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Naughty Miss Nevada Stripped of Her Title


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Why cut off at 30 Die Hard? Why not 40? When does one become 'MAGICALLY" ready to not make mistakes.

Oh, and please, dont do the first stone thing. That gets so old in the debates.


Blondie, quit personalizing everything.

Read the post again.... I never said it was NEVER ok to make mistakes. I'm saying... that you're most likely to make the majority of your mistakes (and most likely the biggest mistakes) in the years where there is the most opportunity to make them.

High school, university/college, moving away for the first time, paying rent, buying a house, living with roomates, going to parties and events, one-night stands, long-term relationships, travelling, having a career or two, a few part-time jobs, long-term friends, long-distance friends, losing friends, making friends, love, lust, etc.

Generally, by the time you're 30.... you will have experienced the majority of things and situations you are going to encounter in your life (kids, mortgage, debt, drug/alcohol abuse, death in the family, marriage, sexual exploration, etc).

So one would EXPECT you to make the most of your mistakes in that age bracket. That doesn't mean people don't make mistakes in any other stages of their lives. Most are forgiveable.... but some of them are just dumb :)

Personally, I'm not a fan of beauty pageants.... and I've never understood or appreciated the fascination to hold public icons as role models. But what do I know.

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Blondie, quit personalizing everything.

Read the post again.... I never said it was NEVER ok to make mistakes. I'm saying... that you're most likely to make the majority of your mistakes (and most likely the biggest mistakes) in the years where there is the most opportunity to make them.

High school, university/college, moving away for the first time, paying rent, buying a house, living with roomates, going to parties and events, one-night stands, long-term relationships, travelling, having a career or two, a few part-time jobs, long-term friends, long-distance friends, losing friends, making friends, love, lust, etc.

Generally, by the time you're 30.... you will have experienced the majority of things and situations you are going to encounter in your life (kids, mortgage, debt, drug/alcohol abuse, death in the family, marriage, sexual exploration, etc).

So one would EXPECT you to make the most of your mistakes in that age bracket. That doesn't mean people don't make mistakes in any other stages of their lives. Most are forgiveable.... but some of them are just dumb :)

Personally, I'm not a fan of beauty pageants.... and I've never understood or appreciated the fascination to hold public icons as role models. But what do I know.

Completely agree with this especially the last paragraph. Why do we do that? It seems so stupid to me.

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Am I to understand everything you did in your youth your family approved and you had that in mind when you did it? Am I also to assume there was never a time when, were there a camera around, you'd be regretting those pictures today? Just trying to understand :)

Undoubtedly you did NOT read a previous post of mine. I said I would not want people to know things I did LAST YEAR.......much less at 17. Pay attention. ;) I think I have said over and over.........DON'T TAKE PICS. Take it for what it is. Can ya understand it now? :)

Blondie, quit personalizing everything.

Read the post again.... I never said it was NEVER ok to make mistakes. I'm saying... that you're most likely to make the majority of your mistakes (and most likely the biggest mistakes) in the years where there is the most opportunity to make them.

High school, university/college, moving away for the first time, paying rent, buying a house, living with roomates, going to parties and events, one-night stands, long-term relationships, travelling, having a career or two, a few part-time jobs, long-term friends, long-distance friends, losing friends, making friends, love, lust, etc.

Generally, by the time you're 30.... you will have experienced the majority of things and situations you are going to encounter in your life (kids, mortgage, debt, drug/alcohol abuse, death in the family, marriage, sexual exploration, etc).

So one would EXPECT you to make the most of your mistakes in that age bracket. That doesn't mean people don't make mistakes in any other stages of their lives. Most are forgiveable.... but some of them are just dumb :)

Personally, I'm not a fan of beauty pageants.... and I've never understood or appreciated the fascination to hold public icons as role models. But what do I know.

I have NO idea WHY you would say for me NOT to personalize everything.

I think that is off topic.

But, who cares really.

Again.......my law...........DON'T TAKE PICS. And if you are going to play, be ready to pay the price should your play time come back to haunt you.


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In this day & age, you can't go anywhere without someone taking a picture of you. Digital cameras, cell phone cameras, they're everywhere.

And how do we know that our Miss Nevada friend didn't have those pictures taken by her own friends? Perhaps they were all out having a good time, and took some pics. No big deal, he/she is my friend, no problem.

Fast forward to when she's now Miss Nevada, and that former friend can all of a sudden cash in because of these, and sells them to the first tabloid/website they can think of.

I know of people, who I consider friends, have incriminating stuff on me, and vice versa. The thought of that coming out would never cross my mind if I was trying out for a reality TV show, or something else that would put me in the public eye. You can't control what other people do, and you can't control your past. You can only control your future, but it's not easy to do when people are harping on mistakes you made when you were a child......

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And immature people make me laugh.

It is what it is.



Yes it is.

It's just funny, for me anyway, because it seems like when every generation gets older they look at the younger gen. and shake their heads. In the 50's it was Elvis and rock and roll. In the sixties it was the hippies, and the long hair, and so on and so forth. I'm sure when I get around your age I will be thinking "what the hell is wrong with these young people?"

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Yes it is.

It's just funny, for me anyway, because it seems like when every generation gets older they look at the younger gen. and shake their heads. In the 50's it was Elvis and rock and roll. In the sixties it was the hippies, and the long hair, and so on and so forth. I'm sure when I get around your age I will be thinking "what the hell is wrong with these young people?"

Well, sonny, I will try to get my walker .....make it to the bathroom......and get the geritol......and mail it to you for you to have when you get my age.

Now.........where did I leave that walker?

And my teeth?


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I looked at the pics, and although kinda racey. I have seen more in my life that would make this girl look like an angel.

Poor judgement at the time. But when you are 17 we all (likely) made some stupid decisions from time to time.

This type of stuff doesnt offend me or make me drop my jaw in awe. Its just kids, being kids.

HBO shows things that have a lot more going on than these photos.

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I agree, it's tough to do anything nowadays without having yer photo taken. I don't think it's fair to ask celebrities to live a wholesome lifestyle because they're in the spotlight. I also think beauty pagents are ridiculous, let alone the concept of the winner being looked up to...

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he didnt ruin your point, he just showed that some keep the fire lit forever

And some have a fire..........but PRAY no one notices the smoke.


And again........it is not the content.

That is what it is.

And girls do this......friends..........play.

It is allowing yourself to be photographed. Heidenreich said it. Welcome to the world of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


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Blondie is correct.

Most people that go out and live life will at some point do some really stupid stuff. Thankfully most people are smart enough, or lucky enough, not to have these events recorded.

What you do during a wild time in your life doesn't define you as an adult. If it did most of us would be in trouble. It's a phase in life that you look back on and laugh about.

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Blondie is correct.

Most people that go out and live life will at some point do some really stupid stuff. Thankfully most people are smart enough, or lucky enough, not to have these events recorded.

What you do during a wild time in your life doesn't define you as an adult. If it did most of us would be in trouble. It's a phase in life that you look back on and laugh about.

It also a phase in life where you need to make mistakes so you can learn from them.

I know there are pictures of me floating around that would prevent me from ever holding any public office, but guess what? I wouldnt trade those times for anything. Pictures help you recall them.

Kids have fun. Its too bad oldER people feel the need to judge them for stuff they probably would be doing if they were 22 today.

Also, i think Miss NEVADA is repping her state perfectly. It IS the home of Sin City, after all. :D

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