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Hand In Your " The Future is Now!" sigs here: Here's your chance!


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Yeah I'm happy for Mark...and glad he had a record setting day, and more importantly we got a win. Portis did his thing, he is the best player on the team as far as I'm concerned.

With that said I hope Mark keeps it up..if he can do that agaisnt tougher teams/defenses as we saw in the first two games we'll be on our way.

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Any value in Mark playing his old team? Negative or Positive for him?

I think everyone pretty much saw at least a decent game from Mark coming, the question for some, as of what I've read, is what happens in the coming weeks? He just played the worst defense in the NFL. Saying that, he did rise to the occasion and I sure hope he has a chip on his shoulder to face his old team next week.

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Any value in Mark playing his old team? Negative or Positive for him?

I think everyone pretty much saw at least a decent game from Mark coming, the question for some, as of what I've read, is what happens in the coming weeks? He just played the worst defense in the NFL. Saying that, he did rise to the occasion and I sure hope he has a chip on his shoulder to face his old team next week.

Very interesting question that you brought up. I think that if Mark shows up big next week at Fed Ex(?) that'll quiet the rumblings and he'll gain back some much needed fan support. If and only if Mark tears it up with the passing game, or if he leads us on a length of the field game winning drive to pull out the win late.

Oh as for the turning in my sig, I did.. I think the new one looks better. :)

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Brunell didn't impress me today. He just did what he has been doing the whole season, throwing screens and checkdowns to his heart's content. I think brunell could be a wonderful quarterback if he was able to see the field better. His two significantly long passes down the middle came when his view was unobstructed by the o-line and d-line. However when brunell is behind them he cant see the middle of the field clearly and so he settles for the safe out routes or checkdowns which is smart but it will not get it done in the coming weeks. We need portis badly cause he enabled Brunell to loo good, without Portis's running Brunell woulda looked the same

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Fact is fellas'. I've been right about this stuff all week, and none of you are willing to show some humility. Quite frankly, you're all clearly not the kind of Redskins fans that I consider to be true. I think that you all are clearly fairweather, suspect, front runners. I think you'd fair better if you just wait until February and then you can pick up a new team. Unless of course we (by some miracle...in your eyes) are one of the two teams. You all have no faith, show no support, and are no Redskins fan. I hear the Colts are 3-0, try Mr. Manning out for a while. He won't let you down come January :doh: After all, who needs a team like the Redskins. We've got an old/washed up coach with no history of success. No wonder we have Brunell in as our qb, we've got an idiot at the healm :doh: You all could do his job. I'm clearly not making sense to many of the geniuses that are flooding this thread.


Humility? Oh come on. You are sure one to talk. You've been a complete azzwipe throughout the entire thread.

It's hillarious that anyone would question another person's fandom just based on the belief of a particular player. Being a fan is about the highs and the lows and expressing a wide range of emotions based on the level of success your team is experiencing. There's nothing wrong with being critical when there's a good reason to be critical. And for the better part of the last two previous seasons, Brunell gave many Redskins fans plenty to be critical about.

Beating the worst team in the NFL and setting a record against the worst secondary in the NFL does not erase the many many suubpar performances Brunell has had.

It anything...today's game showed us that Brunell can succeed when everything else is in place. Like when everyone's healthy and playing well and were playing against a suspect opponent. Put Brunell in a situation where we have to depend on him to make plays, and we've seen what happens. Problem is...will every week from now on be like Houston? I seriously doubt it? We aren't always going to face a secondary that plays off the recievers like the Texans did. Those guys didn't want to get burned so the underneath stuff was available all game. What happens when Brunell has to take those shots downfield? Can he still make plays? That's in serious doubt.

So I guess I'm not as optimistic as you are. Does that make me less of a Redskin fan?

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To say that brunell has proved any of his critics wrong is ridiculous. He had a Good game against the worst defense in the league. If he puts in a performance akin to this one against the jags (not talking completions wise, talking bout moving the ball down the field) then i will bow and kiss his feet cause then i will finally beleive in him but until he does ima take this performance with a grain of salt.

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So many people think that Brunell's record is something special i do not. When Rich gannon completed 21 passes in a row he gained over 400 yards through the air. The only thing to celebrate about brunell's performance was his 22 in a row. People saying using this argument, "if its so easy why didnt peyton or donovan do it?" need to stop immediately cause its ridiculous because in fact McNabb performed so much better and Manning performed even better than that, their respective numbers:

McNabb: 24 comps, 314 yards, 3 TDS, 1 INT

Manning: 26 comps, 400 yards, 3 TDS, 0 INTS

So stop comparing them because its ridiculous. If you asked manning to throw the same passes that brunell did he could have and prolly woulda gotten 30 passes in a row however Manning knows that against that vulnerable a defense that there a bigger and better opportunities downfield and he exploited it to no end.

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I never really agreed with the that sig. He got us into the playoffs. He beat Dallas in Dallas. He deserves our respect. He especially doesn't deserve to be in a giant X. But, as Gibbs says, the past buys you nothing. I've said earlier that, unless Brunell gives us a compelling reason to keep him, then start The Kid. I still stand by that--except now, Brunell has shown a compelling reason to keep him in.

Lets see how he does against Jax. I'm not saying Brunell should start the rest of the season, but he is a decent QB, and anyone who can complete 22 straight passes deserves a chance to prove he's still a big play QB.

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Ghost and AJ where you hiding :)

Weren't you criticizing Brunell earlier this week? You just go with the wind.

As soon as Wright got that pick, I got ready and drove down to see about a girl.

Damn, Ghost gets a life and now it's "hiding." I just got back an hour ago.

I'll take women over proving my internet manhood to you guys, thanks. :laugh:

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hahaha, but that said, the training wheels pic may be the funniest thing i've seen on this site yet...

Naa, the bang video of Brunell trying to hit a barn and the ocean, and earth from a helicopter was funnier. I guess Brunell has been hitting that barn in practice this past week, 22 in a row is pretty damned good even if they are all 2 yard passes.

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