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To anyone that has one of these just a few questions.. Do they work well? How do you like them?


I love love them. Does that answer your questions? Flawless. Works on XP and OS X. The quality of the picture depends on the upload bandwidth at the location of the Slingbox. You'll want 384kbps or more. I'm lucky in that the Slingbox I use (back in Virginia) is hooked up to a 2mbps pipe... I generally pull 1500kbps. Really though, I can drop it down to 300 or so and its still plenty watchable. The remote control is flawless, incidentally. Feel free to ask me any questions you have... I'm a big fan, and it's particularly great whenever the Redskins aren't on national TV.

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Basically, as long as you have decent upload signal the picture looks good. When I first had mine hooked up, the upload was not strong and had to be upgraded, but now it does not lag and is a pretty decent picture.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm not a technical guy, but here is what I have and hopefully it helps.

I bought the Slingbox AV and I love it. Retails for about $130 but I got it on Amazon for $77.

Could not get the port forwarding to work wireless, so I got a 2nd cable box from Comcast ($3 a month for the first year) and everything works fine.

I have a Palm Treo 750 phone that I can watch TV on and I have it hooked up to my work computer. The picture on the computer is just like watching TV. On my phone it comes in pretty well. The audio is perfect and the picture is good enough. (tough to read the ticker since its a little small)

I recommend Slingbox to everyone.

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I'm going on my 3rd year with my slingbox. I bought it when it nearly first came out. I use it to watch any games I can't get here (I usually see about half the games) and I freakin love it.

I will tell you this, as long as I don't live in Redskin territory, I will have a slingbox somewhere to watch the skins games.

You can even watch recorded shows from your DVR on your sling...how awesome is that.

I totally recomend one. It's a great little device.

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why would anyone do a search to find a 7-month old thread? rule of thumb is if there hasnt been a thread about it in the first few pages of the forum, its ok to post a new one.

why did you do a search to see if there was another slingbox thread, then make a comment criticizing the OP for not doing a search? are you one of those people who has to try and make other people look stupid to feel better about himself?

i'm glad the OP created this thread. I was actually thinking about getting one of these things.

EDIT - I just looked at your sig and now i see exactly the kind of person you are. Someone who thinks not making Greg WIlliams our next HC - the same Greg Williams who created friction on the team and undermined the authority of joe gibbs - was a travesty? wow.

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why would anyone do a search to find a 7-month old thread? rule of thumb is if there hasnt been a thread about it in the first few pages of the forum, its ok to post a new one.

why did you do a search to see if there was another slingbox thread, then make a comment criticizing the OP for not doing a search? are you one of those people who has to try and make other people look stupid to feel better about himself?

i'm glad the OP created this thread. I was actually thinking about getting one of these things.

EDIT - I just looked at your sig and now i see exactly the kind of person you are. Someone who thinks not making Greg WIlliams our next HC - the same Greg Williams who created friction on the team and undermined the authority of joe gibbs - was a travesty? wow.

if you look closely, you'll see that this thread was created before that one was.

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if you look closely, you'll see that this thread was created before that one was.

touche' - still if there are two old threads, who cares which one the guy "reactivated?" Unless someone is trolling, or starting a new thread when there is another one being talked about on the same page, there is no sense in ridiculing the OP. its just mean.

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I have a friend that lives in Laurel. I was thinking of buying a Slingbox for her to connect to her cable.

I have seen on here that some people get Ravens games instead of Skins games. Would I be able to get the Skins from her home in Laurel or would I be yelling at my computer because the Ravens are on instead?

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I was looking to get the Pro, needed hoping to do from multiple devices. I would like to stream from DirectTv DVR , does anyone have experience with this? Do they give you an IR blaster to change the channels and such. Also does anyone have experience controlling an xbox with it? I think it would be cool to be able to stream the video from my computer at home using sling box... using the xbox as the medium.

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I was looking to get the Pro, needed hoping to do from multiple devices. I would like to stream from DirectTv DVR , does anyone have experience with this? Do they give you an IR blaster to change the channels and such. Also does anyone have experience controlling an xbox with it? I think it would be cool to be able to stream the video from my computer at home using sling box... using the xbox as the medium.

Yes, it has IR blasters and virtual remotes for a huge number of cable/satellite boxes.

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If you're internet connection is in a different room than your DVR, can you connect the slingbox wirelessly?


It doesn't have built in wireless. You can either get a Slinglink (plugs into the wall, uses your powerlines for networking), or you can get a wireless->ethernet bridge.

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why would anyone do a search to find a 7-month old thread? rule of thumb is if there hasnt been a thread about it in the first few pages of the forum, its ok to post a new one.

Um, actually no it's not. So I should go to the tailgate and start complaining about GW not being the coach, wait a few days for the thread to die down, then do it again, and again, and again? Search is there for a reason. The message board is archived for a reason.

EDIT - I just looked at your sig and now i see exactly the kind of person you are. Someone who thinks not making Greg WIlliams our next HC - the same Greg Williams who created friction on the team and undermined the authority of joe gibbs - was a travesty? wow.
why did you do a search to see if there was another slingbox thread, then make a comment criticizing the OP for not doing a search? are you one of those people who has to try and make other people look stupid to feel better about himself?

Firstly, you just did that. You must be one of those people who complain about something then turn around and do it yourself. You know, sorta like one of those hypocrites?

Secondly, I didn't redicule anyone. I simply directed the OP to a thread that discussed his topic at length, and where I also added my own review of the slingbox. I didn't know three little words would make you lash out in anger. Word of advice: don't go attacking people with your weak assumptions, you won't make many friends here.

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Another positive vote for the Slingbox. I got it 2 years ago before heading off to college in Atlanta. I haven't missed a single Redskins game. Quality is pretty good if you have a decent connection.

Just make sure you go through the setup screens at home completely to set up remote viewing. There are two ways the Slingbox works. One is through your local network where you can watch the Slingbox and your TV in another room of the house (which should have higher picture quality). Another is through the broadband connection and your upload speed to view it anywhere in the world with a likewise fast connection.

You are provided with a unique finder ID that you set up the password with.

Another note is that unfortunately, only one person can use the Slingbox and watch at any given time. You can have different guest passwords though, where the admin can boot someone else who's watching. This allowed me to give the ID and password to a friend who wanted to watch Wizards games from his college dorm. Just gave him a guest password and allowed me to make sure he wasn't using it when anyone else needed it.

Also, slight delay (about 5 seconds) in the feed of the broadcast, but it worked out for me in lining up with other NFL.com or Yahoo gamecasts online to maintain stats/check fantasy scores.

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  • 1 month later...

When you change channel with the remote, does it effect what the host tv is tuned to? Meaning, if I give it to someone else to feed me skins games, can they put it on their main tv, or would it be better to put it on a tv that will not be in use?

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When you change channel with the remote, does it effect what the host tv is tuned to? Meaning, if I give it to someone else to feed me skins games, can they put it on their main tv, or would it be better to put it on a tv that will not be in use?

Yes ... in my case ... it changes the channel on the host TV. I have been told there is some way to split it or something ... but I don't know what it is. If anyone knows the answer to that, I'd be interested in finding out.

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