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GIBBS : spends bye week assessing Redskins’ poor start ~ ~ ~


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Oct. 31, 2006

Home > The Way We Hear It

Gibbs spends bye week assessing Redskins’ poor start


The bye week was spent assessing the damage the team has incurred during a 2-5 start, including an 0-3 mark in the conference. And though Joe Gibbs spent much of his time with the media talking about offensive improvements that need to be made, along with addressing the litany of injuries on that side of the ball, there are serious defensive concerns. A personnel man from a team that still has the Redskins left on its schedule said even a cursory glance at the film shows that “this is not the same group we have seen. It used to be that the defense could bail them out. It’s not just about statistics, though those aren’t good either. For all the free agents they go out and sign, the guy they had (Antonio Pierce, who signed with the Giants prior to the ’05 season) would have made a huge difference with this group.” Here’s perhaps the most telling statistic for the defense’s ineffectiveness: Last season, the Redskins allowed 52 scoring drives in 16 games, and 11 of those drives lasted 10 plays or more. In ’06, they have given up 34 scoring drives after only seven games, and 13 of them have lasted 10 plays or more.

> http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+Way+We+Hear+It/default.htm?mode=nfceast


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Pierce has been gone for two years. There's no use saying he was the key, because we were fine last year without him.

The problem begins with the line and ends with the CB's. It's everyone and everything from bad tackling to bad all-around Defense. I think everyone knows that by now, so PFW can stop patting themselves on the back thinking they've discovered something.

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Its the coaches who refuse to replace players who are not preforming:

Holdman on defense cant get off a block keeps missing tackles

Archuletta couldnt cover my grand mother

Carter is club footed and slow(looks like his 40 times would be in the 6s

Marshall is to small to play middle linebacker( he is getting destroyed on running plays)

Kenny Wright is a backup at best

Boonell sucks( 3 and outs putting to much pressure on defense)

These players should be benched but Gibbs is to hard headed. The 06 redskins have below average talent starting and until that changes wins will be very scarce

Redskins should cut all the high paid players who arent preforming . Take the salary cap hit and start rebuilding through the draft. this year is over and so is next if they continue to play these losers

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I think we will be better with Shawn Springs and Carlos Rogers starting.
I am really looking forward to see how they perform toghther. Hopefully we can find out what really is the problem on defense. I mean the first game against Dallas was the only game I saw our defense just hitting people in the mouth. I mean TO was scared but our offense just stalled to much and the defense couldnt hold them anymore. I hope they come out with the same mentality.
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Yep, it's the defense.

It's not only the defense. You have to be able to score more then 14 points in a game to win. Our D has played lights out the last 2 seasons. You can't expect to get that type of production every season. Sooner or later the Offense has to step up and become more productive. It starts with the QB.

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Pierce has been gone for two years. There's no use saying he was the key, because we were fine last year without him.

Actually last year we dropped 6 spots in total defense from 3rd to 9th. There was a huge drop off without Pierce, as far as total yards allowed and rushing yards allowed, and it is really becoming evidnet this year. As I much as it pains me to say, we really screwed the pooch by not resigning Pierce. The best the LBer's ever looked under GW was the lineup of Pierce, Washington, and Marshall. No lineup since has been as good and as consistant as that trio. Here's a breakdown.


267.6 total ypg 3rd overall

81.5 rushing ypg 2nd overall

186.1 passing ypg 7th overall

16.6 ppg 5th overall


297.9 ypg 9th overall 30.3 ypg increase

105.4 rushing ypg 13th overall 23.9 ypg increase

192.6 passing ypg 10th overall only 6.5 ypg increase

18.3 ppg 9th overall 1.7 increase in points allowed

I won't even post this years as we know that is a F'ing nightmare.

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The offense can help the defense out by getting more first downs, fewer three and outs and winning the field position battle. No, it won't cure all the defensive woes we have but it could help.

Defensively, we have to create more turnovers. We need to hold on to those potential interceptions and we need to punch the ball when we get a chance. We simply don't have the quality depth to cover for injured starters so we have to find other ways to compensate. Taking the ball away would go a long way towards that.

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Actually last year we dropped 6 spots in total defense from 3rd to 9th.

There was more to do with it than just Pierce. We had either or both of our starting DT's out several times, Springs was dinged up, Rogers was dinged up, we had no consistency at WSLB, etcetera. I don't think anyone will argue against the fact that this Defense was playing much, much better than its statistical ranking the last half of the season.

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The offense can help the defense out by getting more first downs, fewer three and outs and winning the field position battle. No, it won't cure all the defensive woes we have but it could help.

What does the Offense have to do with our WR's consistently getting burned for 30-40 yard plays? Nothing.

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Poor tackling and no penetration from the front 7 is what's killing the D. The corners are having a hard time covering when the opposing QB has 4-5 seconds to let the play develop. Once the ball is passed, then it's a toss up to whether or not the guy is actually going to get tackled.

Yes, Offense can help by running the ball more and eating up some TOP. But if the D still can't get pressure on the QB and still can't tackle, then the defensive problems will continue.

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Here we go again the defense. Would you guys give it a rest?

Was it the Defense fault we couldn't score on 3 trips to the redzon with the Vickings?

Was it the Defense fault Brunell got picked off with a terrible INT AFTER the D gave us the ball in Dallas territory and a chance to tie the game?

Was it the Ds fault that stop the Giants in the first half and allowed only field goals?

Was it the Ds fault our offense couldn't score the the ****ing Titans? The same team Dallas put up over 40 points?

The reason some of you guys are saying the D is the problem is because this D has been bailing out the pathetic QB we have for two years now.

I don't see the D being a problem with the Colts when PM just rolled over one of the best defenses in the league to win in there house while the Colts D made Plummer look like the Elway of old.

its our pathetic QB that can't use some of the best offensive weapons in the game because he sees 1/4 of the football field. THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

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Last year's problems on D was a bit more than missing Pierce, but also moving Marshall to the middle, and having Holdman start on the outside. A lot of the problems early on were because of Holdman out there. He's been better this year, but that isn't saying much.

TheGreek1973: Yes, both sides of the ball have had problems, but at least the offense (which is learning a new scheme and has some new players) has won a couple of games. When has the defense contributed to a win this year? They haven't.


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Here we go again the defense. Would you guys give it a rest?

its our pathetic QB that can't use some of the best offensive weapons in the game because he sees 1/4 of the football field. THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

Are you denying that the defense is pathetic? With all due respect, what games are you watching? Yeah, our offense is lackluster, but our defense is just a plain JOKE.

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Trouble spots on defense...

1- Most obvious is the injuries to the secondary. Springs being out has hurt, and the loss of Prioleau has really hurt our packages. Anthony Wright sucks. He was supposed to be an improvement over Walt Harris... but he has been picked on like a banjo in the Deliverence. Archuleta is the wrong fit for the defense. He's been asked to cover alot more than he should due to the injuries.

2- The defensive line injuries. Our line is shot without a healthy Griffin. As he goes, so does our line. When you take Salavea out on top of that, it's no surprise that teams have been able to gauge us running the ball. Our two rookies have looked good in spots though.

3- Our entire LB unit has looked lost. Holdman sucks, has ever since he came here. Our defense was MUCH better with Arrington in the lineup last year, and the sooner McIntosh is ready the better. But what surprises me this year, is Marcus Washington looking out of position way too frequently. Marshal has also been underwhelming... but he's also been hurt.

4- Coaching. Due to the injuries... Williams has been calling games very conservatively.

Plenty of things wrong with the defense.

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Are you denying that the defense is pathetic? With all due respect, what games are you watching? Yeah, our offense is lackluster, but our defense is just a plain JOKE.

I was about to ask the same question talking about being delusional .. Man anyone can see the defense has some serious issues they are the same defense that gave up 36 points to the same jaguar team that couldn't score no more than 7 Points against one of the worst defenses in the Texans. I have no idea what games he is watching.

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As far as the offense goes, it boils down to two things for me.

1- Playcalling. Run the football. Please. Get the ball to Portis 20+ times per game minimum.

2- Crappy dead armed Quarterback who can only complete screen passes or dink and dunk passes.

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Defense versus the pass is the biggest single problem but improved tackling would do wonders here, too. Run defense is better than last year , fall is due to the fact that the defense cannot stop the pass. On offense, we pass too much, the only time our running games has been stopped is when we stop it. Passing game is pretty good though. Execution on offense does need to be more consistent, especially at critical times.

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