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Thank Goodness it'e over fellow Extremers.


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Chalk another losing season in the books...

At least the heart ache ends for 9 months

Not for me. Now I have to (yet again) hear about another Eagles playoff run while my team is home playing their xbox 360's. And I have this horrible feeling the Eagles are going back to the SB. :doh:

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Random thoughts on this game. We have a QB, guys. Williams needs to rearrange his genius mind. The zebras gave them 14 tonight, I am psyched for next year, but I most always am psyched for the next year. If the Gnats take out the Cowhumpers, that will be a good thing. Eli is such a wuss. ST scared him into a TO.

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This defense disappointed me so much that it got to the point where I couldn't trust them anymore. I even joked to my g/f when the score was 27-21 that this is the Redskins defense and i'm not going to set myself up for disappointment because I knew that we wouldn't be able to stop them. Then Tiki breaks another big run. I'm glad this season is over but I am also glad that it was the defense that lost us this game. Maybe this will wake up GW and make him realize you need players and that not just anyone can come in and play in your "system". Hopefully the Redskins find some nice talent in the draft with the pick we got this year and hopefully the Redskins have learned their lesson with last seasons free agent signings. Who am I kidding though.

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As a season ticket holder who comes to town from Miami and sometimes Boston... This season s-u-c-k-e-d! Bottom line... I am frustrated by what has happened and hope for everyones sake that we don't witness this sham of a football team for however long is necessary... I mean come on Saddam had more fight in him while in the gallows than I saw on some plays by certain "Stars." Anyway, the glue factory has received the 2006 edition and its finally out of its misery. Can't wait for the draft... Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for the new ticket price increases Dan!

Thanks for the great season fellow Extremers. However, This has been the most frustrating season that I can remember. I am just glad it's over. I just hope we don't spend another BILLION this off season on over rated veterans that continue to be big wastes of money. This is a ball club that after 20 weeks of football including the preseason has without a doubt proved they are a bad club. :doh:
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On one hand you think their is alot to look forward to going into next year but i'm almost scared to see what the other hand holds. I just pray that they can get this thing together and fix this defense. If not for a very good offensive effort this one could have been a real embarrassment.

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It was sad standing there watching ARE drop the partially tipped ball. I didn't see the replay, but it looked like it was tipped. I wanted to see JC march down the field again before the season ended. Instead I watched the people start to exit the stadium.

Now, I have to wait a long time to see the skins again.

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You know, Tiki wouldn't retire if he could play the Redskins every week. Have you ever seen a poorer example of clock management than the Redskins with 2:18 left in the game. I'm not afraid to say it, but thats just plain bad coaching!

I heard someone else say the same thing on the post game radio show and I disagree. Down by 6 with 2:18 left at your own 20 and with 1 timeout and the 2-minute warning......yeah, you pretty much have to throw. Campbell made many plays in the second half and just couldn't make any more......what do you expect?

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Big difference, TK.

The citizens of the United States had a will and a desire to win World War II. We had people who were willing to kill and die for this country. We had leaders who were willing to do absolutely ANYTHING, including use the most devestating weapon ever developed to WIN. Not to put up a good fight or talk about how valiantly our soldier fought in a battle we lost.

Unfortunately this team doesn't have the coaches(commanders), the players(soldiers) to equate to what this country had during World War II. The coaches/front office are not willing to do the things necessary to WIN. The players don't seem to give a crap about WINNING. Nobody in the organization does, at least from what I see from where I'm sitting.

lol. hillarious.

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There's so much wrong with this team that I don't know if it really is over. Let's face facts. We're not a good team and an offseason that sees very few draft picks and no front office really doesn't give me a lot of hope for next season. I hope I'm wrong, but 2006 left a really bad taste in my mouth.

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It was sad standing there watching ARE drop the partially tipped ball. I didn't see the replay, but it looked like it was tipped. I wanted to see JC march down the field again before the season ended. Instead I watched the people start to exit the stadium.

Well, you're lucky. I had to watch a Skins fan take on five Giants fan a few rows in front of me. Man, drunkeness makes you stupid! :doh:

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