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Respecting The Rings


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What do you all think of implementing this ceremony at training camp each season for all new free agents and draft picks...

I think all new players at camp for the Washington Redskins should be required to get on one knee and literally kiss each of the Super Bowl rings on the fingers of Joe Gibbs, Don Breaux, Ernest Byner, Joe Bugel, Jack Burns, et al. They should feel fortunate to be in their mere presence.

This will begin their indoctrination into the program and begin to develop the warrior and respect mentality from the get go. Parcells has his first round picks be his waterboy for the summer, so I think we should do something similar to put these guys egos in their place.

The mission, the sole objective, should be the Ring.

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Does Joe Gibbs even wear his Super Bowl rings? I thought he wasn't wearing them, in part to express the notion that he hasn't done anything yet in this second go-round. Anyway, I think a "kiss the ring" ceremony is unnecessary.

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Its the offseason guys lighten the F up. If it were the regular season, Id agree and say "Hey, why are you cluttering up the front page with mindless babble?" but again, its the offseason and there really isnt much to talk about. Everything worth talking about gets run into the ground in multiple threads during the offseason. I got an idea, lets have another discussion about Taylors plea deal, or Pattens status with the team. Or perhaps you would like the more intellectually stimulating conversation on how the shadow on Jason Campbells upper lip is effecting his throwing motion in OTA's.

Quit getting bent out of shape because someone post's a mindless thread, just dont read it. :rolleyes:

BY the way, You would never believe the dream I had about the Redskins....We were playing the Dallas Cowboys and their new and improved offensive line! We had 3=549584yds of offense in the first half alone! Clinton Portis had 2312.36 yds and Santana Moss caught 4 passes for 297 yards, 1ft, 3inches. Then, right after the game, I saw ALL of the Redskins... get this, IN A BOWLING ALLEY IN THE VIP OF LOVE (FORMERLY DREAM). Everyone was great, shaking hands, doing endzone dances, I was in such shock! Wowee Zowee! :doh: :doh: :silly:

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It's like RR is a Skins troll, bent on dishing out stupid threads and retarded posts on a Skins site.

Do what you do best....

Just go do it on an Eagle/Cowboy/Giant forum. Cause your kinda Corky.

If you can't hack what I have to say, ignore me. But don't question my loyalty to the Skins boy, they are fighting words. Don't try and bait me either, its not going to work.

I just think we need to train harder, and we need more respect from the get go for the coaches of the team, so we never have any future occurances of the problems we had with Lavar and ST getting with the program.

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Riggo -- you didn't take my advice the first time, hopefully you'll take it the second time. Please stop making these retarded threads. This is the worst thread I've seen in a long time...

I wouldn't have to make these threads if there were more people who agreed that we need to invoke a bit of fear and awe into new free agents and draft picks.

Look at how ST behaved as a rookie and after his rookie season, we don't want future repeats. They need to be trained and indoctrinated from the moment they come into Redskins Park.

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Does Joe Gibbs even wear his Super Bowl rings? I thought he wasn't wearing them, in part to express the notion that he hasn't done anything yet in this second go-round. Anyway, I think a "kiss the ring" ceremony is unnecessary.

He doesn't, and he doesn't have to...but I think the first day of camp he should. That's really what gets these guys attention these days, and they need to show their respect and subordinance to him immediately IMO.

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Can we sticky this thread? This is the ****ing funniest thing I've read on here in a long time.

Here's what I picture:

Gibbs in a dark film room surrounded by a pentagram. With a dark black robe on. With his trademark "R" hat and glasses. Each player is summoned by one of the assistants. Probably Bugel because he's kind of cool enough to be a sidekick. He walks into Randle El's locker.

"He's ready.."

He leads Randle El into the room. Gibbs is muttering in Latin. Randle El gets on one knee and Gibbs says "Do you understand why you're here?"... "Yes master" ... "Do you understand the MISSION" ... "Yes master" ... Gibbs sticks his hand out "Respect the Ring." And Randle El kisses it. Then Gibbs places his hand on his head and Randle El faints.

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Can we sticky this thread? This is the ****ing funniest thing I've read on here in a long time.

Here's what I picture:

Gibbs in a dark film room surrounded by a pentagram. With a dark black robe on. With his trademark "R" hat and glasses. Each player is summoned by one of the assistants. Probably Bugel because he's kind of cool enough to be a sidekick. He walks into Randle El's locker.

"He's ready.."

He leads Randle El into the room. Gibbs is muttering in Latin. Randle El gets on one knee and Gibbs says "Do you understand why you're here?"... "Yes master" ... "Do you understand the MISSION" ... "Yes master" ... Gibbs sticks his hand out "Respect the Ring." And Randle El kisses it. Then Gibbs places his hand on his head and Randle El faints.


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Can we sticky this thread? This is the ****ing funniest thing I've read on here in a long time.

Here's what I picture:

Gibbs in a dark film room surrounded by a pentagram. With a dark black robe on. With his trademark "R" hat and glasses. Each player is summoned by one of the assistants. Probably Bugel because he's kind of cool enough to be a sidekick. He walks into Randle El's locker.

"He's ready.."

He leads Randle El into the room. Gibbs is muttering in Latin. Randle El gets on one knee and Gibbs says "Do you understand why you're here?"... "Yes master" ... "Do you understand the MISSION" ... "Yes master" ... Gibbs sticks his hand out "Respect the Ring." And Randle El kisses it. Then Gibbs places his hand on his head and Randle El faints.

Precisely. We need a type of initiation ceremony so that the mentality and focus are there from the get go.

I don't know about the pentagram, but there should be a large cross in the background.

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