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Ladies and Gentlemen...this is the beginning of World War III.


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Hey all...after observing the news reports and international reaction to the present situation in The Mid-East, it seems there are certain countries that find themselves in the middle of this current conflict. It includes factors that create a severe environment: for the Mideast, it's becoming a Holy War of sorts, as evidenced by Iran taking it's stand against Israeli policy and their fight against terrorism. For the global environment as a whole, terrorism is the antagonist here. And to serve as an allegory for where the United States stands, we have 25,000 troops trapped in the middle of it all.

Israel's lack of consideration for Lebanese territory has raised concern throughout the Arab world. No doubt, the Israeli/Palestinian struggle has been well-documented and monitored by the Arab nation, and opinions here are strong.

Our country has already taken it's stand against certain situations in the Middle East by our past policies of creating democracies in both Afghanistan and Iraq; beyond that, Israeli military might can be somewhat contributed to the US's support and relationship w/ Israel. Tie in global concerns for oil prices, quite literal spikes in the price of crude oil barrels, and our utter dependence on foreign oil, we are very, very much involved.

Next, Iran seems to be involved in this whole ordeal- Hezbollah was born within Iranian borders. They are now firing missiles that were manufactured by the Iranian government, causing quite a stir and a revelation of sorts that shows how involved certain countries are. As per Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel is threatening the entire Arab community, and he will be quick to react should they force their will on any more of their neighbors. W/ his outrageous claims that the holocaust never even existed, and his self-proclaimed nuclear capabilities, this guy is a loose cannon poised to take a stand.

Switch over to Syria, who undoubtedly will face the same aggression that Lebanon is now facing from Israel if they continue to harbor terrorists that threaten Israeli security and well-being.

This is, in fact, a war on terrorism. The problem w/ this type of warfare is that there is no stationary target to invade; they simply move within one weak governmental construct to the next, driving a stake in between the involved countries. Israel's aggression, conviction, and low-tolerance toward terrorism is healthy, if indeed directed straight at these terrorist cells. But when they start bombing another country to find these criminals, there will be a governmental reaction, and a domino-effect from there...and terrorism, much like a biblical pure-evil, starts the whole process.

Not too far away, there is an unstable situation in North Korea. It seems Kim Jong Il Is ready and waiting for a distracted global state; it is very possible that when he acts, many other countries will be involved w/ a rebuttal.

To fuel the fire a bit more, and to wind this little piece down- we find ourselves at a biblical crossroads. Through my points above, there is an undeniable feeling that aggression can escalate- to a holy level. A world-wide conflict, antagonized by terrorism- evil itself. Without direct reference, the bible states that at the end of things, we will be fighting in the geographic location that mankind itself began- in Mesopotamia; the fertile crescent; present-day Iraq. So lets all try to realize the global scope of the current news reports, and pay attention to the escalating situation.

And go 'Skins.

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Gee. It's been so long since someone's said this ;) . This concept is now running a close second to "lavar" threads in forum history :silly: . But alls fair in love and war. Bring 'em out again, boyz :laugh:

I hope the world doesn't end till after the season, though. I know that's shallow but I mean it. :point2sky

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I'm not sure, but I think this is about the 150th time that WWIII was "about to start!"

My bad ya'll. I don't post in the 'gate too often, so I didn't notice the surplus of these threads. But hopefully my though-out rhetoric was differentiating from other WWIII posts.

Go 'Skins.

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My bad ya'll. I don't post in the 'gate too often, so I didn't notice the surplus of these threads. But hopefully my though-out rhetoric was differentiating from other WWIII posts.

Go 'Skins.

You're fine freak :) . It was a fine-ly written post and it's a theme that will be on this fourm as long as it exists. I wouldn't mind seeing it less than a couple times a week even when there's Big News, but that's just me ;) . You're all good, bro, and your attitude is too :cheers:

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You're fine freak :) . It was a fine-ly written post and it's a theme that will be on this fourm as long as it exists. I wouldn't mind seeing it less than a couple times a week even when there's Big News, but that's just me ;) . You're all good, bro, and your attitude is too :cheers:

:cheers: Feelin' the Redskin community love, alive and well and living in the Tailgate!

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Wow! Never thought you would see so much love in a World War III thread!!;)

If the world were run like Extremeskins, there would never be any wars! (although a lot of countries would find themselves banned :D ).

Congrats on 3000!

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I'm only 35yrs old but I can't remember a time when the US had so many irons in the fire at once. Global tension is peaking right now and hopefully things can be worked out peacefully before things get out of hand.

Israel is in a tough situation. They're surrounded by countries that hate them for hundreds of different reasons. We've vowed to help them so if the ship hits the fan then our fan gets shat on as well. I remember during the first Gulf war when Saddam launched scuds at Israel it was all we could do to keep them from hitting back with a Nuke. Wait a minute, maybe that would have been a good thing. J/K A nuke by any country is a bad thing.

So my scheduled trip to the sandbox next spring may be rerouted to some other hotbed in the world. Tell you the truth Iraq sounds pretty good compared to Israel or S. Korea again. Why can't we all just get a long?

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I was just digging into my French onion dip and chips and I read This. Man you are full of upbeat news. I guess the world is going to end. Well I dont buy it. I much prefer the Hillary is gay stuff in the national enquirer than this is WWIII newsweek/ Time article crapola. Life is short lets enjoy it not remind us all that were all going to die.......now go away and lets play some Football. Go skins I love :dallasuck :applause: :):):) :2cents: :cool: :D:silly: ya.

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WWIII is a possibility. The oil has been heating in the frying pan for decades and you could even believe the first skirmishes have begun. When Millitant Islamists are bombing trainstations in London and Spain, when they conduct a 9/11 operation or attack embassies... that's a global attack. 9/11 stirred the American bear from hibernation and it thumped the Taliban, then it went into Iraq looking for more enemies. Did we stick our hand into a been hive. That's the analogy that fits for me. The terrorists in Iraq and Palestine and Lebanon and Syria up 'til now have been stinging bees. Painful. Israel and the U.S. have said, "No more" But especially against Israel, the bees keep stinging.

Now some people are afraid of bees and they wave their hands and make the bees more agitated and they get stung more. Some people hate bees and go out of their way to zap em. Others figure if you stay alone, the bees will ignore you. However, if you're stung often enough almost anyone will either leave or call the exterminator. Once that happens, it's not stings... it's you against the hive.

For the last several years, there's been a lot of stings and a lot of rhetoric. There's a lot of pent up anger at being stung. The bees are angry too. You have that much distrust, anger, and dissatifaction, mix in religous zealotry and insane leader and you have something very dangerous. I don't know how it plays out, but we could be entering WWIII.

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It might grow into a larger regional conflict but I don't see this as a world war in the sense that WWII was a world war. The sides aren't even close to being evenly matched. Israel is far too strong for any of their neighbors to handle as evidenced by Hezboolaboola's repeated claims that they are ready for war... being issued by a man hiding under his desk with his hands over his head in hopes that this posture will ward off a bomb.

Should the big bad Iran choose to flex it's muscle the US would release a mighty pimp slap heard round the world. There is simply no regional power capable of countering the US and Israel. People think Russia maybe but I think that just left over feelings from the cold war talking. Russia has too much (read: everything) to lose and nothing to gain from such a move.

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It might grow into a larger regional conflict but I don't see this as a world war in the sense that WWII was a world war. The sides aren't even close to being evenly matched. Israel is far too strong for any of their neighbors to handle as evidenced by Hezboolaboola's repeated claims that they are ready for war... being issued by a man hiding under his desk with his hands over his head in hopes that this posture will ward off a bomb.

Should the big bad Iran choose to flex it's muscle the US would release a mighty pimp slap heard round the world. There is simply no regional power capable of countering the US and Israel. People think Russia maybe but I think that just left over feelings from the cold war talking. Russia has too much (read: everything) to lose and nothing to gain from such a move.

Russia may not have the muscle to fight the U.S or Isreal,But China does..!China is estimated to have an army of over 200 million...Uh......Uh......That's alot?

China and Russia both are backing Iran right now....Who's to say if we retaliate on an Iran invasion or WMD to Isreal,that Either Russia or China would not defend their Allies....or Both?

What do I think is going to happen?


I think somehow Iran will enter this war as Syria just has...Iran's president (Nutcase) will do anything to destroy Isreal without consequence!That will in turn bring in the U.S.,who considers Iran an Axis of Evil...(remember?)

We will then Bomb the **** out of Iran with the help of Isreal(if we need any?)

Then comes China!An oil parter of Iran...They will bring their Powerful forces towards Isreal to help out Iran...THEN YOUR FIRST NUCLEAR BOMB OR BIOLOGICAL/CHEMICAL WEAPON WILL BE USED...!It would have to be to stop a wave of an army like China...

Then Russia will enter the Mix as well...Also an oil partner as well with Iran...(and you know we can't trust anything China or Russia are saying anyways!!)

So do I think we are in world war 3 right now?I don't think so...I know so! :doh:

Don't mean to put the Cuban chrisis fear in anybody right now,but now would be a good time to start stalking those cabinets full of food!! :2cents:

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