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Respecting The Rings


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I think this would really help us to sign needed free agents.

"Brandon, hey its Dan Snyder, listen. We really want you to play for our team, and im willing to pay you good money, but FIRST, we are going to humiliate you. Whaddaya say?"

Its not meant to be humiliating, its meant to be an initiation, an honor of the tradition of the Washington Redskins, a show of respect for the blood and wars previous Redskins have gone through to bring Lombardis to this town.

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Its not meant to be humiliating, its meant to be an initiation, an honor of the tradition of the Washington Redskins, a show of respect for the blood and wars previous Redskins have gone through to bring Lombardis to this town.

I'm thinking it's more of a town than a city, actually. It might even be a district. :)

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Well Riggo, I see you have finally revealed your age and I would like to officially extend the offer to pay for your rehab. On a side note, how have you not been relegated to the No New Threads group yet. This is #152 of your terrible ideas for a thread and that's just in the last week. I would reply to the topic but I can't take a dump on the screen. :cheers:

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This isn't the Mafia man. So I guess Joe Gibbs in the Don. Joe Bugel is his righthand man. And the other guys are his generals. The Redskins Mafia that has a ring to it.

We sure about that? :silly::D


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man this is pretty mental...not in a good way. Zod did come to mind :laugh: good one. another absurdity.

Trust me when I say this... Gibbs would laugh at you for this Riggo. True men respect Gibbs.

Look at Portis, a young guy that questioned the system and playcalling comming in..but as he grew a little, and matured, the honor of playing for a man and a mind like Gibbs and his coaches came to fruition.

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Riggo, the next time you have a thought, let it go. :)

Dont let it go let everyone hear what you have to say. You have that right. If its stupid are not. I like this thread so keep it up man.

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You seem to have this strange belief that the team is not training hard enough, the players aren't mentally tough enough, and that the players don't have enough respect for Gibbs and his staff.

Gibbs and his staff know more about training, mental toughness, and respect than you understand. Trust me. The kissing the rings thing, that's crazy talk.

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You seem to have this strange belief that the team is not training hard enough, the players aren't mentally tough enough, and that the players don't have enough respect for Gibbs and his staff.

Gibbs and his staff know more about training, mental toughness, and respect than you understand. Trust me. The kissing the rings thing, that's crazy talk.

I just have an awful feeling we are being out worked by Dallas and Philly this offseason.

The modern player needs to see something in front of their eyes, like the rings, to really buy into the program from day 1.

Sometimes its good to be humbled, you know what I mean?

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Well Riggo, I see you have finally revealed your age and I would like to officially extend the offer to pay for your rehab. On a side note, how have you not been relegated to the No New Threads group yet. This is #152 of your terrible ideas for a thread and that's just in the last week. I would reply to the topic but I can't take a dump on the screen. :cheers:

How about this...I'll ask Larry Michael if he thinks Gibbs would go for an idea like this. If Michael says no, I won't post any new threads until the start of preseason, and if I do then it will be strictly X's and O's. Sound fair?

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I just have an awful feeling we are being out worked by Dallas and Philly this offseason.

The modern player needs to see something in front of their eyes, like the rings, to really buy into the program from day 1.

Sometimes its good to be humbled, you know what I mean?

And you don't think that the 3 Lombardi trophies humble them when the walk in the doors of Redskins park?

If last season taught me anything, it taught me that this team had the utmost respect for each and every other Redskin. They fought hard not only to go to the playoffs but they fought just as hard so that they wouldn't let each other down.

Furthermore, I think the team showed that they were very well prepared both physically and mentally to sustain an excellent run at the end of the season. This offseason's program is very similar to last year so, in my mind, there isn't much to worry about.

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How about this...I'll ask Larry Michael if he thinks Gibbs would go for an idea like this. If Michael says no, I won't post any new threads until the start of preseason, and if I do then it will be strictly X's and O's. Sound fair?

I'm not sure what is more troublesome....that you are serious about this idea or that you honestly think that Larry Micheal or Gibbs would actually think its a good idea as well.

But yeah, go ahead and ask Larry. No threads from you until preseason will be nice.

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