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Old person strikes again.... (got hit by a car today)


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Besides being fairly pissed, I'm perfectly OK. I didn't even fall off the bike.

I was test riding a customers bike this afternoon, and as I was making a left turn, this two thousand year old guy pulls away from the stop sign, and clipps the left rear of the motorcycle. It bounced me off line onto a lawn, where I turned around, and parked the bike on the sidewalk.

The car is sitting in the middle of the intersection which is a "T", and as I walk up to it the old pecker head yells at me, "what in hell is wrong with you, you ran through the stop" and proceeds to start to drive away! I ran back, hopped on the bike, and took off after him. I was doing low enough speed that I was able to get my cell phone and hit 911, told the lady what happened and that I was following him. The old bastage didn't realize there was no outlet from where he was.

I followed him around this development for about 7 or 8 minutes, and then he found the road heading out. I was still on the phone with the 911 opperator, riding with my right hand only. A minute later, I spotted the cop comming towards us. I told the lady I saw the cop, the guy was still in front of me, and I would signal the cop. I stuffed the phone in my pocket, pulled into the oncomming lane, while still behind the guy, started flashing my lights and waving.

The copp hit his lights, and blocked the road. :D The old goat told the cop I ran the stop sign, turning in front of him as he was pulling through the intersection. He said I was riding like a madman, chasing him at highspeed around the development. He pointed out where he was, and where I had come from. Then the cop pointed out that I didn't have a stop sign, and had the right of way. He also pointed out the damage on the bike and his car to the dork. I told the cop he was flat out lying, and that I wouldn't have been able to stay on the phone if I was riding hard chasing him, and he could confirm with the 911 lady I was in contact with her the entire time. The old guy went off, cussin at the cop and me about having it in for non fulltime residents, and he shouldn't listen to some crazy kid on a motorcycle. The cop tried to calm him down, and when he spit on the cop, he was arested. :D:D:D The car was impounded, and he was taken away in the back of the cruiser

I got all the info on the guy, and was told I could get the police report tomorrow. I look at my phone and there's 2 missed calls from my shop. I call in, tell them I had a problem, but would be back in a minute. My boss spotted the damage on the bike as I cam in, and I went through the story with him. He wasn't happy about having to call the customer about the bike being damaged, but was happy to see I was fine, and nailed the bastage.

There's about 600.oo damage on the bike, and the old ****er got nailed for leaving the sceene of an accident, and misdmeaner asult on a law officer, and DWI being the cop found an open beer in the car, and two fresh empties. The customed was completely cool, and was geniunly concerned for my well being.

I just love tourist season !

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As we said when I lived down in Homestead. $#%@#% Snowbirds. ;) Hey. Along with being okay and the customer being really cool about things, look at the other bright side. The.....senior fellow called you "kid". Actually. Even better. "Crazy kid". :D

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Wow, thats a crazy story. I thought the part where he called you a crazy kid was funny, ya old man...alteast to me:silly:.

Glad to hear your ok and I hope you had your helmet on, you don't want to be another Ben Toothlessberger.

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I continue to advocate that anyone over the age of 65 should have to take a drivers test every 2 or 3 years.

On another note, I work at an Assisted Living. The amount of demented elderly people who SHOULD NOT be allowed running freely in society is AMAZING. Families bring in mom and dad and say "Oh he has been living by himself since Mom died. He really can take care of himself. The only thing is recently there was a fire in his microwave and it really got me worried so I thought I would bring him here"......Well needless to say, I do my evaluation of Dad and he not only should not be alone and doesnt belong in Assisted Living, but DOES belong in our Alzheimer's unit!!!! Its really really scary. Some of these folks have cars and their familes are clueless.

Glad to hear your ok. You got lucky. Love the chasing down part tho...does your bike helmet have a light on top?;):D :logo:

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That's a funny story. Glad you're ok.

I used to spend a lot of time down there when my grandparents were alive, and my dad still lived down there. One time I got hit by some old dude when I was walking through the publix parking lot in Sunrise. The guy hit me at about 15 mph, knocking me to the ground, and just kept on going. A guy that saw the whole thing said it looked like the old coot didn't even realize he hit somebody. :doh:

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By any chance did you hurt your back. If so, I know a guy..... awww, I promised I'd never do that sort of law.

Seriously, it's good to hear you're ok. I was T-boned by an 84 year old lady in Delaware about 5 years ago, and was injured. I never wore a seatbelt, but for some reason I put it on that day. Guess someone was looking out for me. I just wish that person had gotten that fossil off the road before the accident. :laugh:

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Glad you are okay bro.

One of those stories you will be telling for years on end.

Thanks for sharing it.

I have always thought that once you get to the age of 65, it should be required to take a driving test year after year for about 5-10 bucks renewal. That and all cars should be equipt with a cell phone blocker unless the car is in park/E-Brake on.

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How to Identify Where a Driver is From

1. One hand on wheel, one hand on horn: Chicago.

2. One hand on wheel, one finger out window: New York.

3. One hand on wheel, one finger out window, cutting across all lanes of traffic: New Jersey.

4. One hand on wheel, one hand on newspaper, foot solidly on accelerator: Boston.

5. One hand on wheel, one hand on nonfat double decaf cappuccino, cradling cell phone, brick on accelerator, with gun in lap: Los Angeles.

6. Both hands on wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake, quivering in terror: Ohio, but driving in California.

7. Both hands in air, gesturing, both feet on accelerator, head turned to talk to someone in back seat: Italy.

8. One hand on latte, one knee on wheel, cradling cell phone, foot on brake, mind on radio game: Seattle.

9. One hand on wheel, one hand on hunting rifle, alternating between both feet being on the accelerator and both feet on brake, throwing McDonald's bag out the window: Texas.

10. Four-wheel drive pick-up truck, shotgun mounted in rear window, beer cans on floor, squirrel tails attached to antenna: West Virginia.

11. Two hands gripping wheel, blue hair barely visible above windshield, driving 35 on the Interstate in the left lane with the left blinker on and a motorcyle fender hanging of his door handle: Florida. :D

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