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Thank Goodness it'e over fellow Extremers.


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Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Okay, I usually try not to do this, but I'm going to repeat what I said in another thread because it fits so well here.

The Giants team was walking off their buses and heading into New Carrolton metro at around 1 AM last night, and I watched them because I had just dropped a buddy off there. I think they were catching the Marc train. Nobody was around, it was real quiet. Nobody was saying anything. I was the only Redskins fan there, and I was in full garb.

Finally one of the players glanced at me and said:


Sort of had a John Belushi ring to it...

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Go watch Animal House. And brush up on your history. The Germans didn't bomb Pearl Harbor. ;)

I never said they did, TK. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. However, when the American people reacted so decisively and quickly to that, Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States; bringing the US into a two theatre conflict in hopes of thus weakening us.

After reading further, I just noticed the actual issue with your original comment. I'm guessing that's from "Animal House" which I've never actually watched, nor do I care to see. My response was based on the fact that since I don't do humor or sarcasm I simply assumed that YOU knew history. My bad.

The season has been over for months. Hell, part of me wonders if this franchise might not just as well lock up the doors and go home permanently. They couldn't have beaten half the college teams that played yesterday.

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