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End of Days...How? What would you do?


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I don't know about the end of humanity, but I foresee the end of this country in the not too distant future, probably in my lifetime. And I don't think it will be from external forces, but internally. I really believe we are on the brink of a civil war in this country, but this time the end result is going to be a devastated country that will no longer be of superpower status. Just like the Romans, we have started to rot from within. It will be the forces of socialism versus the forces of freedom and I don't think anyone will win out.

Fortunately, I have prepared my family and myself for such a scenario. I have stockpiled enough food, water, medicine, weapons and ammunition to last me through more than one civil war. I've had friends that thought I was joking or exaggerating until I show them what I have and then you should see the look on their faces. LOL And that's only showing them what I have at my house. I bought some land a few years back where I keep almost half of my stockpile of supplies. I have a crude structure for living quarters there that I plan to upgrade in the near future. Once that's done, most of of my supplies will be located there.

I'm sure most of you think I'm some kind of doomsday nut, but will you think that when the **** hits the fan? I am just preparing myself for what I think is the inevitable. I don't even see it as American against American because I truly don't think the left wing socialist forces in this country are true Americans. I view them as the enemy and I am prepared to take up arms against them. I served in the military and have extensive experience in handling weapons, so I am very comfortable in my "survivalist" skills. If you are a true American, you should look seriously into preparing yourself for the scenario I describe.

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I don't know about the end of humanity, but I foresee the end of this country in the not too distant future, probably in my lifetime. And I don't think it will be from external forces, but internally. I really believe we are on the brink of a civil war in this country, but this time the end result is going to be a devastated country that will no longer be of superpower status. Just like the Romans, we have started to rot from within. It will be the forces of socialism versus the forces of freedom and I don't think anyone will win out.

Fortunately, I have prepared my family and myself for such a scenario. I have stockpiled enough food, water, medicine, weapons and ammunition to last me through more than one civil war. I've had friends that thought I was joking or exaggerating until I show them what I have and then you should see the look on their faces. LOL And that's only showing them what I have at my house. I bought some land a few years back where I keep almost half of my stockpile of supplies. I have a crude structure for living quarters there that I plan to upgrade in the near future. Once that's done, most of of my supplies will be located there.

I'm sure most of you think I'm some kind of doomsday nut, but will you think that when the **** hits the fan? I am just preparing myself for what I think is the inevitable. I don't even see it as American against American because I truly don't think the left wing socialist forces in this country are true Americans. I view them as the enemy and I am prepared to take up arms against them. I served in the military and have extensive experience in handling weapons, so I am very comfortable in my "survivalist" skills. If you are a true American, you should look seriously into preparing yourself for the scenario I describe.

We'll win. It's a lock.

As far as commenting on the rest I'm sorry, I didn't get past the third sentence.

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man will definitely destroy the planet before the sun takes care of us.

either through nuclear war, or new nanotechnology which turns on humanity, or some supervirus/bio warfare..

then again, America is going to be struck with WMD by 2018..

Yeah someone was just telling me about nanotechnology. That's some scary ****. It kills things on contact, even plants. That's what I heard anyway. I guess Michael Chriteon(I know I botched the name but IDGAF) was pretty smart.

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I agree with 98% of nelms post and that has been my paradigm for the fall of empires...all except a literal civil war. I think that our country will fall because of a couple of things including, but not limited to: (a) the inability to understand what a countrymen is (selfishness) (B) individual power within the government being directly proportional to corruption and © the global economy of scales and how much money we owe China.

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I don't know about the end of humanity, but I foresee the end of this country in the not too distant future, probably in my lifetime. And I don't think it will be from external forces, but internally. I really believe we are on the brink of a civil war in this country, but this time the end result is going to be a devastated country that will no longer be of superpower status.

Jon Titor......is that you?!? :D

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Originally Posted by dfitzo53

We're roughly halfway through the Sun's projected 10 billion year life. If humanity lives to see the death of the Sun, we're looking at about five billion years.

I think it's pretty safe to say we'll manage to kill ourselves off waaaaay before then.

If humans do survive that long I doubt we will be "human" as we know it now. We will be Q! :point2sky

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I don't know about the end of humanity, but I foresee the end of this country in the not too distant future, probably in my lifetime. And I don't think it will be from external forces, but internally. I really believe we are on the brink of a civil war in this country, but this time the end result is going to be a devastated country that will no longer be of superpower status. Just like the Romans, we have started to rot from within. It will be the forces of socialism versus the forces of freedom and I don't think anyone will win out.

Fortunately, I have prepared my family and myself for such a scenario. I have stockpiled enough food, water, medicine, weapons and ammunition to last me through more than one civil war. I've had friends that thought I was joking or exaggerating until I show them what I have and then you should see the look on their faces. LOL And that's only showing them what I have at my house. I bought some land a few years back where I keep almost half of my stockpile of supplies. I have a crude structure for living quarters there that I plan to upgrade in the near future. Once that's done, most of of my supplies will be located there.

I'm sure most of you think I'm some kind of doomsday nut, but will you think that when the **** hits the fan? I am just preparing myself for what I think is the inevitable. I don't even see it as American against American because I truly don't think the left wing socialist forces in this country are true Americans. I view them as the enemy and I am prepared to take up arms against them. I served in the military and have extensive experience in handling weapons, so I am very comfortable in my "survivalist" skills. If you are a true American, you should look seriously into preparing yourself for the scenario I describe.

You should go hang out with Marv800 from that other forum and discuss who's doomsday theory is better.

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What am I going to do? Booby trap Nelms' land, then swoop in and reap the benefits of all his hard work :laugh:

That's assuming that you get by MY boob traps. And don't expect any sympathy when I roll up in there and find you caught up in my rat trap. Supplies aren't meant for the enemy, if you get my drift.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i thought this thread was interesting.

t will start with people reporting strange lights / colours / sounds from the sky. This will get more and more frequent over the years, and more and more people will panic. The people will see pictures /events in the sky. then they will see craft and the like in the skies, culminating with a night, where people will see, in the night sky, the stars of the plough dance and shift. they will dance and shift about, and then be seen to swoop down over the heads of people in the sky forming shapes and sounds...

this will then lead to some event that even i do not know about fully, but it is the dark knight of Oct 28th, 2011.

this starts real slow in 2007... leading to 2009 - 2009 the pace really hots up for the Dark knight of Oct 28th 2011...

So, I only have this to say. If you do nothing but watch, wait till you start to see / hear things you will never had believed you would ever in this life see...

http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case958.htm :paranoid:


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man will definitely destroy the planet before the sun takes care of us.

either through nuclear war, or new nanotechnology which turns on humanity, or some supervirus/bio warfare..

then again, America is going to be struck with WMD by 2018..

Well, if that happens it's all over! Just look what happened to Japan.

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