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Redskins ripped on Quite Frankly


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I don't know what he's complaining about. Can anyone name a sport in the world where the coaches freely speak honestly about every part of their team? Well, don't bother thinking of it, cos there isn't one. Mr. Ramos should spend less time complaining and more time hunting down a story like a good reporter does.

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A few years ago, I may have simply nodded and said, "Well, it is their job and they are going to feel a bit intruded upon by fans granted the same access as they". I may have said sure, they do need to do their job a few nuggets here and there would help. Now? After seeing what for all appearances seems to be an institutional resentment towards fans and their opinions, I believe otherwise. Secrets out. Alot of smart fans out there who could do and actually do what they do. Almost as well if not better. Sure, there's a bit of concern about the filtered info and such, but pro or con, I've seen more objective stuff, without talking down to the fan, here on this board than I have seen elsewhere. All I have to say is, tough ****. Do your job, do it well, and there wouldn't be as much a need to ***** and moan.

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1st mistake: Taking anything on that show seriously

2nd mistake: watching the show to begin with. Stephen A. Smith is the most self-serving blowhard on the air today. His NBA segments are painful to watch. He's the Kornholio of the NBA.

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Mediots like Ronnie Ramos are actually upset that they are big fat morons. Or they are so egotistical they think the reasons they are always wrong is that they dont have enough access. They have access to all the information to correctly predict how all 32 teams will do(with very few exceptions). Go through the NFL team by team and I can explain exactly why teams are where they are. A bunch of the surprises I predicted correctly*horn toot*(which im very pleased with, im getting better). A bunch of the surprised I predicted incorrectly(which im not very pleased with), but at least I completely understand the mistakes I made in how I saw their team this year(and fairly obvious ones too).

Take some examples... The Jets. The Jets have always had a good defense, and when Pennington has been healthy they have always had a good passing game. While they did hire a new coach(usually a big no no), last year was a one year event, not a trend(people tend to mistake the two, playing bad for one season means little, as does playing good, it CAN be a fluke). What they have done this season is no surprise. Same goes for Miami. They struggled last year, but went on a big run at the end of the year. However, they did so against a very weak schedule. When they got Culpepper, everyone thought they would be a playoff team(I kind of bit into some of that... but I repent), completely ignoring how bad of a season he had last year, even BEFORE he got injured. Combine that with trying to overcome and injury, and it just wasnt looking good.

Mediots dont miss predictions because they dont have access. They miss them because theyare mediots.

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Quite Frankly that show sucks and so does the man that hosts it. What did you expect. He seems like it pains him to give someone a compliment. Steven A. loves nothing more to bash rather than banter. He doesn't know the difference when it comes time to give a critical response or analysis. His show is on ESPN 2, nuff said.


I agree, he also called our team a JOKE. I know we stink right now, but good god, he doesn't have to advertise it. Stephen A. is a JOKE. His journalistic skills border on hack and retard.

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