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Oh, Ye of little Faith.....


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Friday, October 27, 2006

Bye Week - Day 5.

This bye week thing really blows.

Not sure who thought this up....but it's almost as rough as the summer. Now, THAT'S one, long bye week.

For a winning team, the bye week can be painful. Any momentum gained, any rhythm established stands the chance of being broken or reduced.

For a losing team, the bye week is pure hell. Yes, injuries sustained can have time to mend and plans dashed can be re-examined and presumably fixed. But that's only part of it. It also can evolve into a time to second-guess, condemn and lay blame. None of which are very healthy.

This is only my second post on this site....brought about by a need to address and respond to, in my own small way, the many varied posts I've been reading this past week. I've read about writing off this season and using it as a time to learn. I've read about replacing current starters with backups in an effort to kickstart the season before it's too late. I've read posts calling for Dan Snyder's head, I've read posts calling for the head of Al Saunders, and yes I've even read posts calling for the head of Joe Gibbs (it's the Apocalypse, I tell ya!) I've read about changing systems to adapt to the players...and yes, I've even read about the numbers...the statistics, and how they apply to our current state of affairs.

So, now it's my turn.

I'll begin with a quote.

It's not from anyone as sophisticated as Disreali, mind you, but from someone we can all appreciate nonetheless.

"Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that is first place. I have finished second twice in my time.....and I don't ever want to finish second again......It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win."

--Vince Lombardi

Remember him?

Well, the hard truth is, there are a LOT of reasons why the Redskins are 2-5 and looking up at the rest of the division right now. But the last thing we can be is satisfied. We must shatter the status quo and throw it out with the garbage. But, and this with a capital "B", we must have faith in our current coach, our players, our system, and yes, even our owner.

Joe Gibbs is a "character" man. I appreciate that ideal and have faith in his judgement. I trust that he's building a team made up of players with the kind of character and fortitude it takes to succeed in the NFL these days. Both Vince Lombardi and George Allen took leaps of faith when they arrived in DC. Both jettisoned popular and successful players and brought in the type of players, the type of PEOPLE, that it took to succeed. I'm sure that not everyone understood the moves at the time, but most of them ultimately paid dividends. Not overnight, but eventually.

In the early 1970's, there was no such thing as the free agency of today's NFL. George Allen traded away draft pick after draft pick to bring in solid, established, "character" (there's that word again) players. Guys like Diron Talbert, Ron McDole and Jack Pardee. It wasn't until Art Monk was selected that we got to see what a first round pick was all about. Well, what's happening today is really no different. Many, and I mean MANY, criticize the fact that the Redskins keep acquiring top level free agents over the summers. Thing is, is that really any different from how the "Over The Hill Gang" was put together?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a blind follower. I see the problems each week. I see the mistakes and the inconsistencies. I see the mental lapses and often predictable play calling. And no, I'm not convinced that Mark Brunell is going to take us to the promised land. But, if and when he needs to step aside to make room for whoever is standing at the ready, I'll trust Mr. Gibbs to make that decision. It's not mine to make.

We, as Redskin fans, have endured a long (too long) stretch of losing. Getting back to winning ways is always painful and full of heartache. But we must be patient. We can't pretend to have any idea, really, of what is going on in the locker room, on the sidelines or on the playing field. But, we must have faith. Faith that when the time calls for it, the right player with the right guidance and the right attitude will make the right play. John Riggins stepped forth in Super Bowl XVII.......we must have faith that it can, and will, happen again.

I can't imagine anyone better than Joe Gibbs to lead us out of the dark and into the light.....and I can't imagine being anything other than a Redskin fan.

These are the times that make the best of times the best.

Have faith...and to the bye week I say....

...."Be gone!".

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Many, and I mean MANY, criticize the fact that the Redskins keep acquiring top level free agents over the summers. Thing is, is that really any different from how the "Over The Hill Gang" was put together?

Yes, it is very different. It is called the salary cap. Vetern players cost more. We could cut Thrash, get a younger player with the same amount of ability (and probably if we looked around with the 'same amount of character'), and save money that could be used to up-grade another position.

The difference in saving actually becomes even greater with the quality of the young player. I don't feel looking up the numbers, but Peyton Manning's rookie contract was for MUCH less than his current contract. Maybe Peyton is a better player now than the first year or two of that rookie contract, but the other years the Colts got a very good player for a relative cheap price.

How do you get real good young players? It is called the draft.

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Now, you might catch grief from the armchair QB's of the site.

You called? I've got no grief to give on this one, he was right on. Except I am enjoying the bye. I'm stil at the stage where the performance of the team strongly effects me in my daily life, so the break has been well welcomed.

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Welcome brother, nice of you to drop by and share. It was pleasant to be momentarily displaced from the recent standard fare of convoluted logistical extrapolations with dueling interpretations, general stat-wars, one-line rah-rahs, obsessive-compulsive infinitely-repetitive anal-I-zing, psychic mind-reading, 20-20 hindsight, froth-speckled member vs. member flailings, and transmutation of all things posted into Brunell.

And a good chunk of it is re-constituted meat-like by-products little unchanged in basic nature from much of 2004 and 2005. Sort of like one of those perennial Reser's luncheon loafs that have a half-life of 250,000 years. Even Ramsey's back as though he'd never left. You sound a little too balanced mentally to fit in at the moment. :laugh:

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LoyalSkinsFan ~ Yours is the kind of post that this site doesn't see enough of. It was a pleasure to read. I hope you will post more often. We will never be able to drown out the noise from the "Madden Kings" around here, but it's always nice to hear from those who "get" what being a fan is about.

Can I have some of the Kool Aid that you are drinking?

As useful as a fur lined sink. Thanks for nothing.

Wow so insightful....typical west virginia intellegince. Come back after you bang your sister..er I mean cousin. lol

As ignorant as the post you criticized was, your post is worse. To use the "West Virginia" cliche is even less insightful than the "Koolaid" one.

Grow up.

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It was pleasant to be momentarily displaced from the recent standard fare of convoluted logistical extrapolations with dueling interpretations, general stat-wars, one-line rah-rahs, obsessive-compulsive infinitely-repetitive anal-I-zing, psychic mind-reading, 20-20 hindsight, froth-speckled member vs. member flailings, and transmutation of all things posted into Brunell.

And a good chunk of it is re-constituted meat-like by-products little unchanged in basic nature from much of 2004 and 2005. Sort of like one of those perennial Reser's luncheon loafs that have a half-life of 250,000 years. Even Ramsey's back as though he'd never left. You sound a little too balanced mentally to fit in at the moment. :laugh:

Holy crap, man! Here, just use this next time:


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Can I have some of the Kool Aid that you are drinking?

Be honest now, you've been waiting to pull that one out for weeks now haven't you? Your sense of originality is astounding to say the least.:thud:

It's kind of ironic actually - we have one of the best posts seen on this site in quite some time followed by one of the least innovative blurbs on this or any NFL site.


:helmet: HTTR :helmet:

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