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End of Days...How? What would you do?


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I drop in to the M3 forums every once in awhile and this morning I ran into this nutbag and his plans for the end of days: Oct. 28 2011. He seems pretty serious.

Note: It's a little repetitive but I got through in just a couple minutes

You've probably had these threads before in the slew of religious debates and diatribes, but at least thought you'd take joy in this guy's lunacy.

I believe in natural things, thus believe that the human race will be taken out in a tangible way versus some sort of mysticism. Disease, nuclear war, hell, even an asteroid.

So, the Topic of the thread will be (a) how do you project the end of days will come (B) if you were told (some how) when it would come, what would you do?

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Personally, I will be at peace. I experienced the most peaceful moment last week in the OR. The anaesthesia knocked me out and the next thing I know I wake up in recovery. In between there was no recollection of nothing and no dreams and I was just completely out. If that's what death is like then I am fine with that.

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10 billion years(or w/e) from now when the Sun explodes and I have been told and I don't give a **** really.

Did you say 10 billion?!?!?

Whew, at first I thought you said 10 million! Now I can relax a little. ;)

FYI, my book says:

Mark 13:32-33 32 "But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.

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Did you say 10 billion?!?!?

Whew, at first I thought you said 10 million! Now I can relax a little. ;)

FYI, my book says:

Mark 13:32-33 32 "But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.

We're roughly halfway through the Sun's projected 10 billion year life. If humanity lives to see the death of the Sun, we're looking at about five billion years.

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We're roughly halfway through the Sun's projected 10 billion year life. If humanity lives to see the death of the Sun, we're looking at about five billion years.

I think it's pretty safe to say we'll manage to kill ourselves off waaaaay before then.

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Global pandemic - I don't think it would kill everyone.

Asteroid - already I think we could do enough to nudge one out of the way, and we look clear for the next few decades ... and by then we'll be a little better organized.

Nuclear war - not on a scale to wipe out humanity.

Hopefully the sun will remain stable for another few billion years, but stars of this type do occasionally have hiccups. A suffciently big hiccup would wipe out all the satellites in space and destroy our power grids. Such a hiccup is overdue.

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Whoa, that dude is way out there. This much he got correct though. There are some significant changes in store for humanity and it won't be much longer.

Yeah, he's a nut. When provided the justification, the clincher that brought him to his decision (i.e. the moon rising and setting twice in a night) he sold it like people should take his word for it.

I mean, people watch the freakin' sky for a goddamn living, you think something like this would go noticed.

On a lighter note, he is selling his pimp ass ride that I'm sure he'll let go for less than 100grand.

Who needs that type of cash for woodland life?

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I drop in to the M3 forums every once in awhile and this morning I ran into this nutbag and his plans for the end of days: Oct. 28 2011. He seems pretty serious.

Note: It's a little repetitive but I got through in just a couple minutes

You've probably had these threads before in the slew of religious debates and diatribes, but at least thought you'd take joy in this guy's lunacy.

I believe in natural things, thus believe that the human race will be taken out in a tangible way versus some sort of mysticism. Disease, nuclear war, hell, even an asteroid.

So, the Topic of the thread will be (a) how do you project the end of days will come (B) if you were told (some how) when it would come, what would you do?

Well we know he's wrong because John Titor was from the year 2036.............. :paranoid:

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