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Another top 5 movie list


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Top 5 movies you dislike or hate but the majority seems to like. Something wrong with me? Something wrong with everyone else? State why, debate why not:

1. The Green Mile. Characters you get close to die horribly with little or no redemption. The main character lives on but is miserable because everyone around him dies within his immortal lifespan. Depressing movie.

2. Sin City. Watched it twice, really tried to get it. The contrast colors and jumbled storylines only gave me a headache. Only comic book movie I really considered unwatchable.

3. Wedding Crashers. Wedding crashers? Jokes got old after the first wedding crash. Then the movie would never end. I could name a top 50 list of comedies light years ahead of this one.

4. The Princess Bride. I kind of get this one but I had trouble explaining to my 7 year old niece it's okay to stop crying because the main character only almost got tortured to death. Disturbing scene for children in the middle of a fairytale.

5. Any Star Wars prequel. Some nice lightsaber duels but otherwise, anyone a fan of these movies must of been born after 1990. The special effects constantly and unintentionally make all three efforts atrocious.

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Good thread.

Everyone raves about Titanic. I turned it off halfway through, absolute crap, imo.

I'll probably get shot for this, but Little Miss Sunshine has to be there for me. I watched it all, and there were some very, very funny parts, but it just wasn't as great as people all told me it was.

Napolean Dynamite. Same as above. People tell me I'm just not smart enough to fully "get" that movie. Mmmmm'k.

4 Weddings and a Funeral. Funny moments to be sure, but not the comedy classic purported to be.

Casino. Well done, great cast, except Stone, but kind of a repeat of Goodfellas. If I had never seen Goodfellas, I probably would have loved this. But I did, so I didn't.

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2. Sin City. Watched it twice, really tried to get it. The contrast colors and jumbled storylines only gave me a headache. Only comic book movie I really considered unwatchable.

I'm with you on Sin City... I just didn't understand the hype. I thought it was horrible and erased the experience from memory :)

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sorry its not a top 5 but...

Resevoir Dogs- the movie is violent in a purely masturbatory way... and it feels claustrophobic because of the entire movie pretty much being in one room.

Pretty much every Star Wars movie- ehh, the more I watch them, the dumber they look. The original 3 weren't that good either. Maybe its just before my time. Luke is a ***** and its a damn shame someone like him had to save the galaxy. Han Solo should have been more of a bad ass.

Monty Python & the Holy Grail- I don't know why everyone assumes I would like the comedy in this movie. There's a lot of kinda funny parts, but nothing is really hilarious.

Space Balls- This movie is pure **** through and through. Probably the worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to watch from start to finish...no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Any Movie By Michael Bay- sucks big, long, and hard.... fill in the blank... just like Michael Bay. Ass holes like him ruin cinema for their own greed.

Jay and Silent Bob movies- some of the worst movies I have seen, no amount of weed can make them funny. (I'm not counting Clerks or Clerks II I thought those were decent)

Matrix II and III- they forgot to make a movie in between all the special effects

The Break Up= Do people like this movie? I don't know, if they do then it belongs here...if they don't well I'm glad to hear that. Regardless this movie blows.

Titanic- highlight of the movie was when the ship wrecked and some random dude fell 300 feet and whacked himself on a giant chimney.

2001 A space odyssey- I think critics like this I'm not sure.... I like it more than anyone I know and I still hated it. It took me 3 tries to finish it... and I had to take a nap in the middle.

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1. Batman Begins- It's not that I hate it, but I thought it was very overrated. The Batmans with Michael Keaton were much better.

2. Star Wars Episode I Phantom Menace- Way too childish.

3. Clerks- Way too alternative and coffee house for my taste.

4. Pulp Fiction- Again, it's not that I hate it. There were some parts I liked, but it's overrated.

5. Crash- I really couldn't stand this movie. It was basically "let's have every race be buttholes to each other and come up with every stereotype in the book. Then we can make a movie about it." Pure crap IMO.

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Perfect Storm- I can't not begin to describe how pissed that movie made me. From omitting some large parts of the book; to showing how professional fishers, sailors and any person that knows how to boat would not handle themselves in storm conditions.

The Day After Tomorrow - Seriously how does Dennis Quad continue to get work :whoknows: Really I want to know.

Titanic - Leo dying was the entire highlight of that movie

Napoleon Dynamite - the dance seen was the only part that I thought was funny

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Hmm, 5 Worst...easy....

1. Cellular - Atrocious. You can't do what that doofus (the supposed hero) did waving a gun around and stealing cars and then rationalize his actions, thus making it ok and acceptable. And who knew that the woman kidnapped was McGuyver? I mean that phone was pretty messed up.

2. The Punisher (newer one) - Pathetic, no build-up of a climax....and what's with the Johnny Cash wannabe?? That had NO PURPOSE to the movie at all. It was so irrelevant and out of left field it was absurd.

3. Blade Trinity - It sucked hard until the last 10 mintues, save Ryan Reynolds...mancrush, anyone? Seriously, you have the ultimate vampire/killing machine, yet he is in human form the entire movie AND his crowning achievement was knocking off a couple of goth kids in a costume store.

4. I, Robot - I love sci-fi movies, and I understand what this movie was trying to accomplish, but the acting and lines at the beginning were horrible. I've never seen a character so dense and stupid as that female scientist, ever. And what's ironic is that they even have a "stupidity" argument about it in the movie. Us people have toasters and washing machines....is it really that hard to believe that a robot did in fact malfunction?

5. King Kong - Every scene was way to long. It just irks me that he gets praise for making a long "epic" just for the sake of it being so damn long. I gave up after an hour and a half....couldn't take the monotony.

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Hmm, 5 Worst...easy....

1. Cellular - Atrocious. You can't do what that doofus (the supposed hero) did waving a gun around and stealing cars and then rationalize his actions, thus making it ok and acceptable. And who knew that the woman kidnapped was McGuyver? I mean that phone was pretty messed up.

4. I, Robot - I love sci-fi movies, and I understand what this movie was trying to accomplish, but the acting and lines at the beginning were horrible. I've never seen a character so dense and stupid as that female scientist, ever. And what's ironic is that they even have a "stupidity" argument about it in the movie. Us people have toasters and washing machines....is it really that hard to believe that a robot did in fact malfunction?

5. King Kong - Every scene was way to long. It just irks me that he gets praise for making a long "epic" just for the sake of it being so damn long. I gave up after an hour and a half....couldn't take the monotony.

too bad those are movies i can watch again and again:laugh:

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Amadeus... We watched it in our Masterpieces of Cinema class, I was literally pissed off for days because of that movie. Everyone said "Well that's what jelousy will do" and I said "No, if you think that jealousy can go that far, you are stupid" Horrible Horrible movie, the 1984 version that is....

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sorry its not a top 5 but...

Monty Python & the Holy Grail- I don't know why everyone assumes I would like the comedy in this movie. There's a lot of kinda funny parts, but nothing is really hilarious.

Space Balls- This movie is pure **** through and through. Probably the worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to watch from start to finish...no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I was going to say you are just not old enough to enjoy these movies but it really has nothing to do with how old you are. A better way to say it would be you did not grow up in the right time period. A lot of the humor in them reference other movies/issues from the 80's. There was a thread about movie quotes once and about a third of the ones posted where from "Space Balls".

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1. The departed-With hearing the F word every other word the movie became unenjoyable.

2. Lord of the Rings...all of them- WTF??!?! lets make a movie of 2 hobbits walking around for 2.5 hours and have a gay action scene at the end. by the way j.r. tolkein i want my money back.

3. Borat-make a comedy where i don't have to read the subtitles. and why would i want to see two naked men fighting over Pamela Anderson's magazine?!?!?!?! EW!

4. open water- omg lets make a movie where two people are floating in the water for 2.5 hours of the movie. BRILLIANT!!!

5. king kong, titantic, rocky I II III...ect and clerks I II.

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2. Lord of the Rings...all of them- WTF??!?! lets make a movie of 2 hobbits walking around for 2.5 hours and have a gay action scene at the end. by the way j.r. tolkein i want my money back.

So you hated all of them.... and yet proceeded to watch parts 2 and 3 after you thought the first one sucked balls? Why in the world would you do that?

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Oh yeah.....how could I forget this masterpiece?

Phonebooth - People actually enjoyed this movie? This left me speechless.

Phonebooth sucked the 1st time I watched it, the second time it was interesting because you knew what to look for...

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So you hated all of them.... and yet proceeded to watch parts 2 and 3 after you thought the first one sucked balls? Why in the world would you do that?

I'm guilty of the same with LOTR. I didn't hate them but never got into them at all. I guess I kept thinking the next one would be better, but it just seemed like more of the same.

Also am guilty of the same with the Star Wars prequels. My inner Star Wars child kept begging for each one to get better. The third elevated to just above garbage. And like I said if not for the lightsaber duels, comepletely unwatchable start to finish.

Guess I can also claim the same to the Matrix trilogy. Though that was a case of an awesome movie whose sequels fell off a cliff into stupidity.

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Amadeus... We watched it in our Masterpieces of Cinema class, I was literally pissed off for days because of that movie. Everyone said "Well that's what jelousy will do" and I said "No, if you think that jealousy can go that far, you are stupid" Horrible Horrible movie, the 1984 version that is....

That's one of my favorite movies :laugh: . I'm into music study though.

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