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Redskins ripped on Quite Frankly


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I was watching Quite Frankly and some dude named Ronnie Ramos, (I didn't catch what media oulet he represented), went on a tantrum about the NFL standing for the No Facts League. He said that team's are making it impossible for people like himself to do their jobs and report to the fans. He talked about coaches that refuse to allow their assisstants to speak to the media and who also lie about injury reports. Ramos claimed that if this trend continues the only thing fans will know about their favorite teams will be the final score.

He talked about the Redskins purchasing a fan website and granting members, which he referred to as yahoos, press credentials. He also ripped the Dolphins and stated that the Redskins and the Dolphins are the worst offenders in excluding the media and limiting information from being reported. At the end of his diatribe he said that it's probably no coincidence that these two offenders, the Dolphins and the Redskins, are last in their respective divisions. Earlier in the show he took a cheap shot at the Redskins rehiring of Joe Gibbs so this later comment explains why he is so bitter about the Redskins.

Any thoughts?

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He is the sports editor for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution if I am not mistaken.

He has a bit of a point though. Snyder is making a concerted effort to cut off outside journalists from inside information, but the local area journalists never have anything decent to say about the team so I don't blame him.

As for calling the mods "yahoos" the guy is just plain retarded. These are dedicated fans that know more about this team than any reporter in the nation. We are lucky they can give us a quality fans perspective.

Furthermore, if Mr Ramos believes that outside reporters provide a much better view of the teams he should just take a look at the prediction records for ESPN journalists across the league, they are all algging behind a friggin computer program in accurracy.

I am quite happy the way it is.

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Jealousy is such a painful and destructive emotion. And no, Mr. Ramos, you're still not allowed to join our club. ***hole.

It really is....

I also believe that by limiting media access and creating our own propanganda we protect our players and coaches from the scumbag mediots.

This, incidentally, is one of the reasons that they hate us so much. We've stolen their power. Is there any thing more pathetically biased than a liberal media scumbag who has lost his power?

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Quite Frankly that show sucks and so does the man that hosts it. What did you expect. He seems like it pains him to give someone a compliment. Steven A. loves nothing more to bash rather than banter. He doesn't know the difference when it comes time to give a critical response or analysis. His show is on ESPN 2, nuff said.


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It's funny how Belichick has been doing this all along and it's never been something the media has made such a big deal out of. How convenient that this "reporter" neglected to mention the Patriots with the Dolphins and Redskins as teams that limit media contact. It's all a herd mentality. Once you figure that out, you realize it's not worth watching the news but for 2 mins a day for current event updates b/c everyone repeats each other. No news source is capable of producing a unique thought. The status quo has been to hate the Redskins. So all the sheep follow suit.

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At the end of his diatribe he said that it's probably no coincidence that these two offenders, the Dolphins and the Redskins, are last in their respective divisions.

So making it impossible for people like Ramos to do their jobs and report to the fans is why were 2-5? And I thought all this time it was the O and D.

yahoos...:rolleyes: ... I'm glad he's pissed :laugh:

Cry us a river Ronnie :cry:

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Wow... what an ass. I guess Steven A needs to find people for his show that are more obnoxious than he is.

More obnoxious than Steven A Smith??? Is that even possible?

Stephen A smith is a tool. Every time I see or hear him I just want to say in as drippingly sarcastic a voice as possible, "ohhhh Stephen A. Smith, You're sooooo cool, with your urban ebonic colloquelisims I'm sure you're loved by the entire 6th grade class, heck even a few 7th graders too. You are such a hip hop sportscastin thug. I wanna be just like you." :thumbsup: :doh: :rolleyes:


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It's funny how Belichick has been doing this all along and it's never been something the media has made such a big deal out of. How convenient that this "reporter" neglected to mention the Patriots with the Dolphins and Redskins as teams that limit media contact. It's all a herd mentality. Once you figure that out, you realize it's not worth watching the news but for 2 mins a day for current event updates b/c everyone repeats each other. No news source is capable of producing a unique thought. The status quo has been to hate the Redskins. So all the sheep follow suit.

He also seemed to conveniently forget about dallASS and Bill Parcells. BP has never let any of his assistant coaches do an interview with the media.


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I dont know why we keep reporters out our locker rooms. They already know Brunell sucks and that we will give up the big play constantly or that Al Saunders will call screen plays, while the defense stands around with their hands on their hips waiting for the play to comeback to them. What else do these guys want to know?

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