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Rosie O’Donnell: ‘Radical Christianity is Just as Threatening as Radical Islam’


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Wasnt the main reason Harvard was founded for the training of 'homegrown' clergy so the Puritans wouldnt have to rely on English clergy members?

No, not at all. it was founded as a learning institution for education, similar to Oxford and Cambridge in England. It was a place where people could be taught the ways of life OUTSIDE of religion, hence no religious denomination. Religion gets absolutely no credit for Harvard because it had nothing to do with its formation. Does religion get credit for the space shuttle? A christian man came up with it, so using JP logic, religion should then be the reason the space shutle goes into space.

For the life of me, I can not understand why people can not see the difference between something done in the NAME of religion, and something done by a religious person. They are completely and utterly not related, and it is almost comical how people are trying to relate the two things.

Seriously is it me, or do other people not see the disconnect between the two?

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No, not at all. it was founded as a learning institution for education, similar to Oxford and Cambridge in England. It was a place where people could be taught the ways of life OUTSIDE of religion, hence no religious denomination. Religion gets absolutely no credit for Harvard because it had nothing to do with its formation. Does religion get credit for the space shuttle? A christian man came up with it, so using JP logic, religion should then be the reason the space shutle goes into space.

For the life of me, I can not understand why people can not see the difference between something done in the NAME of religion, and something done by a religious person. They are completely and utterly not related, and it is almost comical how people are trying to relate the two things.

Seriously is it me, or do other people not see the disconnect between the two?

Really? I cannot tell you how fascinating I find your position in this is. You are saying that you hold religion and by extension, God, responsible for those actions done in the name of religion. Even though the people who perpetrated those actions may or may not have been Christians.

Let me put it another way. I can announce to the world that I am a Muslim, then go on a killing spree somewhere in the name of Allah, and by your logic, Islam is responsible, and deserves blame. OK....?

I would agree that Christianity doesn't deserve credit for Harvard (though I think your arguements for that position is extremely flawed, and haven't forgotten you have yet to directly address my previous post), or the Law of Gravity, or the Renaissance, etc. Those things were done by people first, not necessarily Christians first, if that makes sense.

But I also think Christianity as a religion gets far too much blame for the extreme actions of the few throughout the ages. I think most of the religious persecutions enacted during the Middle Ages were done so for money, not because those people honestly thought that's what Christ wanted them to do.

My problem with arguements like your, Chom, is that you seem to willfully ignore or at the very least, diminish the good that Christianity has done. Have you ever heard of the Quaker Relief Organization? The Red Cross? The Salvation Army? One Great Hour of Sharing? Etc, etc., etc. There are many, many, many wonderful charities and singular acts of goodwill that the catholic church as a whole has initiated or been a part of over the years. And there are probably 20x as many individual acts by Christians as well.

So yes, the church, and Christianity have done some horrible things. But to say that if we removed religion from the face of the earth, the world would be better for it is simplistic and myopic, to say the least.

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I'm not a fan of Rosie O'Donnell but I think she hits the nail right on the head with that statement.

Elisabeth Hasslebeck is definitely the biggest idiot on that show. Granted, she's entitled to her own conservative opinions, but she comes off like a major intolerant jerk by the way she expresses them.

The biggest problem I have with the religious right is that they try to force their beliefs down other people's throats. During my college years, I would be occasionally stopped by bible study people who wanted me to join their group. When I told them I wasn't interested, most of them wouldn't take no for an answer. When that happened, I just said, "Look, I don't need this," and then walked away.

Any radical form of religion is dangerous in my opinion.

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I'm not a fan of Rosie O'Donnell but I think she hits the nail right on the head with that statement.

Elisabeth Hasslebeck is definitely the biggest idiot on that show. Granted, she's entitled to her own conservative opinions, but she comes off like a major intolerant jerk by the way she expresses them.

The biggest problem I have with the religious right is that they try to force their beliefs down other people's throats. During my college years, I would be occasionally stopped by bible study people who wanted me to join their group. When I told them I wasn't interested, most of them wouldn't take no for an answer. When that happened, I just said, "Look, I don't need this," and then walked away.

Any radical form of religion is dangerous in my opinion.

Yeah, people asking you to join a bible study is so dangerous. Almost as dangerous as people wanted to blow you up.

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No, not at all. it was founded as a learning institution for education, similar to Oxford and Cambridge in England. It was a place where people could be taught the ways of life OUTSIDE of religion, hence no religious denomination. Religion gets absolutely no credit for Harvard because it had nothing to do with its formation. Does religion get credit for the space shuttle? A christian man came up with it, so using JP logic, religion should then be the reason the space shutle goes into space.

For the life of me, I can not understand why people can not see the difference between something done in the NAME of religion, and something done by a religious person. They are completely and utterly not related, and it is almost comical how people are trying to relate the two things.

Seriously is it me, or do other people not see the disconnect between the two?

Everywhere I look, it says Harvard was founded as a training school for Puritan clergy in 1636. All of these links support this. When you find any proof that this is false, do share






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and that will be the end of Chomerics posting in this thread.

He "free thinked" himself into looking like a fool...

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Radical secularism like Rosie's is the most dangerous, because the judgments of God fall on a hedonistic nation, like Sodom and Gomorrah. This nation is coming to that, my friends.

Hmmm, this could be Islamic or Christian. Note the typical call for the union of church and state - "judgements of God/Allah fall on a hedonistic nation". Followed by the sinister/heartfelt promise of sure destruction.

This works for me:

The Bible...crap

The Koran...crap

The Torah...crap

Now, onward to humanity's destiny...decided by ourselves! Who's with me?

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Rosie O'Donnell is the biggest piece of human trash that I have ever known.

First, she's a radical left wing extremist. Strike one.

Next, she's disgustingly ugly and fat. Take a real hard look at the size of her head. "It's a virtual planetoid. Has its own weather system". Strike two.

Finally, she's a dyke, and a butch one at that. I get physically ill just thinking about. It's fine with a couple of hot chicks, but not with that ugly *****. Strike three.

She's on my short list of people deserving a serious beatdown.

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Me thinks Jumbo and Techboy have some sort of weird mental masturbation going on in this thread :paranoid:

While irony and tailgate posts are as linked as Sigourney Weaver and outer-worldly stomach acidity, that you turn this phrase may have deepened the symbiosis. :silly:

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