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Pastabelly at it again


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Windows of opportunities are rare in the NFL (see Terrell Davis, Tom Brady, maybe even Ladell Betts, etc.) and Ramsey had one with the Dolphins. But we took that away from him.

He had one with the Jets, too.

What did he wind up doing with that? Couldn't even hang on as a #3.

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There are a lot of backup QB's in the NFL. Why did Denver pick up Ramsey at all if he is so terrible? Different QB's obviously do better in certain offensive schemes. Maybe he will find a comfort zone with Denver. Gibb's wanted Brunell to play no matter how he played. Which was worse, a young QB learning how to play or a old veteran going down hill? Not a good situation at such an important position. No matter, up until Campbell came in the QB position has been painful to watch. When the matter is brought up how bad Ramsey looked in that preseason when he was benched, look at last seasons pre season at how bad we looked with Brunell. Before us arm chair GM's bury Patrick, lets watch how the next few seasons play out for him. We will have more info to decide with and find out if he blossoms or flops.

Joe Gibbs will always be a HOF coach. I think Joe did not want Patrick, at his early stages of development, to be his QB at that time.:2cents:

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Meanwhile, Dolphins offered us a HIGH draft pick for Ramsey. Ramsey would have been given a true opportunity there. But instead, we passed and picked up Brunell for a hideous contract and 3rd round pick while trading up for Campbell. By the time we decided to let Ramsey go, he didn't have a place to go.

Windows of opportunities are rare in the NFL (see Terrell Davis, Tom Brady, maybe even Ladell Betts, etc.) and Ramsey had one with the Dolphins. But we took that away from him.

Wow. Simply wow.

What about the opportunity he was given at the end of 2004 to the beginning of 2005? The one where he clearly demonstrated that he couldn't "get" the quick and sound decision-making required of an efficient starting NFL QB? It's not like he was a rookie at that point - it was his fourth NFL offseason. He clearly gave Gibbs no level of comfort as his QB - Ramsey's ball security was poor, and he was slow in recognizing the defense and making his decisions. Maybe you live with that from a first or second year player as he's developing, but a guy in his fourth season should be more proficient.

Gibbs apparently didn't think Ramsey was learning from his mistakes. I'm willing to trust what he was seeing rather than what others say - you think maybe he spent A LOT more time analyzing the situation, with A LOT more information than sportswriters and messageboard posters? Obviously he isn't infallible, but he didn't go with Brunell/Campbell over Ramsey due to a lack of information. Rather, it was an abundance of information from Ramsey that scared the beejeebers out of him.

When Gibbs first came on board, I suspect he saw these same qualities in Ramsey's game. He probably also saw some things he liked and hoped, with coaching, he could remove the bad qualities and develop the good ones. I imagine this is why the Dolphin offer was rejected, if it was ever made (and I am extremely dubious that this wasn't a rumor that took on a life of its own).

In any case, the Redskins do not function as a player placement service. They are not obligated to look out for the best career opportunity for the players on their team. In 2004, Gibbs saw he had a young QB with a big arm, intellect, and toughness. Unfortunately, he also saw a penchant for poor decision-making. Come 2005, he sees the same things. NFL QB is the hardest position to play in all of sports - it's no sin that not everyone is cut out to be solid starting level material at that position. You make a judgment on what is best for the team and move on. If that happens to coincide with the best interests of the player, great. But the player's opportunity is not a big concern to an NFL franchise. The player has to make his own opportunity.

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This is the same kind of stuff the media spewed about Arrington when he left. "Oh, he's got so much talent." "Oh, he was mishandled." "Oh, the coaching staff wronged him and shoved him out the door." What's Arrington doing now? Maybe Ramsey just doesn't have the ability we all hoped he had. The media's favorite pasttime is second guessing those in charge of the Redskins.

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Hey, Ramsey was 1 for 1 for 2 yards in his playoff appearance this year. Mangini immediately asked if Fireman Ed could throw, and then Pennington got up and went back in.

Note: In that play, Ramsey went back on a quick 3 step drop and threw into the flat. And the whole time his feet danced like he was standing on hot coals. I like Patrick, but he plays like a hamster in a wheel.


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Now, obviously Gibbs' handling of the Ramsey situation last year is debatable, but to blame it for permanently stunting Ramsey's development??? Lets get serious. Just another case of our boy finding some convoluted way to take a shot at Joe and the Skins.

He said Ramsey has "pocket presence." Absolutely unbelievable.

F' that! He said "BLESSED" with pocket presence... :pooh:

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He said Ramsey has "pocket presence." Absolutely unbelievable.

F' that! He said "BLESSED" with pocket presence... :pooh:

Well, Ramsey WAS actually present in the pocket. Unfortunately that's the most I can say to support that statement.

I still wonder whether Spurrier ruined him or if he would have been this way anyway. He got beat up pretty bad in college (hence his reputation of being tough before he even got in the league), so his Tulane years may have been the real reason he has this problem. Or maybe he's just that way. Doesn't really matter I guess. Best of luck to him.

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Who cares what Pastabelly says, we are talking about the signing of a backup QB here.

I think it was misquoted. Ramsey's agent gave Fatassarelli a whole palate of Hot Pockets as presents. He meant to say Ramsey blessed him with Pocket Presents!

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I agree with Pastabelly ... Gibbs completely mishandled Ramsey because he had a thing (undeservingly) for Brunell.

Spot on. Brunell always got 20 yards of rope from Gibbs. I guess because of the #'s he put up back when Clinton was pres, certainly not based on what he did as a redskin. He stunk outloud or was at best, subpar in more than 2/3's of his starts here and still got 9 freaking lives from Gibbs. Ramsey got one quarter of love. Ridiculous. It was one of the rare times in my life where I've felt Gibbs was a complete idiot in his actions, and thoroughly unfair to boot.

All this being said. It doesn't mean Ramsey was or is good, or that its Gibbs fault he is nowhere right now (though in truth he should have realized going to the Jets was a bad idea with Pennington there and then them looking at and then drafting Clemens/Clements whatever), Spurrier hurt his development a ton, and Gibbs did not help it in the least. Anyone who thought there'd be a fair competition for the gig in '04 should excuse themselves from this thread now. He paid through the nose for a vet and it was patently clear from that that Brunell was gonna be his guy unless he played like Mark Malone at his worst and indeed he did play like Mark Malone at his worst and it still took a freaking half of a season for him to be benched. Ditto in '06, and in '05 he sucked from mid-october forward for the most part, and still was never benched no matter how bad he played (and he was putrid for the vast majority of the second half of the '05 season). Meanwhile, of course, Ramsey got one quarter.

The three things I know about this topic: Pastabelly is a tool, and has it in for the redskins, even if he is right sometimes in his indictments of said redskins, Ramsey is at best mediocre (and in the all important '05 preseason he was crummy-mediocre at best), and Gibbs didn't kill his career (though he certainly didn't help it), and Gibbs was indeed a complete tool in how he handled Ramsey as compared to Boonell. It was the very essence of a lack of fair play and fair treatment, again 20 yards of rope to Brunell no matter how much he sucked (and he sucked a lot and often for the most part), and about a millimeter of rope for Ramsey.

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that is too funny. forgot all about that. where is pinkston now?



ESPN.com Content September 9, 2006

Can't catch on: Vikes release Pinkston

The Vikings released receiver Todd Pinkston, mere days after he was let go by the Eagles.

September 4, 2006

Pinkston feels healthy and ready to catch on with Vikes

New Vikings receiver Todd Pinkston says he'll be ready to go for the opener.

I have no idea where he is now or if anyone picked him up.

Another example of the Pastabutt player forecast. :laugh:

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He had one with the Jets, too.

What did he wind up doing with that? Couldn't even hang on as a #3.

His window of opportunity for the Jets was tryin to supplant two quarterbacks that were already there. If Gibbs would have let him just go to the Dolphins, he would have had a window of opportunity to be the full-fledged starter. Then he could succeed or fail on his own merit.

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