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ESPN Article on Briggs..."a strong likelyhood" according to Rosenhaus


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I refuse to believe we're this dumb. Our FO CANNOT be this retarded. We've made some mistakes - yes, but this would outright take the cake - after all we've been through in FA in recent years.

That said - I would actually do it if they threw in their 2nd too (#37 I believe). That would be 3 probable starters for 1. However, I don't believe we're capable enough to actually pull off a trade that works in our long-term best interest.

My thoughts exactly.

The trade as it stands--Briggs and #31 for #6 makes me want to puke. Ok so we get a pretty good LB but at a position that ALREADY has depth while the D-line STILL SUFFERS. AARRRRGHH, Snyder and his "big-splash" predicability every off-season kills me!!! :doh: Especially when the moves neglect to fill actual needs.

Moves like this are why the Redskins have earned the reputation as being a dumb front-office with too much money. Other teams like the Pats occasionally go out and spent big money on a big name LB--but that was at a postion they really NEEDED to upgrade. Not just grabbing a guy off the market and then figuring out what to do with him later!

If this deal goes down, my only hope is that either the deal is sweetened for the Skins (meaning a 2nd and/or a 3rd rounder is thrown in) or the Skins have plans to trade back up by packaging in a player. But even this doesnt make sense beacuse who would they trade? McIntosh? Marshall? Betts?? Portis???The net result would be less desirable than just standing pat at #6 and listening to other trade offers. This team simply does not need Briggs...I dont care how good he is.


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First, let me say that I'm not 100% comfortable with this trade either. But we are so hit or miss with our drafting, who's to say Vinny wouldn't advise Gibbs to pick Sanjaya from American Idol with the 6th pick? Way I see it, we're probably screwed either way, so sit back, drink the Kool-Aid and let Lennie (Of Mice and Men) Cerrato continue his reign of terror.

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First, let me say that I'm not 100% comfortable with this trade either. But we are so hit or miss with our drafting, who's to say Vinny wouldn't advise Gibbs to pick Sanjaya from American Idol with the 6th pick? Way I see it, we're probably screwed either way, so sit back, drink the Kool-Aid and let Lennie (Of Mice and Men) Cerrato continue his reign of terror.

Duh, do you think they'll throw in a rabbit, George?

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So basically the trade we made last year to move up to grab Rocky was a worthless waste of draft picks (again).

We sign Brooks to a long term high money contract, which in all probability will not allow us to resign Cooley this year but force us to wait till next offseason when he becomes a FA.

Hmmm sounds about par for the course. GREAT JOB SKINS!!! :thumbsup:

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Our front office of (Gibbs/Williams,Snyder, and Cerrato) are so naive that they will probably throw in Rocky as well. Then in 1 to 2 years while Rocky(now w/ a coaching staff that has patience and knows how to groom young players) has developed into a pro bowler for the Bears , they will be desparate to get out from under the mamoth contract that they signed Briggs to because he does not fit the system and trade him for a late day 2 pick.

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I dont understand how some of you think this is a bad trade. We are gaining a pro bowl LB and backing up in the draft. We really lose no draft picks we just dont get to waste our early pick on a overrated DL.

Lets all ignore the fact that the Bears had one of the best front 4 in the entire NFL last year. Lets ignore the fact that Briggs played next to one of the best 4-3 MLB in the entire NFL.

This is an absurd trade, you have to take into consideration future ramifications. How much money is he going to want when Cato June got 12mil? What about reupping Cooley prior to next year?

What about the future or do we just say **** it lets see if we can do it all this year?

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Lets all ignore the fact that the Bears had one of the best front 4 in the entire NFL last year. Lets ignore the fact that Briggs played next to one of the best 4-3 MLB in the entire NFL.

This is an absurd trade, you have to take into consideration future ramifications. How much money is he going to want when Cato June got 12mil? What about reupping Cooley prior to next year?

What about the future or do we just say **** it lets see if we can do it all this year?

I don;t think Briggs would get paid much more than the #6 pick overall. We get more of a sure thing one would think, but hey, if we don;t trade for Briggs, I am all for trading down and gaining more picks...

this reminds me of .... Wilbur Marshall...

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Pretty much kiss Cooley goodbye if we make this trade. We will spend the rest of our cap getting Briggs signed, so Cooley will hit FA next year without a doubt. We could tag him, but I think that is just delaying the inevitable. We just do not keep our own. We made some token extensions this year, but now we will take a big huge dump on one of the fan favorites. I am honestly loosing a LOT of faith in this team :(

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"But it's a win-win situation," Rosenhaus said. "Chicago only wants to sign Lance to a one-year contract anyway. If they made the trade, they would move up 25 spots in the first round and be able to choose one of the premier players in the draft. And Lance, obviously, would get the long-term deal he wants [from the Redskins]. It's a good resolution for everyone."

Everyone... except us.

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I dont understand how some of you think this is a bad trade. We are gaining a pro bowl LB and backing up in the draft. We really lose no draft picks we just dont get to waste our early pick on a overrated DL.

Briggs was drafted out of later round as I recall. Even if he is a "pro bowl" player the last two years, we already signed Fletcher, Taking him makes less sense then trading up to get Calvin Johnson. Because Briggs doesn't have that big line to shield him he has in Chicago. Plus we lose a lot of value in that pick swap. If chicago throws in their high second, or low second and third, I'd consider it otherwise forget it

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I don;t think Briggs would get paid much more than the #6 pick overall. We get more of a sure thing one would think, but hey, if we don;t trade for Briggs, I am all for trading down and gaining more picks...

this reminds me of .... Wilbur Marshall...


Adalius Thomas' contract with the Patriots is worth $35 million, with $20 million in guarantees.

Yeah because he won't want anything comparable to that, especially coming to a team known for handing out just silly contracts.

Where what like 5mil under the cap according to the another thread?

I said this in another thread, this is so Snyderesque that I have to believe its the real deal.

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I dont understand how some of you think this is a bad trade. We are gaining a pro bowl LB and backing up in the draft. We really lose no draft picks we just dont get to waste our early pick on a overrated DL.

Briggs excelled in a defensive system radically different from the one we use. He'll have to learn a whole new style of play and that's going to take time. On top of that, we don't gain any extra draft picks after not having second-, third- and fourth-round choices in this draft. We miss opportunities to strengthen the defensive line with a player who will help immediately and add much-needed depth, should serious injuries.

It's a win for the Bears in that they get rid of a VERY disgruntled player and leap up to a high pick. It's a HUGE loss for us in that we acquire a player who may not fit in the system (Adam Archuleta, anyone?), get stuck with a low draft pick and gain no extra picks to replace the ones we've lost to similarly bonehead moves.

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This is the part where I ask for Dan Snyder's email address....and spam him with how this deal is nothing but trash.

Pretty soon...we will need to pay Cooley...and most importantly...and it better happen...PAY SEAN TAYLOR.

The Skins better not botch that - or I am done. If they somehow give Briggs all this money...and find themselves in a position to low-ball Sean Taylor...forcing him to leave to a better franchise...which...there are several...I will be extremely...extremely upset.

I don't think I can handle...losing Champ...and then losing LaVar...and then losing Sean Taylor...in the same decade.

My boy down at Duke said it best...

"Didn't we already try this...with the whole LaVar...Armstead...Trotter...thing??"

We are already 'decent' with our current LB Corp...let's focus on DL...or getting CJ.

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Not only do we drop down from #6 but I'm sure Briggs will demand top $$$ to play here and like people said, that cripples us trying to keep our existing talent.

My first thought was there's no way the Skins are that dumb but then I remembered all the other dumb things they've done.

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I am petrified of this move. This could ruin my morale for the upcoming season. We have no room on the roster for this guy. He won't replace washington, and he won't replace fletcher. So who might he replace? Rocky. We already have TWO second-rounders invested in Rocky. So basically, we are going to give up two-seconds and a top 6 pick for a linebacker that hasn't even proved himself outside of Chicago. This man plays next to Urlacher and behind one of the nastiest D-lines in history, and we think he'll perform the same way here? I don't think so. This move is a huge disaster waiting to happen. Even if we switch to a 3-4, we don't have the personnel on D-line to get the job done, and we won't by the start of the season. Let us all hope that it doesn't go through.

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what is wrong with you people we are going to solidy our D and make a run at winning the east...we all know dallas went to buffing up there D and look at them....if you are so confident in Jason Campbell than our offense should be okay....4 great linebackers....getting a DE/DT in the draft....and pearson back at the other saftey c'mon give us a chance before you start running your mouths about our FO...yes, they make bad choices but this one makes since ...GO DANNY!!!!

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you guys are crazy, if we keep our 6th pick it will be wasted on a OVER RATED DL not to mention he will be getting bank roll.....Much more value at the 31st pick. (ie: Merriman and Demeco Ryans) both early 2nd rounders. Briggs is perhaps a top 5 OLB in the league> How could you possibly not want him.

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