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Season starts soon, board etiquette reminder.


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What sucks is I'm not even allowed to post and I can't seem to get an answer why. I've tried PMing everyone

You've never pmed me. I had no idea why you were on the 'No New Threads' list, but it took me all of 5 seconds to find out why (so I'm guessing you DID know why):


I have no problem restoring your thread privileges assuming you have a better feel now for what the range of 'okay to post' is now.

Let me know.

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What sucks is I'm not even allowed to post and I can't seem to get an answer why. I've tried PMing everyone
You've never pmed me. I had no idea why you were on the 'No New Threads' list, but it took me all of 5 seconds to find out why (so I'm guessing you DID know why):


I have no problem restoring your thread privileges assuming you have a better feel now for what the range of 'okay to post' is now.

Let me know.

Or perhaps it was ignoring a READ ME thread specifically requesting that FF threads not be posted in the Stadium since the FF forum was open.


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What sucks is I'm not even allowed to post and I can't seem to get an answer why. I've tried PMing everyone

I don't think you PM'd me.

Looks like you posted a fantasy thread perhaps in the wrong forum? Your history is solid, so, now you're out of the No New Threads group. Have fun.

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I've taken a break but I'm ready to be back! {I guess it wasn't too much of a break considering I only have 22 posts or something like that.}

I'm so excited for this season, it's going to be great! Oh and I thought you all might want to know that I just signed into AIM and Redskins Cheerleaders are featured on the AIM Today page. Also there was a banner with a link to the front page. I thought that was pretty cool =].

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"Originally Posted by LD0506

But you KNOW it's coming! Bet on it, how long will it take before we hear.....

Portis should have NEVER dropped that weight!

We told you Arch couldn't cover!

Brunell is too old, Campbell is too young!

ARE was sooooo overpaid!

We knew that there wasn't enough depth at line, CB, QB, yadda yadda yadda...

Etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum......

It's a leadpipe cinch, a lock that would make any fixed boxing match look spontaneous, we won't get to week 2 without a bunch of spew second guessing and denigrating the staff, so whatcha gonna do? Practice now, be ready to *****slap people the way they deserve!"

right on! say....btw......are you the 12th man or the 12th imam?

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What the hell does etiqutte mean? Football doesn't have etiquette, there's no etiqutte in football. Stop the etiqutting. You'll embarrass us!!

The problem I have with this post is, it doesn't matter how much the mods try to warn everyone, there is still going to be the guys out their looking to start some crap, and unfortunatley they will get what they want.

This is a great message board, the best as far as I am concerned, and for those of you who just can't post, or reply to posts without insulting people in the process, look forward to a quick boot. I don't think they are going to put up with the stuff they did last season, and I for one, am hopefull they won't.

Their are a lot of opinions out their, and just because someone might disagree, doesn't mean it opens the person up to a barrage of personal digs and name calling etc.

Look forward to a great season, and a great Extremeskins experience this year. HTTR!!!

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What the hell does etiqutte mean? Football doesn't have etiquette, there's no etiqutte in football. Stop the etiqutting. You'll embarrass us!!

Sure, buddy. YOU try to manage a board with about 60,000 members, which includes about 2,000 trolls from other teams, and 30,000 hyperactive, knee-jerk, duplicate-thread-posting homers, and do so without using etiquette.

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For those of you new here, (relatively speaking), you're getting an idea of how things can be during the season. Exciteable, emotional, erratic, heated, all of the things that you would find in a bar or a friends house when watching a game together. We get angry, happy, whatever, we go back and forth on just about everything. The rules and guidelines have been discussed adnauseum when it comes to posting new threads, being respectful in our posts, and generally things that help the message board run well and keep the Mods from working overtime. What I'm talking about now, is not the board. At least not the board in a technical way. I'm talking about the board as a community. Yep. That's right. A community. Because that is what this place is. Sure, we can give our favorite line, "It's just a message board", and then walk away. But we come back. There's an old saying here in Park City. "The winters will bring you here, but the summers will keep you." A similar thing can be said about Extreme. The Redskins bring you here, but it's the community that keeps you. It's a special place this town of Extreme on the bandwidth.

It's a diverse populace we have here. Men, women, teenagers, of all races, religions, and geographic location. We all share a love for football, specifically for the Redskins, ( in a few cases, that would loathe), and are brought here because of it. But as we go along, we begin, by and large, to realize there is much more to this place than that. There is a kinship. Not just as Redskins fans, but as people. We post and read. As we do so, we begin to recognize fellow members not just for their avatar and number of posts, but for their way of posting. Their way of sharing their opinion. We recognize not just the quality of post, but the personality behind it. A little bit of us, ( and in time, maybe alot of us), comes through the internet and reaches across the bandwidth and touches us. All the while, that sense of community begins to envelope us. We begin to realize that this community of ours is built on the foundations of that recognition. We start to care about some of those people whose comments we read. Friendships are forged and maintained. And as a result, we begin to care about the place where we have met those people who have become more than just a username. . Why? Because we recognize that these are real people behind the username. And as such, deserve the courtesy and respect that we show those we know and meet in the "real world".

This community of ours is a place built of hard work and love. One leads to the other. We love it, so we work hard to build it. Maintain it. Help it prosper. It becomes some place special. It becomes a part of our life. And so do many of those who post here. There is nothing wrong with that. If we let it, this place can become very special to us. Those closest to me, aside from my family, I met here. I admit it and am proud of it. This community becomes many things for many of us. First and foremost a place to come and talk about all things Redskins football. But it also becomes a home. A place for advice about love, homes, lawnmowers, ect. A refuge when things become tough in our lives outside this community. We may not always admit it, but it's fair to say that for some this place has helped us through some tough times. We may not always show it in our posts, but it is true none the less.

All this is a rather melodramatic way of saying that when posting this coming season, keep in mind that those you are talking to are members of a wonderful community. People first, usernames a distant second and they deserve courtesy and respect as such.

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ttAlright Art, since traffic will be busy you're probably running low on moderators. I'd like to formally open my candidacy to modship.

OBJECTIVE: To provide a more comfortable and organized poster atmosphere for everyone.

EDUCATION: Graduated with honors from Mavis Beacon Typing School.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Months of dedicated hours to reading and posting knowledgeable and analytical posts.

LANGUAGE: Speaks and writes English with a vague understanding of Julio

REFERENCES: Tarhog. He's that man.


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