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Rosie O’Donnell: ‘Radical Christianity is Just as Threatening as Radical Islam’


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Rosie O’Donnell, the new host of "The View," restrained herself for exactly one week before letting fly with her extreme liberalism. On the September 12 edition, in response to fellow co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s comment that militant Islam is a grave threat, O’Donnell stated that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America." The comedienne also attacked America’s response to 9/11:

O’Donnell: "We were attacked not by a nation. And as a result of the attack and the killing of nearly 3,000 innocent people we invaded two countries and killed innocent people in their countries."

:doh: :wtf: :whoknows:

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Difference is that Radical Islam is a physical threat to Americans and radical Christianity is a social threat to Americans. I agree with radicalism being dangerous in most of its forms. Sounds like she said it stupidly though. As for the two countries, 9/11 required a strong and immediate response. I can understand her feelings about Iraq. Many felt that the Iraq war was not an imminent necessity, but it is foolishness to believe that going after the Taliban or Al Qaeda was unnecessary. Had we not, it would have sent a message that they had carte blanc in attacking us. Any President, even a pacifist like Jimmy Carter would have authorized an attack against Afghanistan. I just wished the "stay the course" mindset would have been as strong in going after Al Qaeda and Bin Laden as it is with this administration with Iraq.

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I guess in America, everyone has a right to be a stupid ****

Actually, having the right to be stupid is a part of what makes America great! The ability to be wrong, or to be right, to engage safely in debate pubicly on any topic is one sign of our greatness and one of the reasons why America has made the progress it has and has flourished.

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Difference is that Radical Islam is a physical threat to Americans and radical Christianity is a social threat to Americans.

Radical Islam is a physical threat to the world, not just America.

She can lick whatever she wants talk about whatever she wants or eat whatever she wants in this country and no one is going to saw off her head for it.

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Radical Islam is a physical threat to the world, not just America.

She can lick whatever she wants talk about whatever she wants or eat whatever she wants in this country and no one is going to saw off her head for it.

Agreed. Thank goodness the radical Christians seemed to evolved beyond lynchings for the most part. Though, I still read about Christians going to gay bars to look for fights, murdering doctors, and acting pretty ugly every so often. Still, comparing the violence of Islamists to Christians is like comparing an elephant to an ant.

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Agreed. Thank goodness the radical Christians seemed to evolved beyond lynchings for the most part. Though, I still read about Christians going to gay bars to look for fights, murdering doctors, and acting pretty ugly every so often. Still, comparing the violence of Islamists to Christians is like comparing an elephant to an ant.

And the two dudes that shot up Columbine High School were a couple of nihilists, so what's your point?

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Like I said initially comparing the danger posed by Radical Christians right now to radical Muslims is like comparing the weight of an ant to an elephant. However, I don't dismiss the idea that all forms of radicalism are dangerous out of hand. Radical Christians have murdered, tortured, and lynching used to be a way of life for them. Thankfully, that seems to be less the case these days.

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Like I said initially comparing the danger posed by Radical Christians right now to radical Muslims is like comparing the weight of an ant to an elephant. However, I don't dismiss the idea that all forms of radicalism are dangerous out of hand. Radical Christians have murdered, tortured, and lynching used to be a way of life for them. Thankfully, that seems to be less the case these days.

But the motive for "lynching" wasn't a religious one, it was racial.

You can disagree with Christians all you want, by saying they have disproportionate political pull or whatever, but don't act like there is a large, dangerous movement of violent Christians out there, because there isn't. It really is just an obnoxious obfuscation.

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But the motive for "lynching" wasn't a religious one, it was racial. QUOTE]

Well, there was a ton of religious rationalizing and motivating done in coordination with the lynchings. Now, you may think the religioniousity of these guys behind the lynchings is/was a veneer, but I suspect a lot of Muslims say that terrorists are abusing their religion and aren't truly followers either.

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Radical Islam is a physical threat to the world, not just America.

She can lick whatever she wants talk about whatever she wants or eat whatever she wants in this country and no one is going to saw off her head for it.

You'd need an awful big saw to get that fat pumpkin off her neck.

As usual, extremists take things to extremes regardless of their side of the aisle or which church they go to.


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But the motive for "lynching" wasn't a religious one, it was racial. QUOTE]

Well, there was a ton of religious rationalizing and motivating done in coordination with the lynchings. Now, you may think the religioniousity of these guys behind the lynchings is/was a veneer, but I suspect a lot of Muslims say that terrorists are abusing their religion and aren't truly followers either.

Beat me to it.

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