with Rocky for the unproven player he is. Also, cuz that spot has been suffering for years, even last year- Holdman was a terrible fit and did not live up to expectations.

4. Help out if Marcus gets hurt???

I dont know. Contrary to some reports I think he has good cover skills, certainly deserves to be in the NFL and Redskins which is why I am troubled why he seems to be pushed aside. Gibbs always comments on he is our type of guy but this position musical chairs shouldnt be the way we treat our guys. His talent shouldnt be questioned b/c the DL was miserable last season and we had no solid DB play. I do love the acquisition of London who commands the MLB but my worst nightmare is being envisioned of seeing him reduced to Special Teams when he is so much more.

I dont want to lose another A.Pierce b/c Marshall is in his last year of contract!?? Right? Can light be shed on this??

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I imagine he will be the first backup at every LB position. He provides very good depth at versatility for us at linebacker. He may start over Rocky at WLB, but I doubt it. Also losing him would not be like losing Pierce as Marshall is 30-something years old and clearly not as talented to start with. I'd be cool with re-signing him for a reasonable price, but he's not a guy you build a team around. Just a smart, capable role player.

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Marshall is undersized for a wlb much less a mlb. His shoulder was hurt much of the year which made it particularly difficult to shed the olinemen that were getting past our weak dline and on top of him. I think the team has invested too much in Rocky not to give him every opportunity to win the wlb job - and they'd look bad if Rocky doesn't pan out. My guess and hope is that Rocky and Marcus recover and all three lb's are healthy and play well and that Lemar is the first lb in at all three positions.

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i think he will still get a lot of reps at linebacker with rocky taking the starting role. he'll prbably get a few series on d each game and maybe play at LB in passing situations since he's a pretty decent coverage LB

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i think he will still get a lot of reps at linebacker with rocky taking the starting role. he'll prbably get a few series on d each game and maybe play at LB in passing situations since he's a pretty decent coverage LB

Yeah thats a good point I forget to mention. He will probably play in nickel packages.

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Marshall is undersized for a wlb much less a mlb. His shoulder was hurt much of the year which made it particularly difficult to shed the olinemen that were getting past our weak dline and on top of him. I think the team has invested too much in Rocky not to give him every opportunity to win the wlb job - and they'd look bad if Rocky doesn't pan out. My guess and hope is that Rocky and Marcus recover and all three lb's are healthy and play well and that Lemar is the first lb in at all three positions.

A 5-11 team doesnt have to worry about looking bad....They are bad.

Rogers being a bust is alot worse than Rocky being a bust ...and Rogers already is a bust. Rocky has alot more ability at his position than Rogers ever will at his.

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A 5-11 team doesnt have to worry about looking bad....They are bad.

Rogers being a bust is alot worse than Rocky being a bust ...and Rogers already is a bust. Rocky has alot more ability at his position than Rogers ever will at his.

If Rogers was a bust he wouldnt be on the team, or at least he wouldnt be starting. He had a rough year, but he's still shown flashes and isnt so bad that he cant be on the field. That's a true "bust" to me.

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Yeah, he isnt the gem Pierce was but I just think rather than to have to start over in finding a guy to replace him, get him acclimated to our style, let guys get familiar, learn a whole new expectancy process on both sides we should invest in him. Heaven forbid this team actually implement what career player. Its admirable when a guy plays his whole career for the team that drafted him as hard as it is to sustain a career, but its good on both sides- he can settle and get rooted in a team, city, I can buy his jersey and wear it for 1/2 a dozens years to come, everyone wins. He's no D.Green but didn't everyone have pride that he was our guy and we didnt share him.

Also, its never mentioned but if I was in the NFL and my team trades me to another lets say the Giants..I am going to hand over my Ex-Teams playbook on a plate to the coaches/players/ and inform all about what to expect. I think all players do that even Smoot,Lamar, etc.

HAAHA, can anyone name that guy we cut and when we played them a few weeks later he was shouting out what he thought it would be and was wrong??

Also, I think GWilliams got gangsta in an interview saying something about Lavar how if he was concerned about him releasing inside info about the playbook he would first have to be knowledge in the system. Ouch that was wonderful.

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If Rogers was a bust he wouldnt be on the team, or at least he wouldnt be starting. He had a rough year, but he's still shown flashes and isnt so bad that he cant be on the field. That's a true "bust" to me.

I hope for all our sakes Rogers makes us eat our words and he has a ridiculous season with 10ints, pro bowl, Super Bowl Int for a TD and we have the pleasure to say we were wrong.

I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!

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Marshall is a key player on this team. He has the knowlege to play all the possitions at LB and provides great depth. The coaches have described him as a team leader when off the field as well. Thats key. I wouldn't be suprised to see him in the nickel either.

I am still not sure why everybody keeps knocking on Rogers. He played well as a rookie and last year the whole team played poorly. ST didn't look good last year and I wouldn't call him a bust. He dropped a lot of picks, well atleast he was in possition to make the play on the ball. Give him a little time to develop and play on a better D and see what he can do before you call him a bust. Those are harsh words.

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Im sick and tired of this trash about Carlos Rogers being a bust. He has only played two seasons in the NFL, it takes longer then that to tell if someone is a bust. How about people forming their own opinions instead of repeating other poster's narrowed insights on Rogers? Rogers is good in coverage and in run support, he never had good hands since he got alot of deflections in college. If people brothered to watch games and focus on Rogers, it becomes clear.

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Considering Marshall can play all 3 LB positions, he will be used all over the place. Backing up London in the middle, but more importantly playing Sam until Washington is back up to speed from his hip surgery. Plus, on the Will, Marshall could end up starting over McIntosh depending on if Rocky steps up his game. Marshall has more experience.

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If Rocky wants to play he's going to have to beat out Marshall at WLB. While Marshall had a shoulder injury, Rocky had a knee injury. We'll see how it turns out. I'm just happy that Holdman will not be playing WLB. Why is Marshall's age an issue? He's still 3-4 years younger than the DEs.

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Rogers plays well when the rest of the defense plays well. He is a follower, not a leader. It's not a knock against him, it's the truth. He's a quiet, momentum type of player. When the team takes the lead, he comes up with a big follow.

Good analysis. I doubt Los will ever be a #1 corner. It takes a different mindset. He gets beat and he goes into safe mode. Dropping off the ball about 10 yards. I hope the offseason with DG helps to change that. But usually you are what you are. You can help a player with their technique, strength and knowledge of the game. But you can't give them a personality transplant. They will gravitate back to their true self. That's the reason why Taylor Jacobs never showed his potential on Sundays. No guts, no glory.

As to the main title of this thread: I think Marshall will probably be the starting Will. I just have a sick feeling that Rocky isn't the player we thought he was.

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As far as I know, hes going to battle Rocky for a spot. Dont forget that he played outside when we had Antonio, when Lavar was hurt. Hes going into the last year of his contract. He was playing hurt last year too. I like Lemar but hes going to have to improve his pass coverage and step up his work on the run game to get time on this team.

Dont be surprised if he starts over Rocky

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Good question...

Always wondered why G.W. didn't play Lemar at safety. He was way to light to play MLB..

Most likely, he'll back up Rocky this year.

He played safety for Michigan St but he doesn't have the speed to be an NFL safety.

I'd expect him to battle with Rocky for the WLB position and backup all three spots. He will also likely be used in passing situations and in 4 LB sets.

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Good analysis. I doubt Los will ever be a #1 corner. It takes a different mindset. He gets beat and he goes into safe mode. Dropping off the ball about 10 yards. I hope the offseason with DG helps to change that. But usually you are what you are. You can help a player with their technique, strength and knowledge of the game. But you can't give them a personality transplant. They will gravitate back to their true self. That's the reason why Taylor Jacobs never showed his potential on Sundays. No guts, no glory.

As to the main title of this thread: I think Marshall will probably be the starting Will. I just have a sick feeling that Rocky isn't the player we thought he was.

Exactly, either you have it or you don't...Rogers does not....:doh:

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Rogers could not catch a cold, much less 10 ints. If he could catch we would have beaten Seattle in the playoffs 2 years ago.

Marshall will start at the WLB, just wait and see...

Bah, if Carlos had decent hands he would be a WR. As if that dropped INT was the sole, even partial reason we lost the game.

Regarding Marshall I doubt he will start, but I wouldn't be too upset if he did.

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I think Marshells' versitility is going to play against him in terms of starting he has been here throughout Williams tenure and he is comming up to his contract year . If Rocky beats Lamar out in TC or if there is little between Marshell and McIntosh Rocky starts and Lamar is the primary back up at all three possitions. If Rocky strugles then Marshell starts ...

Carlos Rogers I think was in a bad situation last year but he wasn't the biggest problem in defence i think he will be fine and probably the best CB of his class. People need to remember players aren't bust or stars overnight think like that and you discount so many excelent players because thy didn't shine right out the gate, Troy Aikmen, Stephen Davis, Priest Homes, Trent Green...etc Even Champ Bailey didnt emerge untill year 3 and Smoot never really shone untill 2004 when he was oposite Springs in Williams defence AND EVEN THEN there are now rumors that that Williams wanted to bench him and Harris and Shawn made his case not to hurt his conifidence .

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