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VERDICT in Scooter Libby Trial

Dan T.

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AP just announced a verdict has been reached. Jury to announce at noon.

Funny hoe the "liberal media" has been entirely silent on this trial huh? if the media WAS truly liberal, wouldn't this have been front page news as Monica was for 2 years?

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Funny hoe the "liberal media" has been entirely silent on this trial huh? if the media WAS truly liberal, wouldn't this have been front page news as Monica was for 2 years?

Nope. This entire trial is utter garbage manufactured by the prosecutor. Plame was not covert in the previous five years = originally there was no crime committed = total waste of time. Sure, the Bush administration was using the media to exact revenge on someone who tried to expose their fraudulent intelligence in the build up to the Iraq war, but that does not mean they committed a crime. They might be scum but for this they are not crooks IMO. That doesn't mean Libby didn't lie, he might have, but the entire case is nothing more than political axe grinding.

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Nope. This entire trial is utter garbage manufactured by the prosecutor. Plame was not covert in the previous five years = no crime committed = total waste of time. Sure, the Bush administration was using the media to exact revenge on someone who tried to expose their fraudulent intelligence in the build up to the Iraq war, but that does not mean they committed a crime. They might be scum but for this they are not crooks IMO. That doesn't mean Libby didn't lie, he might have, but the entire case is nothing more than political axe grinding.

Midnight, I gotta say you are someone else I was wrong about (unless your post is sarcastic, but seeing your posts of late, I don't think it is)

You are not a hack at all like I am, and have no problem actually thinking about issues

Kudos :applause:

Although I will add that this should not have happened and there has to be accountability

Bush Sr put it best when talking about exposing secrets and our intelligence, it is a grave act against our national security

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it took 11 days of deliberations to decide whether Libby or Matt Cooper was right in recollecting whether Libby knew at the time that Plame worked for the CIA.

Those are 2 of the 5 counts. This is a huge waste of money and time over nothing- when it was Richard Armitage who was the source of Plame anyway.

I still laugh over how the libs were so ecstatic that Rove was going to be shorly frog-marched out of the White House in 2005 :laugh:

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Nope. This entire trial is utter garbage manufactured by the prosecutor. Plame was not covert in the previous five years = originally there was no crime committed = total waste of time. Sure, the Bush administration was using the media to exact revenge on someone who tried to expose their fraudulent intelligence in the build up to the Iraq war, but that does not mean they committed a crime. They might be scum but for this they are not crooks IMO. That doesn't mean Libby didn't lie, he might have, but the entire case is nothing more than political axe grinding.

Did someone hack your account? :laugh:

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Why are we not talking about Sandy Berger's theft and possible destruction of documents from the National Archives? This is much more appalling IMO.

Good point. Though I disagree that one is worse than the other. Both acts are pretty reprehensible in my mind.

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Nope. This entire trial is utter garbage manufactured by the prosecutor. Plame was not covert in the previous five years = originally there was no crime committed = total waste of time. Sure, the Bush administration was using the media to exact revenge on someone who tried to expose their fraudulent intelligence in the build up to the Iraq war, but that does not mean they committed a crime. They might be scum but for this they are not crooks IMO. That doesn't mean Libby didn't lie, he might have, but the entire case is nothing more than political axe grinding.

I've followed the case pretty closely. It's not my understanding that Valary Plame was "not covert". None of her neigbors knew she was in the CIA, and she had a cover story for where she worked which her neighbors believed.

Also Skooter wasn't charged with outing a CIA agent, which is a crime; though a hard to prove crime. Hard to prove because although it is a crime to leak classified data, both the President and in this administration the VP have the authority to change what is classified or not with just verbal authority. So what Skooter was charged with was knowingly lieing to federal agents conducting an investigation. Then compounding this crime by lieing to a federal court.

The evidence is pretty convincing. You can read the brief on line. Skooter has meetings about Flame, speaks to several people about her faretting out information to use against her and her husband. Then he tells federal prosecutors that he didn't know who she was.

The question isn't whether Skooter is guilty. The only question is should Cheney be likewise prosocuted.

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I've followed the case pretty closely. It's not my understanding that Valary Plame was "not covert". None of her neigbors knew she was in the CIA, and she had a cover story for where she worked which her neighbors believed.

Also Skooter wasn't charged with outing a CIA agent, which is a crime; though a hard to prove crime. Hard to prove because although it is a crime to leak classified data, both the President and in this administration the VP have the authority to change what is classified or not with just verbal authority. So what Skooter was charged with was knowingly lieing to federal agents conducting an investigation. Then compounding this crime by lieing to a federal court.

The evidence is pretty convincing. You can read the brief on line. Skooter has meetings about Flame, speaks to several people about her faretting out information to use against her and her husband. Then he tells federal prosecutors that he didn't know who she was.

The question isn't whether Skooter is guilty. The only question is should Cheney be likewise prosocuted.

Yes, he should be but it will never happen in a million years. If he's survived this long after all the crap he's pulled, nothing can touch him. He's the real seat of power, anyway.

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I've followed the case pretty closely. It's not my understanding that Valary Plame was "not covert". None of her neigbors knew she was in the CIA, and she had a cover story for where she worked which her neighbors believed.

Also Skooter wasn't charged with outing a CIA agent, which is a crime; though a hard to prove crime. Hard to prove because although it is a crime to leak classified data, both the President and in this administration the VP have the authority to change what is classified or not with just verbal authority. So what Skooter was charged with was knowingly lieing to federal agents conducting an investigation. Then compounding this crime by lieing to a federal court.

The evidence is pretty convincing. You can read the brief on line. Skooter has meetings about Flame, speaks to several people about her faretting out information to use against her and her husband. Then he tells federal prosecutors that he didn't know who she was.

The question isn't whether Skooter is guilty. The only question is should Cheney be likewise prosocuted.

On Dec. 30, 2003, the day Fitzgerald was appointed special counsel, he should have known (all he had to do was ask the CIA) that Plame was not covert, knowledge that should have stopped the investigation right there. The law prohibiting disclosure of a covert agent's identity requires that the person have a foreign assignment at the time or have had one within five years of the disclosure, that the government be taking affirmative steps to conceal the government relationship, and for the discloser to have actual knowledge of the covert status.
The CIA is well aware of the requirements of the law protecting the identity of covert officers and agents. I know, because in 1982, as chief counsel to the Senate intelligence committee, I negotiated the terms of that legislation between the media and the intelligence community. Even if Plame's status were "classified"--Fitzgerald never introduced one piece of evidence to support such status -- no law would be violated


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