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Another top 5 movie list


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There are a lot of movies that are stupid. I get real irritated when hollywood spends over 100 million dollars making stupid look slick. Do they think we care more about the slick presentation than we do about a good story? Oh, wait! They PROVE it to be true every time one of these crappy movies makes it big. We really are sheep.

1. Independence Day: Number 1 all time waste of my life. The aliens were better characters by default because there wasn't any time spent developing them.

2. Pirates of the Caribbean: This is the first time I seriously considered that everyone I know might be capable of conspiring against me.

3. King Kong : I didn't think is was possible for a giant Gorilla to be so boring.

4. The latest Star Wars Trilogy: Lucas is dead to me.

5. Titanic: number 1 all time box office receipts? Embarrassing. I'm just embarrassed for all of us really.

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In no particular order:

1. Napolean Dynamite - It seems funny when someone quotes the movie. Then I see the execution, and it's just off. You can tell they're trying really hard to get the dead pan humor of Spinal Tap or any of the Christopher Guest movies. Unfortunately, they go for the cheap and stupid (Lafawnduh, anyone?), as opposed to the bold intellectually-stimulating dialogue of the aforementioned movies ('This one goes to 11,' greatest interview ever).

2. Casino Royale - I don't care if it's in the book, that happy-go-lucky romantic sequence just went on and on. Twenty minutes of no plot development and very sappy romantic dialogue doesn't cut it in the world of Bond. Even in the book, he didn't show that much of a tender side. The coolest part of the movie (the opening sequence) was basically a District B13 redux (by far and away the most underrated cinematic release of last year). I guess I was expecting something more than a shirtless Daniel Craig rising from the beach in slow motion (twice). Though the woman on the horse was pretty cool (I think she was the woman in the last LOST episode).

3. The Godfather - Peter Griffin and I have at least this much in common. It's weird because I love every actor featured in this film. Unfortunately, I don't like the story, characters, or art direction. It is, however, very well acted. Something about the mob/gangsta genre is boring to me. This genre is generally a rehash of every possible negative stereotype of the Irish, Italian, Black, and Spanish. It gets old.

4. Gladiator - Boring. I don't think Russell Crowe is all that great of an actor (A Beautiful Mind almost makes this list), either. Joaquin Pheonix had his moments here and there. I think the Academy is a sucker for an Australian/UK (one in the same if you ask me) actor/actress.

5. Braveheart - Mel Gibson... If he had his way, he'd be crucified in every movie he has ever made. This story, along with countless other 'epics', follows the most superficial of plotlines: Evil King subjugates and devastates a people (or attempts to); A hero rises and says, "We don't have to take this!"; The beleaguered state creates an army; There is an uprising followed by a huge battle sequence; Hero is captured and says something like, "We will never give up!" ...boring. Hell, I think that sums up the plot to 300.

I think my list will probably offend 99% of the movie watchers on this board. You should all know that I sincerely made an effort to like this movie (I did pay to see all of them), but couldn't make it happen. Eh, personal preference.

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1. Borat... seriously. Everyone raves about this movie and I just hated it. It's not that I 'didn't get it', I just thought it was downright idiotic. Parts of it were funny but they were drowned in gross, humorless and juvenile crap they tried to pass off as humor. I spent most of the movie wishing I had my money back.

2. The new Star Wars movies. I didn't really like the old ones that much, and the new ones are just like the old ones without the parts that made them tolerable.

I'll think of more eventually, but these are the two on my mind.

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2001 A space odyssey- I think critics like this I'm not sure.... I like it more than anyone I know and I still hated it. It took me 3 tries to finish it... and I had to take a nap in the middle.

In my experience, people who've watched 2001 fall into two categories.

  1. People who thought the special effects were really great (in the day, now they're not so hot), but who thought the film itself was an incomprehensible waste of film.
  2. People who've read the book, and think the film is one of the best ever made.

(People in group 2 are also required by the rules to never pass up a chance to urge people in group 1 to read the book and join group 2).

I've never met a person who didn't read the book and who knew WTF was going on. I've never met a person who read the book and didn't love the movie.

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- The "SAW" trilogy really gets on my nerves. I can't sit through any of those without needing to take a few mental breaks. Ohhh wow, that guy was killed in a unique way, legendary movie.

- "Gladiator" might be the one movie that I can only watch about 5 minutes of before turning it off. Any part, you turn to it, I can't watch it for more than 5 minutes. Even the last fight scene! I like Russel Crowe in "Master and Commander", but "Gladiator" is in my mind the most overrated movie of all-time.

- "Terminator 3" is the only movie that makes it on this list souly based on its ending. What? Arnold's CPU contracted bi-polar syndrom? Stay, Go? What?!?!?! Where is, "You're Terminated, ****er"...or, "Hasta La Vista, Baby!" No, to be unique, the producer who thought he'd try to be more creative than James Cameron is going to make Arnold have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Then he beats the sh*t out of a car? Okayyyyy. Makes it look like Arnold was just mad the trilogy was ending.

- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3" is a disgrace to the way the first movie was made. The second Turtles movie was O.K. but TNMT 1 was awesome. The quintessential family movie. TNMT 3? That movie looks like it was made by some 8th grade school kids with a Hollywood budget. Half-assed, no characters we know about, the costumes look absolutely terrible...no Shredder, no Craing, no Bebop, no Rocksteady, no storyline that would interest anybody that watched that legendary cartoon.

- "Batman Forever" might be the single largest bullet that's ever shot down a movie series. The big 3 actors are good. Kilmer, Lee Jones and Jim Carrey. Kilmer is my favorite character in any movie ever (Doc Holliday in "Tombstone"), but here he has to replace another actor who had an aquired talent to play Batman, Michael Keaton. It wasn't going to happen and you maybe can blame Keaton for doing it. In any event, this movie was riddled in bad computer animation, it's story was too quick and confusing, and they tried to make it too much of an action-adventure. The thing that made Batman great and Batman Returns good, was the emphasis on the dark, eerie feeling you got throughout the whole movie. Nicholson will forever be the best actor in any of the Batman movies. Lee Jones and Carrey paled in comparison to how Jack went about it. Granted it had a lot to do with the script, there is just no comparison. Batman movies died after Batman Returns.

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I agree with everyone who said Titanic. What in the holy-hell is wrong with the general public that made people want to flock to the theater to watch that piece of ****. ???

The class-war thing was just dumb. dumb, dumb, dumb.

True story... I got dragged to that movie when it was in the theater, and at the end of the movie when Leonardo dies, a bunch of 12 year old girls in front of me started crying. I just couldn't take it anymore... I started laughing uncontrollably. The harder I tried to stop laughing, the worse it was. Everybody around me was pissed because I couldn't stop shaking/laughing. Sorry, I just couldn't help it. What a retarded movie.

My faith in the American public dropped by about 95 points when I heard it became the highest grossing movie of all time. Someone else in this thread said it best... how EMBARASSING... for us all. :doh:

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Oh, and heres the rest of my list:

(1. Titanic)

2. 2001. Snore. No desire to read the book, either... I'd rather read the ingredients list on my shampoo bottle.

3. Old School. Why does everyone think this movie is so funny? It had one funny scene in the entire movie. Other than that, it was just boring.

4. The Neverending Story. Gave me the creeps when I originally saw it, and I'm getting the creeps thinking about it now, 20 years later. It's just so... dark.

5. The Crying Game. I rented it to see what all the fuss was about. I got to the part where the ugly Irish guy, played by the worst actor of all time, falls in love with a man wearing makeup. From what I hear, the ugly Irish guy was surprised that the man with makeup had a penis. Well duh... it's a man with makeup. What were you expecting? I guess the women in the UK are seriously ugly or something, if that dude with lipstick came off as a convincing or even remotely attractive woman. Terrible movie. Why all the buzz about this movie?

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1. All 3 Lord of the Rings. My wife read the books and loved the movies. I couldn't wait for them to end, but, they wouldn't.

2. Million Dollar Baby - Just when you start to get into this movie, the girl gets paralyzed?

3. Twister - The special effects are cool, but the acting is awful, and the story is ridiculous.

4. Rocky V - Tommy Morrison, nuff said.

5. Ace Ventura - Jokes got old after 10 minutes.

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My most hated movie is Jerry Maguire. They took 2 mediocre plots (romance and football agent) and managed to develope niether one of them. Yuck! I mean it had great target audiance potential, and a lot of people saw it, so it was a success from that standpoint. That said, did anyone leave that movie saying "there's a few hours I'll never get back."

Other movies I hated: Pride and Predjudice. I've never made it through the first 20 min without being asleep. For that matter, pretty much any period peace with women in corsets put me to sleep. Why are they all so boring? It's a shame because corsets in and of themselves seem promising and certainly look appelaing :D I guess I'm just watching the wrong type of film with corsets eh?

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2. Sin City. Watched it twice, really tried to get it. The contrast colors and jumbled storylines only gave me a headache. Only comic book movie I really considered unwatchable.

The hulk was unwatchable, Sin City was just awesome!

I agree with you on princess bride though.... I can't understand it.

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The English Patient: Am I seriously the first person to mention this one? Worst movie of all time. The hero is a Nazi who steals another man's woman and gets all three of them killed. Are you kidding me? Not to mention the fact that the movie is about 14 hours long. This one was so bad they made a Seinfeld episode about it. I'd rather get fired too than sit through that piece of garbage again and if I had the means, I'd sue the producers to get my eight bucks and 26 hours of my life back.

Armageddon: Just so bad on so many levels I don't know where to start. Cardboard characters, extreme implausability, horrible actions sequences. Michael Bay should stick to directing commercials. Every movie he churns out is utter crap. And every time I hear that song I throw up in my mouth a little.

American Beauty: Hollywood just loves telling us normal folk how secretly screwed up we all are. Kiss my normal tuchus.

Jurassic Park II: Oh my goodness was this a bad movie. If my girlfriend endangered my daughter's life in order to save a wounded T-Rex I would freaking feed HER to the damn things myself. Stupid hippie over-the-top-environmentalism runs rampant through the city eating people right and left. I'm embarrassed for Speilberg for making this.

The Big Chill: The Baby-Boomers miss college! Let's all sing old songs, cry, smoke some some dope and sleep with eachother! I usually like Kasdan's stuff, but when he starts getting all introspective about his self-indulgent, self-important generation I just can't take the smarm.

I've got more :) but those are the ones that are generally thought of as good movies, which I utterly despise.

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1. Casino Royale-I never thought a Bond flick would be boring. During the half hour of playing cards, I nearly walked out of the theater.

2. Batman Returns- I loved the first one, but absolutely hated the second one. I thought Danny DeVito made a terrible Pinguin. When Michelle Pfeiffer wasn't Catwoman she looked more like a homeless bag lady.

3. Superman Returns-They should of called this one "Lois" because it was more about her than Superman.

4. Gladiator-I was just plain bored in this one.

5. Star Wars-I never understood what the big deal was.

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1. Borat... seriously. Everyone raves about this movie and I just hated it. It's not that I 'didn't get it', I just thought it was downright idiotic. Parts of it were funny but they were drowned in gross, humorless and juvenile crap they tried to pass off as humor. I spent most of the movie wishing I had my money back.

I pretty much agreed. I laughed out loud at maybe 4 or 5 parts. Other than that, I really didn't find a lot of humor...but I kept watching it like it was a car accident...i had to take a look...and keep looking.

American Beauty: Hollywood just loves telling us normal folk how secretly screwed up we all are. Kiss my normal tuchus.

One of my favorite movies! :)

I thought it was a good plot, all things considered. It wasn't some rehash of a different story. Just a plot through the life of a few characters that were developed pretty damn well, with some nice art direction too.

5. Star Wars-I never understood what the big deal was.

I don't really dislike Star Wars, but like you, I don't understand what the big deal was. I guess I can understand that the first star wars was pretty unique whe it came out, but I just don't see how that makes it deserving of the silly amount of hype it has. That said, I've seen all the movies and I get mild entertainment out of them...but still don't see what the big deal is.

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