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Ladies and Gentlemen...this is the beginning of World War III.


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"Last year after Bush was re-elected I sat in my bed all day."

:laugh: "Waah!! All the world's problems are Bush's fault! If Kerry was elected the Iranians would be our best friends, Hizbullah and Hamas would love the Jews, and we would have chocolate rivers, money falling from the sky, free health care for all and pixie stick houses!!"


My advice is rent a few DVDs- because you will be in bed all day long on November 7, 2008 as well.

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Last year after Bush was re-elected I sat in my bed all day. The thing that got me up was the notion that things couldn't get any worst. I was completely wrong. I want to thank all the fools that voted along party lines, or punk enough to believe this fool( George Bush for the fools who don't know the fool I'm talking about) made our county safer. Say hello to oblivion.

:laugh: Did you really just admit to that??? :doh:

My advice is rent a few DVDs- because you will be in bed all day long on November 7, 2008 as well.


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Jonah Goldberg sums up my comments succinctly: www.nationalreviewonline.com

WWIV rather than WWIII

I thought Newt Gingrich did a very good job making the case that we're at the dawn of World War Three on Meet the Press today. My only caveat is that I think those who argue this is World War Four (Norman Podhoretz, James Woolsey et al) have a better argument. According to this view, the Cold War was WWIII. I like this formulation because A) it recognizes what a monumental effort the Cold War really was and B) it provides for more creative thinking about the predicament we're in now.

When you say "World War Three" the average person conjures the image of World War II. But the Cold War is the more relevant episode. The Cold War certainly involved bloodshed (Korea, Vietnam, etc) but it also involved aggressive efforts across a wide variety of fronts including public diplomacy, intelligence, propaganda (the good kind) etc. We understood that we were in a battle of ideas and values as much as a battle of blood and territory. Indeed, the stakes during the Cold War were arguably higher than those of the second World War because nuclear annihilation was in the cards. That, it seems to me, is a better prism through which we should see the current predicament. Domino theory and public diplomacy had fairly minor roles in World War II. But such considerations are central to our understanding of today's challenges. Of course, tthe Cold War analogy fails in some important respects as it was mostly a contest between states. But all analogies fail in important respects, that's why they're analogies.

Meanwhile, the advantage of calling all this World War Three is that it's easier to understand and takes less explanation. Most people don't think of the Cold War as a war so much as an effort to avoid one. But I think it's worth educating the public on why this wasn't the case.

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This is absolutely NOT WWIII. In fact, to call this WWIII is an insult to our greatest generation and denigrates all of their accomplishments.

To have a WW, you must have opposing superpowers. In this case, all of the world's superpowers are on the same side. They all frown upon Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions, just differ in how to deal with it. They all agree that North Korea is a problem, just haven't come up with a solution yet. They all agree that Israel has a right to defend herself and all ask Israel to use restraint. Sorry, but the USA, China, Russia, and the European Union all against N. Korea and Iran is NOT a WW. It would be more of a beat down.

There is only one reason why Newt is claiming this to be WWIII: because we have an election coming up and he wants to scare the hell out of the Republican base so they come out and vote for the same incompetents who have been screwing up for the last 5 years.

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David Pryce-Jones, www.nationalreview.com

"Hamas and Hezbollah are now trying their very best to kill Jews, and the response of the world is either to advise the Jews to respond with proportion or to condemn them. It is extraordinary that once again so many people are unable to distinguish between the victimiser and the victim. Israelis have been kidnapped from their country. Is it really wrong to take protective and punitive measures against terror?

Tehran is responsible for all the violence. Fascist murderers run Iran, and their intentions are identical to those of Hitler’s Germany. Even the language, with its creepy metaphors about Jews as insects or bloodsuckers, is a Thirties repeat. They must be calculating that this is the moment to show that God is with them and will ensure victory. President Ahmadinejad loves images about giving the Zionist tree a little shake because that is enough to uproot it. He and the ayatollahs have wished this violence on the region, absolutely indifferent to the fact that many Muslims - Palestinians and Lebanese – will be killed. That’s fascist murder for you. No doubt they also calculate that the uproar created by the Jews defending themselves will distract everyone’s attention from the Iranian nuclear program.

Israel is not rampaging in Gaza or Lebanon, but pushing back the Iranian front-line. It may have to go quite deep into Lebanon to clear Hezbollah out, and reestablish a buffer zone, and prove that Iranian fascism has its limits. It may have to deal with Syria, another fascist slum as well as Iran’s second line. And when, one wonders, will the Muslim populations realize that they can perfectly well live with the Jews, but under their self-appointed fascist masters they have no choice except to submit to a bigoted racist war, and die pointlessly in it."

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"To have a WW, you must have opposing superpowers"

Ah, I guess that explains Italy being part of the Axis powers then? Because we all know what a huge superpower they were. How about Bulgaria and Rumania who were on the German side?

And I guess a country of 72 million people (Iran is larger than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan) with

1. the world's second most oil reserves

2. nuclear weapons

in your mind is not a superpower?

Brilliant analysis..

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This is absolutely NOT WWIII. In fact, to call this WWIII is an insult to our greatest generation and denigrates all of their accomplishments.

To have a WW, you must have opposing superpowers. In this case, all of the world's superpowers are on the same side. They all frown upon Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions, just differ in how to deal with it. They all agree that North Korea is a problem, just haven't come up with a solution yet. They all agree that Israel has a right to defend herself and all ask Israel to use restraint. Sorry, but the USA, China, Russia, and the European Union all against N. Korea and Iran is NOT a WW. It would be more of a beat down.

There is only one reason why Newt is claiming this to be WWIII: because we have an election coming up and he wants to scare the hell out of the Republican base so they come out and vote for the same incompetents who have been screwing up for the last 5 years.

I agree with you for the most part.

I would like to make a point to think about though...

Given the fact that these fundamentalist terrorists groups spread themselves throughout any and all countries with a weak gov't lacking a legitimate military to protect themselves, it can fairly be said that MANY countries are involved here. All of which need outside help (UN, US, etc) to eliminate the terror groups within their borders. Sadly and very unfortunately, NONE of these occupied countries have the capabilities of pulling off a military operation like this single-handedly. THEY NEED HELP.

When bundle a list of all the countries that are occupied against their will and can't fight off the terrorists themselves, I'm willing to bet that the list will come close to 2 dozen. Now God forbid, let's say these terror groups become stronger within these counties and take over the gov't like we've seen in the Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Syria, Libya and most noteably Afghanistan. What then? YOu end up with a big terrorist organization that is located strategically ALL OVER the world, with the ability to strike any of their bordering countries. That terrorist organization is what we have come to know as Al Qeada.

I'm very troubled at out country being so divided on this issue. I don't think that many liberals and leftists and democrats fully grasp what's going on here. I really don't. I for one am a democrat at heart. But I'm also a logical man who looks at issues from the outside. I don't make my decisions based on party affiliation. I based them on the facts. The fact is, we can't afford to allow this spread of terrorist groups to move any further than it has. This is an issue that has built up over a strong 13 year period. Clinton sat on his hands. Bush Sr did what he could be relatively speaking, he could only do so much because the issue wasn't as it is today.

So yes, I'm very troubled. And what Newt Gingrich siad over the weekend was not a msg to the world about calling this world war 3. It was a msg to America and all of our congressmen. He is simply saying... "Look, we've got a huge problem that is not going away. Like it or not... believe it or not... this IS a world war. Now who's side are you on?"

And he's right. Everyone needs to check themselves and take a gut check. Who's side are you on? I'm not a fear monger or conspiracy theorist. This is reality. On a daily basis Nor Korea, Iran, Syria and all the terrorist organizations call us out and talk trash. And we sit here and do nothing, waiting to be hit because that's the only way any leftist democrat will ever allow us to defend ourselves. THAT'S A PROBLEM!!! We can't sit and wait anymore. It's clear that these groups want us dead. So why are we sitting here just patiently waiting to get hit? We gotta protect ourselves offensively.

Pony up you democraps!!!

We have to get rid of this problem.

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David Pryce-Jones, www.nationalreview.com

"Hamas and Hezbollah are now trying their very best to kill Jews, and the response of the world is either to advise the Jews to respond with proportion or to condemn them. It is extraordinary that once again so many people are unable to distinguish between the victimiser and the victim. Israelis have been kidnapped from their country. Is it really wrong to take protective and punitive measures against terror?

Tehran is responsible for all the violence. Fascist murderers run Iran, and their intentions are identical to those of Hitler’s Germany. Even the language, with its creepy metaphors about Jews as insects or bloodsuckers, is a Thirties repeat. They must be calculating that this is the moment to show that God is with them and will ensure victory. President Ahmadinejad loves images about giving the Zionist tree a little shake because that is enough to uproot it. He and the ayatollahs have wished this violence on the region, absolutely indifferent to the fact that many Muslims - Palestinians and Lebanese – will be killed. That’s fascist murder for you. No doubt they also calculate that the uproar created by the Jews defending themselves will distract everyone’s attention from the Iranian nuclear program.

Israel is not rampaging in Gaza or Lebanon, but pushing back the Iranian front-line. It may have to go quite deep into Lebanon to clear Hezbollah out, and reestablish a buffer zone, and prove that Iranian fascism has its limits. It may have to deal with Syria, another fascist slum as well as Iran’s second line. And when, one wonders, will the Muslim populations realize that they can perfectly well live with the Jews, but under their self-appointed fascist masters they have no choice except to submit to a bigoted racist war, and die pointlessly in it."


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One of the best posts I have read on this site. :cheers:

I don't care what a person's political persuasion is- EVERY American needs to realize the threat we are facing. Having an Iran with nuclear weapons would change the map of the world overnight.

Iran, Syria, Palestinian Authority, Hizbollah, Al-Queda in Pakistan/Afghanistan, North Korea, Venezuela..

It is more dangerous than the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Unfortunately the democratic politicians either do not want to face the challenge, or don't believe it.

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And he's right. Everyone needs to check themselves and take a gut check. Who's side are you on? I'm not a fear monger or conspiracy theorist. This is reality. On a daily basis Nor Korea, Iran, Syria and all the terrorist organizations call us out and talk trash. And we sit here and do nothing, waiting to be hit because that's the only way any leftist democrat will ever allow us to defend ourselves. THAT'S A PROBLEM!!! We can't sit and wait anymore. It's clear that these groups want us dead. So why are we sitting here just patiently waiting to get hit? We gotta protect ourselves offensively.

Pony up you democraps!!!

We have to get rid of this problem.

Name-calling and playing politics are not going to solve the problem.

I think everyone recognizes there is a problem. Nobody seems to provide any solutions. Reading through this thread, I get the impression that our only two options are:

(1) Nuke everyone.

(2) Do nothing.

There is a lot more that can be done in between, and military aggression is not always the answer. Republicans currently control every branch of government, yet we are not raising a huge army to invade Iran ... That's because the Republican leadership isn't stupid either. They realize that diplomacy does have a role in all this, and that as powerful as our military is, we can't take the responsibility of world policeman.

I think any rational American would have to admit that there is a serious problem. Where we disagree is what we want to do about it.

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I certainly hope its the beginning of WWIII...we are on top right now the only world superpower...can't think of a better situtation to be in going into a WW. Only a handful of countries have nukes and fewer can deliver them. I say we go kick some tale secure some oil and drive around on .50/gal gas like the good ole days! :cheers:


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Guest sith lord
Everyone needs to check themselves and take a gut check. Who's side are you on? I'm not a fear monger or conspiracy theorist. This is reality. On a daily basis Nor Korea, Iran, Syria and all the terrorist organizations call us out and talk trash. And we sit here and do nothing, waiting to be hit because that's the only way any leftist democrat will ever allow us to defend ourselves. THAT'S A PROBLEM!!! We can't sit and wait anymore. It's clear that these groups want us dead. So why are we sitting here just patiently waiting to get hit? We gotta protect ourselves offensively.

Pony up you democraps!!!

We have to get rid of this problem.

Pony up you democrats? Last checked, the republicans were calling all the shots. And I too think we could be on the verge of WWIII.

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Guest sith lord
I certainly hope its the beginning of WWIII...we are on top right now the only world superpower...can't think of a better situtation to be in going into a WW. Only a handful of countries have nukes and fewer can deliver them. I say we go kick some tale secure some oil and drive around on .50/gal gas like the good ole days! :cheers:


Yeah, as long as it's not taking place over here I suppose. And with statements like that, we wonder why this country is hated.

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I certainly hope its the beginning of WWIII...we are on top right now the only world superpower...can't think of a better situtation to be in going into a WW. Only a handful of countries have nukes and fewer can deliver them. I say we go kick some tale secure some oil and drive around on .50/gal gas like the good ole days! :cheers:


Umm ... the last time there was a World War, the most powerful countries in the world were in Europe, and only after that war did we become a superpower. The same things have happenned in large conflicts throughout history. War means a shifting of power, which is exactly what we don't want.

If a World War breaks out and we are in the middle of it, I think it will result in the rise of China ... no .50 gas, but plenty of .50 egg rolls. :2cents:

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the point is that the LEFT in America are the ones saying there is no threat. that it is Bush's fault. EVEN ON THIS THREAD THEY SAY THAT!!

So our government is hamstrung to a certain degree. Although we certainly are pressing the war on terror much harder than Howard Dean would.

Seriously, you think Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, John Kerry and Howie are going to face down Iran?!! :laugh:

It would be nice if all politicians would state the obvious: that a nuclear armed Iran is a mortal threat to the country and that we will do anything necessary to stop that from becoming reality....

Iran is the head of the snake- and we can not win the war on terror if they are able to get a nuke..

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Umm ... the last time there was a World War, the most powerful countries in the world were in Europe, and only after that war did we become a superpower. The same things have happenned in large conflicts throughout history. War means a shifting of power, which is exactly what we don't want.

If a World War breaks out and we are in the middle of it, I think it will result in the rise of China ... no .50 gas, but plenty of .50 egg rolls. twocents.gif

Thats because the war was fought in their countries. I believe the next one will be fought "over their" as well. No one is capable of invading out country...nukes are another thing but if that breaks out there are no winners.


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some other smart guys brought up the point that "who actually announces a world war has begun?"

in 1914 it was Russia, Germany, Britain and France that declared war on each other. that is actually "Europe"- and not the "world". Yet somehow we have WWI from 1914-1918.

when Japan began bombing China in 1933 was that part of WWII? what about when Germany was fighting the Soviet Union in Spain in 1936/37? Or Italy invading Ethiopia in 1935?

when you have bombs going off in Bali, Madrid, London, New York, Istanbul, Lebanon, Iraq, Israel, Bombay- I would think that classifies as "the world"..

when you have a fascist Islamic ideological force which wants to see "world domination of the Umma and a global Caliphate"- I think that qualifies as a world war..

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And he's right. Everyone needs to check themselves and take a gut check. Who's side are you on? I'm not a fear monger or conspiracy theorist. This is reality. On a daily basis Nor Korea, Iran, Syria and all the terrorist organizations call us out and talk trash. And we sit here and do nothing, waiting to be hit because that's the only way any leftist democrat will ever allow us to defend ourselves. THAT'S A PROBLEM!!! We can't sit and wait anymore. It's clear that these groups want us dead. So why are we sitting here just patiently waiting to get hit? We gotta protect ourselves offensively.

Pony up you democraps!!!

We have to get rid of this problem.

There are few posts that annoy me as much as this kind to stupid ****. Blaming liberal democrats for what you see as inaction by the US? The GOP has full control and has had it for a long time. They are calling all the shots that don't need more then a simple majority. If you don't like what the US is doing now then blame the GOP because no one else has any control over it.

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"Should the big bad Iran choose to flex it's muscle the US would release a mighty pimp slap heard round the world. There is simply no regional power capable of countering the US and Israel."

Oh really? You think Howard Dean is going to be cheering on a "p!mp slap" to a nuclear armed Iran?!!

Talking tough is nice on the internet, but is no substitute for a realistic foreign and defense policy.

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Last year after Bush was re-elected I sat in my bed all day. The thing that got me up was the notion that things couldn't get any worst. I was completely wrong. I want to thank all the fools that voted along party lines, or punk enough to believe this fool( George Bush for the fools who don't know the fool I'm talking about) made our county safer. Say hello to oblivion.
lesser of two evils my friend, to this day id rather have bush than kerry.

we need a good presidential candidate for once and it doesnt look like 2008 is shaping up good either for america...

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the point is that the LEFT in America are the ones saying there is no threat. ..

Comments like this are why everyone here, including those on the right, keep telling you that you are a partisan hack who doesn't think for himself. You are profoundly wrong per usual.

AFC, quit telling lefties like myself (incorrectly) what lefties think. It's not your place and it's obviously not an area of expertise for you. You are a perfect example of the type of lemming Rush Limbaugh manipulates. If you truely want Republicans to win the next election, do them a favor and shut up because you make them look bad with every post. :2cents:

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